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'''Kera emas berhidung pesek''' (''Rhinopithecus roxellana'') adalah [[kera Dunia Lama]] dalam subfamili [[Colobinae]].<ref name=msw3/> Kera ini bersifat [[Endemisme|endemis]] padadi daerah kecil beriklim sedang, [[hutan]] bergunung di [[Tiongkok Tengah Selatan|Tiongkok tengah]] dan [[Tiongkok barat daya|barat daya]].<ref>{{cite journal | author = Guo, Songtao | author2 = Li, Baoguo | author3 = Watanabe, Kunio | date = October 2007 | title = Diet and activity budget of Rhinopithecus roxellana in the Qinling Mountains, China | journal = Primates: Journal of Primatology | volume = 48 | issue = 4 | pages = 268–276 | doi=10.1007/s10329-007-0048-z}}</ref> TheyMereka inhabitmendiami thesehutan-hutan mountainouspegunungan forestsBarat ofdaya SouthwesternTiongkok Chinapada at elevations ofketinggian 1,.500-3,.400 mmeter di aboveatas seapermukaan levellaut.<ref name= "Social organization">{{cite journal | doi = 10.1007/s10329-006-0178-8 | author = Zhang, Peng | author2 = Watanabe, Kunio | author3 = Li, Baoguo | author4 = Tan, Chia L | date = October 2006 | title = Social Organization of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (''Rhinopithcus roxellana'') in the Qinling Mountains, Central China | journal = Primates | volume = 47 | issue = 4 | pages = 374–382 | pmid = 16625309}}</ref> TheNamanya Chinesedalam namebahasa isTionghoa Sichuanadalah goldenkera hairberbulu monkeyemas Sichuan (川金丝猴). ItKera isini alsojuga widelysecara referredluas todisebut assebagai thekera Sichuanberhidung snub-nosedpesek monkeySichuan.<ref name="Social organization" /><ref name= "Seasonal home range">{{cite journal | author = Li, Baoguo | author2 = Chen, Chao | author3 = Ji, Weihong | author4 = Ren, Baoping | year = 2000 | title = Seasonal Home Range Changes of the Sichuan Snub-Nosed Monkey (''Rhinopithecus roxellana'') in the Qinling Mountains of China | journal = Folia Primatologica | volume = 7 | pages = 375–386}}</ref><ref name="Seasonal variation">{{cite journal | doi = 10.1002/ajp.20220 | author = Yiming, Li | date = May 2005 | title = Seasonal variation of diet and food availability in a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys in Shennongjia Nature Reserve, China | journal = American Journal of Primatology | volume = 68 | issue = 3 | pages = 217–233 | pmid = 16477596}}</ref> OfDari thetiga threespesies species of [[snub-nosedkere berhidung monkeypesek]]s indi ChinaTiongkok, thekera goldenemas snub-nosedberhidung monkeypesek ismerupakan theyang mostpaling widelymenyebar distributedluas throughoutdi Chinaseluruh Tiongkok.<ref name="Social organization" />