Stephen Harper: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 40:
== Latar Belakang ==
Stephen Harper adalah anak sulung dari tiga anak laki-laki dari sebuah keluarga kelas menengah. Orangtuanya adalah Margaret dan almarhum Joseph Harper (1927-2003), seorang [[akuntan]] dengan [[Imperial Oil]]. Ia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Toronto dalam sebuah komunitas di [[Leaside]]. Ia belajar di [[Richview Collegiate Institute]], sebuah SMU di West End, [[Metro Toronto]]. Harper adalah seorang siswa 'A+' dengan sejumlah nilainya yang terus-menerus hampir mencapai 100%. Ia lulus pada 1978 sebagai siswa terbaik pada angkatannya, dan memperoleh medali emas sekolahnya karena nilai rata-ratanya yang tertinggi. Harper belajar sebentar di [[Universitas Toronto]] sebelum pergi ke Edmonton; di sana ia mendapatkan pekerjaan di [[industri minyak|industri minyak dan gas]] di [[Alberta]] sebagai seorang [[pemrogram komputer]] pada awal usia 20-an. Belakangan ia belajar di [[Universitas Calgary]], dan mendapatkan gelar [[magister]] dalam [[ilmu ekonomi]]. Ikatannya dengan universitas itu tetap kuat: ia seringkali diundang sebagai dosen dan penasihat kebijakannya yang paling terkemuka, [[Tom Flanagan]], adalah seorang profesor di situ. Harper menikah dengan [[Laureen Teskey]] (yang sejak kampanyenya yang sukses pada 2006 menggunakan nama 'Laureen Harper') pada 1993. Mereka mempunyai dua orang anak: Benjamin, lahir pada 1996, dan Rachel, lahir 1999. Harper menderita [[asma]] namun sudah beberapa tahun tidak pernah mengalami serangan asma. Ia pun seorang penggemar berat [[hoki es]] dan [[Calgary Flames]].
Ia pertama kali terlibat dalam politik ketika remaja di SMU. Ia menjadi anggota [[Liberal Muda Kanada|Klub Liberal Muda]] di sekolahnya. Namun afiliasi politik Harper kemudian berubah menentang pemerintahan [[Partai Liberal Kanada|Liberal]] [[Pierre Trudeau|Trudeau]] yang kebijakan [[Program Energi Nasional]]nya dianggap merugikan industri energi Alberta. Ia menjadi pembantu utama anggota parlemen Tory (Konservatif) [[James Hawkes]] pada 1985 dan melayani bersama Hawkes pada sejumlah Komite Parlemen, namun ia segera kecewa dengan pemerintahan [[Brian Mulroney]] dan Partai Konservatif Progresif. Harper khususnya sangat kritis terhadap kebijakan fiskal pemerintahan itu dan ketidakmampuannya untuk sepenuhnya membatalkan Program Energi Nasional hingga 1986. Ia meninggalkan Partai Konservatif Progresif pada 1986.
Baris 46:
Kemudian ia direkomendasikan kepada [[Preston Manning]], pendiri dan pemimpin [[Partai Reformasi Kanada|Partai Reformasi]], oleh salah seorang profesornya, ekonom barat terkemuka, [[Bob Mansell]]. Pemuda ini membuat Manning terkesan, sehingga ia diundang untuk bergabung dengan partai itu. Pada usia 28 tahun, ia memberikan pidato yang penting pada konvensi pendirian Partai Reformasi pada 1987 di [[Winnipeg, Manitoba|Winnipeg]]. Ia menjadi Opsir Kebijakan Utama Partai Reformasi, dan memainkan peranan penting dalam menyusun agenda pemilu 1988. Harper dipuji karena menciptakan slogan kampanye, "The West wants in!" ("Bagian Barat ingin berperan!")
Dalam [[pemilu federal Kanada, 1988|pemilu federal 1988]], Harper bertarung memperebutkan kursi [[Majelis Rendah Kanada|Majelis Rendah]] di [[Calgary Barat]] sebagai '''Steve Harper'''. Meskipun ia mendapatkan tempat kedua, ia kalah telak oleh Hawkes, bekas majikannya. Pada 1989, Harper diangkat menjadi asisten eksekutif dari anggota Parlemen Reformasi yang baru terpilih [[Deborah Grey]] dan bekerja sebagai penasihat utamanya dan penulis pidatonya hingga 1993.
