Daftar algoritme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Borgxbot (bicara | kontrib)
k Robot: Cosmetic changes
Baris 30:
* [[Algoritma Hungaria]]: algorithm for finding a perfect [[matching]]
=== [[Algoritma pencarian]] ===
* [[Pencarian linear]]: mencari sebuah item pada sebuah list tak berurut
Baris 43:
* [[Tabel Hash]]: mencari sebuah item dalam sebuah kumpulan tak berurut dalam waktu O(1).
=== String algorithms ===
==== [[String searching algorithm|Searching]] ====
*[[Algoritma Aho-Corasick]]
*[[Algoritma Bitap]]
Baris 51:
*[[Rabin-Karp string search algorithm]]
==== Approximate matching ====
*[[Levenshtein_distanceLevenshtein distance|Levenshtein edit distance]]
=== [[Algoritma penyusunan]] ===
* [[Binary search tree|Binary tree sort]]
Baris 77:
* [[Topological sorting|Topological sort]]
== [[Data compression|Compression algorithms]] ==
=== [[:Category:Lossless compression algorithms|Lossless compression algorithms]] ===
* [[Burrows-Wheeler transform]]: preprocessing useful for improving lossless compression
Baris 107:
** [[Rice coding]]: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric distributions
=== [[:Category:Lossy compression algorithms|Lossy compression algorithms]] ===
* [[Linear predictive coding]]: lossy compression by representing the spectral envelope of a digital signal of speech in compressed form
Baris 117:
* [[Wavelet compression]]: form of data compression well suited for image compression (sometimes also video compression and audio compression)
== [[Computational geometry]] ==
* [[Gift wrapping algorithm]]: determining the [[convex hull]] of a [[set]] of points
Baris 123:
* [[Point in polygon]]: tests whether a given point lies within a given polygon
== [[Grafik komputer]] ==
* [[Bresenham's line algorithm]]: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
Baris 183:
* [[Strassen algorithm]]
=== [[Optimization (mathematics)|Optimization algorithms]] ===
* [[Simplex algorithm]]: An algorithm for solving the [[linear programming]] problem
Baris 258:
* [[Diff]]: compare two sequences. An example of [[Dynamic programming]] (dynamic refers to the property that the optimal solution can be constructed by combining optimal solutions to sub-problems e.g. quicksort).
== [[Komputer kuantum|Algoritma kuantum]] ==
''<small>Application of [[quantum computation]] to various categories of problems and algorithms</small>''