Kekhanan Turk Barat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Pierrewee (bicara | kontrib)
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Pierrewee (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 56:
{{quote|Pada mulanya (setelah tahun 552), Shidianmi (Istämi) mengikuti (Khan) Shan Yu dan memerintahkan sepuluh pemimpin besarnya. Bersama dengan 100.000 prajurit mereka, dia melakukan mars ke Kawasan Barat dan menundukkan negara kecil bangsa barbar. Di sana, dia menyatakan dirinya sebagai "khan", di bawah gelar dari sepuluh suku, dan memerintah mereka (bangsa barbar barat) selama beberapa generasi.|Tongdian, 193 and Jiu Tangshu, 194}}
Soon{{quote|Segera [after(setelah tahun 635]), DielishiKhan QaghanDi'lishi [of the Western(dari Göktürks] dividedBarat) hismembagi statenegaranya intomenjadi tensepuluh partsbagian, anddan eachmasing-masing wasdipimpin headedoleh bysatu one manorang, togetherbersama-sama theymereka mademembentuk upsepuluh thekepangeranan ten she [("shad]"). Every sheSetiap ispangeran givendiberikan ansebuah arrowanak bypanah himolehnya, thussehingga theymereka weredikenal knownsebagai as"sepuluh theanak ten arrowspanah". HeDia alsojuga dividedmembagi the"sepuluh tenanak arrowspanah" intomenjadi twodua factionsfaksi, eachmasing-masing consistedterdiri ofdari five"lima arrowsanak panah". TheFaksi leftkiri [east](timur) factionterdiri consisteddari oflima fivesuku Duoliu ([[Dulo clan|Duolu]]) tribes, headeddikepalai byoleh fivelima chuo [(qur]) separatelysecara terpisah. TheFaksi rightkanan [west](barat) factionterdiri consisteddari oflima fivesuku [[Nushibi]] (Ch. 弩失畢) tribes, headeddikepalai byoleh fivelima sijin [(irkin]) secara separatelyterpisah. Each took command on one arrow and called themselves as the ten arrows. Thereafter, each arrow was also known as one tribe, and the great arrow head as the great chief. The five Duoliu tribes inhabited to east of Suiye [water] ([[Chu River]]), and the five Nushibi tribes to the west of it. Since then, they called themselves as the ten tribes.|Tongdian, 193 and Jiu Tangshu, 194}}
{{quote|Segera (setelah tahun 635), Khan Di'lishi (dari Göktürks Barat) membagi negaranya menjadi sepuluh bagian, dan masing-masing dipimpin oleh satu orang, bersama-sama mereka terdiri sepuluh dia [shad].
Soon [after 635], Dielishi Qaghan [of the Western Göktürks] divided his state into ten parts, and each was headed by one man, together they made up the ten she [shad]. Every she is given an arrow by him, thus they were known as the ten arrows. He also divided the ten arrows into two factions, each consisted of five arrows. The left [east] faction consisted of five Duoliu ([[Dulo clan|Duolu]]) tribes, headed by five chuo [qur] separately. The right [west] faction consisted of five [[Nushibi]] (Ch. 弩失畢) tribes, headed by five sijin [irkin] separately. Each took command on one arrow and called themselves as the ten arrows. Thereafter, each arrow was also known as one tribe, and the great arrow head as the great chief. The five Duoliu tribes inhabited to east of Suiye [water] ([[Chu River]]), and the five Nushibi tribes to the west of it. Since then, they called themselves as the ten tribes.|Tongdian, 193 and Jiu Tangshu, 194}}