Penisilin: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Penicillin-core.png|thumb|250px|Asam 6-Aminopenisilanat, Inti dari setiap turunan Penisilin]]
| Verifiedfields =
| Watchedfields =
| verifiedrevid =
| IUPAC_name =
| image = Penicillin core.svg
| caption = Struktur inti penisilin, di mana "R" adalah gugus variabel
| width =
| image2 =
| width2 =
<!-- Clinical data -->
| tradename =
| = {{|CONS|penicillin-oral-injection-intravenous-intramuscular.html}}
| MedlinePlus =
| pregnancy_AU =
| pregnancy_US = B
| pregnancy_US_comment = <ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Tips from Other Journals – Antibiotic Use During Pregnancy and Lactation | date=September 15, 2006 | accessdate=September 25, 2015 | author=Walling, Anne D. | website=American Family Physician}}</ref>
| legal_status = Rx-only
| routes_of_administration = [[Intravena]], [[intramuskular]], [[Administrasi oral|melalui mulut]]
<!-- Pharmacokinetic data -->
| protein_bound =
| metabolism = Hepatik
| elimination_half-life = antara 0.5 dan 5.6 jam
| excretion = Ginjal
<!-- Identifiers -->
| CAS_number_Ref =
| CAS_number =
| CAS_supplemental =
| ATC_prefix =
| ATC_suffix =
| ATC_supplemental =
| PubChem =
| DrugBank_Ref =
| DrugBank =
| ChemSpiderID_Ref =
| ChemSpiderID = none
| UNII_Ref =
| UNII =
| KEGG_Ref =
| KEGG =
| ChEBI_Ref =
| ChEBI =
| ChEMBL_Ref =
| ChEMBL =
<!-- Chemical data -->
| C=9 | H=11 | Br= | Cl= | Co= | F= | I=
| N=2 | Na=
| O=4 | P=
| S=1 | Se=| charge =
| molecular_weight =
| smiles =
| StdInChI_Ref =
| StdInChI =
| StdInChIKey_Ref =
| StdInChIKey =
'''Penisilin''' ([[bahasa Inggris|Inggris]]:''Penicillin'' atau '''PCN''') adalah sebuah kelompok [[antibiotika]] β-laktam yang digunakan dalam penyembuhan penyakit infeksi karena [[bakteri]], biasanya berjenis [[Gram positif]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Madigan
|first=MT|coauthors=Martinko JM, Dunlap PV, Clark DP
Baris 126 ⟶ 181:
==Pranala luar==
{{Commons category|Penicillin antibiotics}}
* [ Model of Structure of Penicillin, by Dorothy Hodgkin et al., Museum of the History of Science, Oxford]
* {{YouTube|7qeZLLhx5kU|The Discovery of Penicillin, A government produced film about the discovery of Penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming, and the continuing development of its use as an antibiotic by Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain}}.
* [ Penicillin] at ''[[The Periodic Table of Videos]]'' (University of Nottingham)
* [ Penicillin Released to Civilians Will Cost $35 Per Patient] ''Popular Science'', August 1944, article at bottom of page
{{Antibiotik pengganggu dinding sel}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Antibiotika beta-laktam]]