[DeputyWakil DirectorDirektur] - Erik Moeller willakan becomemenjadi Wakil Direktur WMF's. DeputyHal Director,ini whichdiumumkan wassetelah announcedpengunduran afterdiri Erik'sresignationdari from the BoardDewan. On Butir Foundation-l thediangkat pointbahwa wasuntuk raisedfungsi thatyang forbaru thisdiciptakan newlyini createdtidak functiondibuat nopengumuman publickepada announcementkhalayak wasagar madedapat formengajukan peoplecalon-calon tomereka submituntuk therejabatan candidacyini. forJuga thisperpindahan function.dari Alsoposisi thetak movedibayar fromsebagai theanggota unpaiddewan positionke asdalam boardfungsi memberyang tobaru adan new, paid,dibayar functionmenimbulkan raisedsejumlah questionspertanyaan. Sue Gardner, ExecutiveDirektur DirectorEksekutif WMF anddan newbos boss ofbaru Erik, clarifiedmenjelaskan thepemilihan choicedan and procedureprosedurnya. KeyAspek-aspek aspectsutamanya wereialah thatbahwa Erik - becausekarena oflatar hisbelakang professional backgroundprofesionalnya, community backgroundlatar andbelakang technicalkomunitas knowledgedan ofpengetahuan theteknisnya technicaltentang sidesisi ofoperasi WMF operations - ismerupakan ahal-hal veryyang usefulsangat additionmembantu tobagi thestaf WMF staffyang whotidak havemempunyai nolatar WMFbelakang communitykomunitas backgroundWMF. The WMF ismasih stillmencari lookingorang-orang foruntuk peoplefungsi-fungsi fortertentu someuntuk functions for thekantor San Francisco office.
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation/23208 -- AnnouncementPengumuman byoleh Sue Gardner
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation/23275 -- clarificationpenjelasan byoleh Sue Gardner
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation/23227 -- reservationskekhawatiran abouttentang hal ini it
http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Job_openings -- functionsjabatan-jabatan stillyang masih lowong open
[Fundraiser] - The fundraiser of the Wikimedia Foundation has been extended until January 3, 2008. It was scheduled to end on december 22, 2007, but extended to be able to cover the holidays as well. This is to benefited from the people in the USA who look at the last days of the year for a good cause to donated to get a tax deduction. The fundraiser started October 22, and is now already the longest fundraiser ever. The current balance is around 1.25 million US dollar.