Operasi Cartwheel: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 4:
'''Operasi Cartwheel''' (1943–1944) adalah sebuah [[strategi militer]] utama untuk [[Sekutu Perang Dunia II|Sekutu]] di [[Perang Pasifik|teater Pasifik]] pada [[Perang Dunia II]]. Operasi tersebut dipimpin oleh Komandan Sekutu Tertinggi di [[Wilayah Pasifik Barat Laut]] (WPBL)—Jenderal [[Douglas MacArthur]]—yang mengerahkan kekuatan di sepanjang pesisir timur laut [[Nugini]] dan pulau-pulau di sekitarnya yang diduduki. Pasukan Sekutu dari komando [[Wilayah Samudera Pasifik]]—dibawah kepemimpinan Laksamana [[Chester W. Nimitz]]—mengerahkan kekuatan di sepanjang [[Kepulauan Solomon]] sampai [[Pulau Bougainville|Bougainville]]. Pasukan Sekutu yang terlibat berasal dari Australia, Belanda, Selandia Baru, AS dan berbagai [[Kepulauan Pasifik]].<ref name=WDL1>{{cite web|title=Operations Against the Japanese on Arundel and Sagekarsa Islands|url=http://www.wdl.org/en/item/453/|publisher=[[World Digital Library]]|accessdate=11 Februari 2013}}</ref>
== Catatan ==
== Referensi ==
* {{cite book
|last = Frank
|first = Richard B
Baris 20:
|isbn = 0-394-58875-4
* {{cite book
|last = Griffith
|first = Brig. Gen. Samuel B (USMC)
Baris 31:
|id =
* {{cite book
|last = Bergerud
|first = Eric M.
Baris 42:
|isbn = 0-8133-3869-7
* {{cite book
|last = Birdsall
|first = Steve
Baris 53:
|isbn = 0-385-03218-8
* {{cite book
|last = Boyington
|first = Gregory "Pappy"
Baris 64:
|isbn = 0-553-26350-1
* {{cite book
|last = Gamble
|first = Bruce
Baris 75:
|isbn = 0-89141-801-6
* {{cite book
|last = Hara
|first = Tameichi
Baris 86:
|isbn = 0-345-27894-1
* {{cite book
|last = Henebry
|first = John P.
Baris 97:
|isbn = 1-57510-093-2
* {{cite book
|last = McAulay
|first = Lex
Baris 108:
|isbn = 0-912173-13-0
* {{cite book
|last = McGee
|first = William L.
Baris 119:
|isbn = 0-9701678-7-3
* {{cite book
|last = Morison
|first = Samuel Eliot
Baris 130:
|isbn = 0-7858-1307-1
* {{cite book
|last = Sakaida
|first = Henry
Baris 141:
=== Sejarah resmi ===
* [http://www.awm.gov.au/histories/chapter.asp?volume=22 The New Guinea Offensives (Army)]
Baris 151:
Amerika Serikat
* {{cite web
| last = Miller
| first = John, Jr.
Baris 162:
| publisher = [[Office of the Chief of Military History]], U.S. Department of the Army
| accessdate = 2006-10-20}}
* {{cite web
| last = Shaw
| first = Henry I.
Baris 176:
| accessdate = 2006-10-18
* {{cite web
| last = Craven
| first = Wesley Frank
Baris 190:
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons|Operation Cartwheel}}
* [http://www.thisdayinhistory.com/tdih/tdih.jsp?category=worldwarii&month=10272958&day=10272995 The History Channel, June 30 &mdash; 1943 Operation Cartwheel is launched (2005)]
* [http://ajrp.awm.gov.au/ajrp/remember.nsf/pages/NT0000231E David Horner, "Strategy and Command in Australia’s New Guinea Campaigns" (2004)]
* [http://www.historyanimated.com/CartwheelPage.html An Animated History of Operation Cartwheel (2006)]
* {{cite web
| url = http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-53585
| title = Encyclopædia Britannica Article: The encirclement of Rabaul
| accessdate = 2006-05-16
}} Brief synopsis of Allied campaign to isolate Rabaul.
* {{cite web
| url = http://www.janesoceania.com/png_rabaul_ww2/index.htm
| title = Rabaul and World War II
| accessdate = 2006-05-16
}} Brief account of Japanese occupation of Rabaul and subsequent war crimes trials of many of the Japanese troops who had been stationed there.
* {{cite web
| last = Mersky
| first = Peter B.
Baris 216:
| publisher = History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
| accessdate = 2006-10-20}} Account of U.S. Marine involvement in air war over Solomon Islands and Rabaul.
* {{cite web
| url = http://www.medalofhonor.com/PappyBoyington.htm
| title = World War II Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Major Gregory 'Pappy' Boyington
| accessdate = 2006-05-16
|archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20060509153521/http://medalofhonor.com/PappyBoyington.htm <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 2006-05-09}} Information on "Pappy" Boyington
* {{cite web
| url = http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-WH2-1Epi-c1-WH2-1Epi-d.html
| title = Title: THE ASSAULT ON RABAUL. Operations by the Royal New Zealand Air Force December 1943 — May 1944