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Baris 1:
{{Infobox mineral
| name = Hematit
| category = [[Mineral oksida]]
| boxwidth =
| boxbgcolor =
| image = Hematite.jpg
| imagesize =
| caption = Hematit dari [[Michigan]]
| strunz = 04.CB.05
| formula = [[besi(III) oksida]], Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, α-Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>
| symmetry = Trigonal hexagonal scalenohedral<br/>[[Simbol H-M]]: ({{overline|3}}2/m) <br/>[[Kelompok ruang]]: R{{overline|3}}c
| unit cell = a = 5.038(2) Å, c = 13.772(12) Å; Z = 6
| color = Abu-abu metalik, kusam hingga merah menyala<!--
| habit = Tabular to thick crystals; micaceous or platy, commonly in rosettes; radiating fibrous, reniform, botryoidal or stalactitic masses, columnar; earthy, granular, oolitic-->
| system = [[Trigonal]]<!--
| twinning = Penetration and lamellar
| cleavage = None, may show partings on {0001} and {10{{overline|1}}1}
| fracture = Uneven to sub-conchoidal
| tenacity = Brittle-->
| mohs = 5.5–6.5<!--
| luster = Metallic to splendent-->
| refractive = n<sub>ω</sub> = 3.150–3.220, n<sub>ε</sub> = 2.870–2.940
| opticalprop = Uniaksial (-)
| birefringence = δ = 0.280
| pleochroism = O = merah kecoklatan; E = merah kekuningan
| streak = Merah menyala hingga merah gelap
| gravity = 5.26
| density =
| melt =
| fusibility =
| diagnostic =
| solubility =
| diaphaneity = Buram
| other =
| references = <ref name=HBM>{{cite book|editor=Anthony, John W.; Bideaux, Richard A.; Bladh, Kenneth W. and Nichols, Monte C. |title= Handbook of Mineralogy|publisher= Mineralogical Society of America|place= Chantilly, VA, US|url=|format=PDF|chapter=Hematite |accessdate=December 5, 2011|isbn=0962209724 |volume=III (Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides)}}</ref><ref>[ Hematite]. Retrieved on 2011-06-22.</ref><ref>[ Hematite]. Retrieved on 2011-06-22.</ref>
'''Hematit''' adalah bentuk [[mineral]] [[besi(III) oksida]] (Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>). Hematit mengkristalisasi dalam sistem [[rombohedral]], dan memiliki struktur kristal yang sama dengan [[ilmenit]] dan [[korundum]]. Hematit dan ilmenit membentuk [[larutan padat]] pada suhu 950 °C.