1 Esdras: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 12:
=== Ringkasan ===
* [[Septuaginta]] dan terjemahan-terjemahan turunannya: {{lang|grc|Ἔσδρας Αʹ}} = 1 Esdras
* [[King James Version]] dan banyak<ref name ="most">Including [[Revised Standard Version|RSV]], [[New Revised Standard Version|NRSV]], [[New English Bible|NEB]], [[Revised English Bible|REB]], and [[Good News Bible|GNB]]</ref> terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang mengikutinya: 1 Esdras
* [[Vulgata]] dan terjemahan-terjemahan turunannya: 3 Esdras
* Alkitab Slavonik: 2 Esdras
* Alkitab Ethiopik: Ezra Kali<ref>[[Ethiopian language|Ethiopian]] ''Ezra Kali'' means "2 Ezra".</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 32:
{{Wikisource|Bible (Wycliffe)/3 Esdras#Chapter 2|The complete text of Wycliffe's 1 Esdras}}
{{Wikisource|Bible (King James)/1 Esdras#Chapter 2|The complete Authorised Version of 1 Esdras}}
* [http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/ot2www-pubeng?specfile=/texts/english/modeng/publicsearch/modengpub.o2w&act=text&offset=418496006&textreg=3&query=esdras&id=KjvEsdr Full text of 1 Esdras] from the University of Virginia's Etext Center
* [http://www.ccel.org/wwsb/1Esdras/ Various translations of 1 Esdras] at the World Wide Study Bible
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05535a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Esdras: THE BOOKS OF ESDRAS: III Esdras]
* [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=463&letter=E&search=Books%20of%20Esdras#1248 Jewish Encyclopedia: Esdras, Books of: I Esdras]
* [http://bible.oremus.org/?passage=1+esdras+1-1&version=nrsvae 1 Esdras 1] – NRSV
* [http://www.earlyjewishwritings.com/1esdras.html 1 Esdras at Early Jewish Writings]
* [http://www.biblicalaudio.com/ezra1.htm 1 Ezra: 2012 Critical Translation with Audio Drama] at biblicalaudio