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Baris 8:
== Membran sel eukariot ==
Pada sel [[eukariota]], membran sel yang membungkus [[organel|organel-organel]] di dalamnya, terbentuk dari dua macam [[senyawa organik|senyawa]] yaitu [[lipid]] dan [[protein]], umumnya berjenis [[fosfolipid]] seperti senyawa antara [[fosfatidil etanolamina]] dan [[kolesterol]],<ref name="jk cm" /> yang membentuk struktur dengan dua lapisan<ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Basic Neurochemistry - Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
| author = George J Siegel, Bernard W Agranoff, R Wayne Albers, Stephen K Fisher, dan Michael D Uhler.
| work = Edward Hines Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, University of Michigan, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Mental Health Research Institute
| isbn = 0-397-51820-X
| edition = 6
| year = 1999
| page = Phospholipid Bilayers
| publisher = Lippincott-Raven
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-19
}}</ref> dengan [[permeabilitas]] tertentu sehingga tidak semua [[molekul]] dapat melalui membran sel, namun di sela-sela [[molekul]] fosfolipid tersebut, terdapat [[permease|transporter]] yang merupakan jalur masuk dan keluarnya [[zat|zat-zat]] yang dibutuhkan dan tidak dibutuhkan oleh sel.
Baris 69:
Banyaknya molekul yang masuk dan keluar membran menyebabkan terciptanya lalu lintas membran. Lalu lintas membran digolongkan menjadi dua cara, yaitu dengan transpor pasif untuk molekul-molekul yang mampu melalui membran tanpa mekanisme khusus dan transpor aktif untuk molekul yang membutuhkan mekanisme khusus. Lalu lintas membran akan membuat perbedaan konsentrasi ion sebagai akibat dari dua proses yang berbeda yaitu [[difusi]] dan [[transpor aktif]], yang dikenal sebagai gradien ion.<ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Basic Neurochemistry - Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
| author = George J Siegel, Bernard W Agranoff, R Wayne Albers, Stephen K Fisher, dan Michael D Uhler.
| work = Edward Hines Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, University of Michigan, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Mental Health Research Institute
| isbn = 0-397-51820-X
| edition = 6
| year = 1999
| page = Transport Processes
| publisher = Lippincott-Raven
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-22
}}</ref> Lebih lanjut, gradien ion tersebut membuat sel memiliki [[tegangan listrik]] seluler. Dalam keadaan istirahat, [[sitoplasma]] sel memiliki tegangan antara 30 hingga 100 mV lebih rendah daripada [[cairan tubuh|interstitium]].<ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Basic Neurochemistry - Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
| author = George J Siegel, Bernard W Agranoff, R Wayne Albers, Stephen K Fisher, dan Michael D Uhler.
| work = Edward Hines Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, University of Michigan, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Mental Health Research Institute
| isbn = 0-397-51820-X
| edition = 6
| year = 1999
| page = Electrical Phenomena in Excitable Cells
| publisher = Lippincott-Raven
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-22
Baris 141:
| format = pdf
}}</ref> Teori kedua mengatakan bahwa terdapat dua lapisan membran, yaitu membran sisi dalam dan membran sisi luar.<ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Molecular Biology of the Cell
| author = Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, dan Peter Walter
| work =
| isbn = 0-8153-3218-1
| edition = 4
| year = 2002
| page = Figure 14-10. A summary of energy-generating metabolism in mitochondria
| publisher = Garland Science
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-20
}}</ref> Teori ketiga mengatakan bahwa mitokondria memiliki tiga lapisan, yaitu membran sisi dalam, membran sisi luar dan membran plasma.<ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Basic Neurochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
| author = George J Siegel, Bernard W Agranoff, R Wayne Albers, Stephen K Fisher, dan Michael D Uhler
| work = Edward Hines Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, University of Michigan, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Mental Health Research Institute
| isbn = 0-397-51820-X
| edition = 6
| year = 1999
| page = Figure 42-2.
| publisher = Lippincott-Raven
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-20
}}</ref><ref>{{en}}{{cite book
| title = Basic Neurochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
| author = George J Siegel, Bernard W Agranoff, R Wayne Albers, Stephen K Fisher, dan Michael D Uhler
| work = Edward Hines Jr Veterans Affairs Hospital, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, University of Michigan, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Mental Health Research Institute
| isbn = 0-397-51820-X
| edition = 6
| year = 1999
| page = Figure 42-3.
| publisher = Lippincott-Raven
| url =
| accessdate = 2010-07-20