Kumai: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox ancient site
|name = Cumae
[[Berkas:Cuma resti.jpg|thumb|250px|Reruntuhan Cumae.]]
|native_name = Κύμη / Κύμαι / Κύμα<br/>Cuma
'''Cumae''' adalah pemukiman kuno yang terdapat di barat laut [[Naples]] di daerah [[Campania]], [[Italia]]. Cumae merupakan koloni Yunani pertama di daratan [[Yunani besar]] dan terkenal karena adanya [[Sibyl Cumae]].
|alternate_name =
|image = Cumae acropolis seen from lower city AvL.JPG
|alt =
|caption = The [[acropolis]] of Cumae seen from the lower city.
|map_type = Italy
|map_alt =
|latd = 40
|latm = 50
|lats = 55
|latNS = N
|longd = 14
|longm = 3
|longs = 13
|longEW = E
|coordinates_display = title
|location = Cuma, [[Province of Naples]], [[Campania]], Italy
|region = [[Magna Graecia]]
|type = Settlement
|part_of =
|length =
|width =
|area =
|height =
|builder = Colonists from [[Euboea]]
|material =
|built = 8th century BC
|abandoned = 1207 AD
|epochs = [[Archaic Greece|Archaic Greek]] to [[High Middle Ages|High Medieval]]
|cultures =
|dependency_of =
|occupants = [[Cumaean Sibyl]], [[Gaius Blossius]]
|event = [[Battle of Cumae]]
|excavations =
|archaeologists =
|condition =
|ownership =
|management = Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Campania
|public_access =
|website = [http://cir.campania.beniculturali.it/archeocuma/ Sito Archeologico di Cuma] {{it icon}}
|notes =
'''Cumae''' ({{lang-grc|Κύμη|(Kumē)}} atau {{lang|grc|Κύμαι}} {{transl|grc|''(Kumai)''}} atau {{lang|grc|Κύμα}} {{transl|grc|''(Kuma)''}};<ref>[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0072%3Aentry%3D*ku%2Fma Perseus: Κύ̂μα]</ref> {{lang-it|Cuma}}) adalah pemukiman kuno yang terdapat di barat laut [[Naples]] di daerah [[Campania]], [[Italia]]. Cumae merupakan koloni Yunani pertama di daratan [[Yunani besar]] dan terkenal karena adanya [[Sibyl Cumae]].
== Galeri ==
File:Cumae acropolis wall AvL.JPG | The walls of the acropolis
File:Cumae Temple of Apollo AvL.JPG | The Temple of [[Apollo]]
File:Cumae Temple of Diana.JPG | The Temple of [[Diana (mythology)|Diana]]
File:Cumae Temple of Jupiter entrance AvL.JPG | The Temple of Zeus
File:Cumae northern side of acropolis seen from west AvL.JPG | Acropolis seen from west
== Notes and references ==
[[Kategori:Yunani Kuno]]