Harper tetap merupakan tokoh terkemuka dalam organisasi nasional Partai Reformasi. Ia mendorong partainya agar menjangkau keluar dari basis regionalnya di barat pada [[1990]]. Argumennya, partai-partai yang regional saja menghadapi risiko diambil alih oleh unsur-unsur radikal.{{ref|regional}} Pada [[1991]], ia menyampaikan pidato pada konvensi nasional Partai Reformasi yang isinya mengutuk ekstremisme radikal.{{ref|extreme}} Ia kadang-kadnag digambarkan sebagai "tangan kanan Preston Manning pada periode ini, namun ia tidak setuju dengan Manning dalam strategi Partai Reformasi dalam referendum [[Persetujuan Charlottetown]] 1992. Sementara Harper berdiri di pihak Manning dalam menentang perjanjian itu, ia menentang strategi kampanye yang digambarkannya sebagai "tawaran Mulroney".{{ref|Charlottetown}}
Baris 65:
==Keluar dari Politik==
With the NCC, Harper made his 'Northern European Welfare State' speech, to the [[Council for National Policy]], an American conservative lobby group, in June 1997 in which he stated: "It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians." and "Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it..." and "I have to say. And forgive me jesting again, the NDP is kind of proof that the Devil lives and interferes in the affairs of men." [] (see: for the full text of the speech). In his role with NCC Harper also launched an ultimately [[Harper v. Canada (Attorney General)|unsuccessful legal battle]] against federal election laws restricting third-party advertising.
In 1997, Harper served as a regular political commentator on the [[Canadian Broadcasting Corporation]] newsprogram [[The National]]. In 1998, Harper was solicited by the PC Party's influential "[[Blue Tory]] Committee" and Tory MPs [[Jim Jones (Canadian politician)|Jim Jones]] and [[John Herron (New Brunswick politician)|John Herron]] to seek the recently vacated leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party as a [[United Alternative]] candidate. Harper ultimately declined, concerned that his Reform colleagues would view him as a traitor. After the [[Canadian Alliance]]'s poor showing in the [[Canadian federal election, 2000|2000 election]], a disappointed Harper joined with other western conservatives in co-authoring a document titled the [[Alberta Agenda]]. The letter called on Alberta to reform publicly-funded health care, replace the Canada Pension Plan with a similar provincial plan and replace the [[Royal Canadian Mounted Police]] with a provincial police force. The document became known as the "firewall letter" because it called on the Alberta government to "build firewalls around Alberta" to prevent the federal government from redistributing the province's wealth to other parts of Canada.[] This was portrayed as encouragement for Albertan separation by some of his political detractors.
Baris 81:
===2004 federal election===
Harper led the Conservatives during the [[Canadian federal election, 2004|2004 federal election]], where it was widely believed he had a chance to defeat Liberal Prime Minister [[Paul Martin]]. After an immensely damaging release by the Auditor General regarding the government's lack of oversight of the Sponsorship Program of the 1990s and what some observers considered voter anger in Ontario against Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty for breaking a promise not to raise taxes, polls showed the Conservatives in a dead heat with the Liberals.
Late in the campaign, the Conservatives began to attract negative attention for controversial remarks made by MPs and candidates regarding [[homosexuality]], [[official bilingualism]] and [[abortion]]. Additionally, the Liberal Party began airing controversial TV attack ads suggesting that the Conservatives would make Canada more like the United States in negative ways. Harper was also criticized for his position supporting the American-led [[2003 invasion of Iraq]]. The term "hidden agenda", used commonly in the 2000 election to refer to [[Stockwell Day]], began surfacing with increasing regularity with regard to Harper's history of supporting privatized health care. Harper in turn claimed that the Liberals were running an "American-style campaign" of scare tactics and were trying to "wrap scandal in the Canadian flag". The momentum began to swing against his party, although some polls suggested it was neck and neck right up until election day.
The Conservative Party was successful in gaining seats in [[Ontario]], where the Reform Party and Canadian Alliance had never been able to make significant gains, but Martin was re-elected with a [[minority government]] and 135 seats. The Conservatives finished in second-place with 99 seats. While the Conservatives had improved on the 72 seats they held entering the election, the party took 29.6% of the popular vote, down from the 37.7% combined total of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives in [[Canadian federal election, 2000|2000]]. Harper maintained support from most party members because he was credited with bringing the Progressive Conservative Party and Canadian Alliance together to fight a close election in a short time. Furthermore, the election of a new leader during a minority parliament was not seen as strategically feasible.
Baris 90:
Harper has been called a "policy wonk" by his friends and an "ideologue" by his detractors. Observers have suggested that he has recently sought to refine his image to appear more moderate and to appeal to a wider range of the electorate. Although the public image of Mr. Harper is overwhelmingly that of a stiff and unemotional man or even smug and smarmy, many of his colleagues surprisingly report that he has a charming sense of humour and even a well liked candour. He has previously shown a talent for performing impressions of other politicians, such as: Preston Manning, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, John McCallum, and even California Governor and actor [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]].
The Conservative Party's first policy convention was held from March 17-19, 2005, in Montreal. A more moderate party stance was demonstrated, in accordance with what many viewed as Harper's goal. Any opposition to abortion or bilingualism was dropped from the Conservative platform, though the party was still opposed to same-sex marriage. Harper received an 84% endorsement from delegates in the leadership review.
Under Harper, the Conservative party has sought to make the [[sponsorship scandal]], ethics and Liberal corruption as the central issues in Canadian politics.
Baris 100:
In May, Harper announced that the government had lost the "moral authority to govern", and vowed to "put [the] government out of its misery". The ''[[Bloc Québécois]]'' agreed to follow suit, while the NDP supported the government due to the amended budget. This effort to bring down the government failed following the decision of prominent and popular Conservative MP [[Belinda Stronach]] to [[crossing the floor|cross the floor]] to the Liberal Party. This move was controversial, and was viewed as opportunistic by conservative observers. Liberals labelled the Conservatives as "in bed with the separatists", and thus unpatriotic, while the Conservatives accused the Liberal Party of criminal activity in offering a member of Parliament a cabinet position in exchange for crossing the floor. The May 19 second reading budget vote passed with Conservative support. However, the NDP amendment to the budget tied rather than failing to pass by one vote (because of Stronach's defection and the support of the independent members). With the [[Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons|Speaker of the House]] voting to continue debate (following parliamentary precedent), the Liberal Party continued to remain in power.
Harper was also criticized for supporting his caucus colleague MP [[Gurmant Grewal]]. Grewal had produced tapes of conversations with [[Tim Murphy]], Paul Martin's chief of staff, in which Grewal claimed he had been offered a cabinet position in exchange for his defection. Some experts analyzed the tapes and concluded that a digital copy of the tapes had been edited.
In early June 2005, the Conservative Party announced that Harper was embarking on a summer tour, consisting of barbecues, [[photo op]]s, and similar events, with the aim of allowing Canadians to get to know the Conservative leader personally. In early July, five members of Harper's communications team resigned. Harper's critics suggested that this was an indication of unrest in the Conservative Party, while the Conservatives maintained this was simply a change of guard and pointed towards similar Liberal communications staff shake-ups in 2004.
Baris 119:
One Liberal ad insinuated that Harper would place armed [[Canadian Forces|Canadian soldiers]] on the streets of major cities and that this would be a dangerous thing. This was in response to a Conservative pledge to put troops on the ready for [[aid to the civil power|civil aid]] in the case of a natural disaster. While the ad was posted on the Liberals' website, it was never aired in English (a French language version, however, did air in Quebec). This ad, and the negative reaction to it by those who are or have served in the military, Conservatives, several NDP members and even some prominent Liberals, became a news story for several days and overshadowed other Liberal advertisements and policy announcements.
On [[January 23]], the Conservatives won 124 seats to 103 for the Liberals. Martin conceded defeat at midnight on [[January 24]], and at 9:45 a.m. that morning, announced his intention to resign as prime minister. At 6:45 p.m., [[Governor General of Canada|Governor General]] [[Michaëlle Jean]] asked Harper to form a government. He was sworn in as Canada's 22nd Prime Minister on [[February 6]], [[2006]].
Harper is the first prime minister from outside of Quebec (or at least, the first not to represent a Quebec riding) elected to office since [[Joe Clark]] in 1979. ([[Kim Campbell]] was the last Prime Minister from outside Quebec, but was appointed to serve out the remainder of Mulroney's second mandate in 1993.) Harper is the latest Prime Minister to represent a western riding, succeeding Progressive Conservatives Kim Campbell (British Columbia); Clark (Alberta); [[John Diefenbaker]] (Saskatchewan); [[Arthur Meighen]] (Manitoba) and [[R.B. Bennett]] (Alberta); and Liberals [[John Turner]] (British Columbia) and [[William Lyon Mackenzie King]] (Saskatchewan).
Baris 134:
== Pemilu 2006 ==
Kemenangan kubu Konservatif pada [[pemilu parlemen]] [[23 Januari]] 2006 benar-benar membawa angin perubahan. Kubu Liberal yang telah berkuasa selama 12 tahun dipaksa meninggalkan gelanggang kekuasaan. Pemilu tersebut merupakan yang kedua dalam 18 bulan terakhir dan digelar setelah pada November 2005 saat menjatuhkan mosi tidak percaya terhadap pemerintahan pimpinan Paul Martin. Sebanyak 22,7 juta pemilih mendatangi 60 ribu tempat pemungutan suara yang terbentang dalam enam wilayah waktu, mulai dari [[Samudera Atlantik]] hingga [[Hindia]]. Walau begitu, tingkat partisipasi warga Kanada dalam pemilu diyakini tak lebih dari 60 persen, sehingga merupakan tingkat partisipasi pemilu terendah sejak [[1868]].
== Pro-Washington ==
Menurut The ''New York Times'', Harper adalah ekonom pro-[[pasar bebas]] yang sangat mendukung kebijakan [[Washington]] ketika [[Amerika Serikat]] menginvasi [[Irak]]. Ia juga memiliki skeptisisme serupa dengan Presiden [[George W Bush]] tentang [[Protokol Kyoto]] (Kanada sudah meratifikasi). Partai Konservatif Harper dibentuk tahun [[2003]] yang merupakan koalisi dari dua partai konservatif yang telah ada.
Sikap Harper sangat berbeda dengan Paul Martin yang menolak kerja sama dengan Amerika Serikat dalam program pertahanan rudal dan mengkritik kebijakan perdagangan Washington maupun sikap Amerika Serikat yang tidak mendukung Protokol Kyoto. Ketidakmampuan Konservatif meraih kursi mayoritas di parlemen memaksa Harper berkompromi di parlemen.
== Trivia ==