Struktur Batu Besar: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:KDP IMG 4885.JPG|thumb|right|300px|Sebagian dari Struktur Batu Besar.]]
'''Struktur Batu Besar''' ({{lang-en|Large Stone Structure}}) adalah nama yang diberikan pada bekas-bekas bangunan besar di daerah [[Kota Daud]] di [[Yerusalem]] tengah, sebelah selatan [[:en:Jerusalem's Old City walls|Kota Tua]], diperkirakan bertarikh [[abad ke-10 SM]] sampai [[abad ke-9 SM]]. Nama ini diberikan untuk membedakan dari struktur yang di dekatnya yang disebut "[[Struktur Batu Bertingkat]]", oleh penemu situs itu, [[Eilat Mazar]], seorang [[arkeolog]] [[Israel]]. Mazar mengumumkan penemuannya pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2005 sambil menyatakan bahwa ia percaya situs itu merupakan bekas-bekas istana [[Daud]] yang dicatat dalam [[Kitab Samuel]]. Penggalian arkeologi itu dibiayai secara pribadi oleh [[Roger Hertog]], seorang bankir [[Amerika Serikat]].
Baris 43:
Archaeological support for Mazar's dating and attribution to a 10th-century Israelite king may have increased following finds at [[Khirbet Qeiyafa]], viewed by some archaeologists and paleographers as confirming the existence of a centralized and powerful Israelite kingdom in the early 10th century. According to an article by Hershel Shanks in the ''[[Biblical Archaeology Review]]'', the findings refute [[Israel Finkelstein]]'s assertion that at most the Hebrew population that existed in Jerusalem in that era was a "tribal chiefdom". In the article, Shanks contends that an Israelite fortress of this scale establishes the existence of a strong, centralized Israelite kingdom at the time of David.<ref>Shanks, Hershel, "'Oldest Hebrew inscription' Discovered in Israelite Fort on Philistine border," ''Biblical Archaeology Review'', March/April 2010, p. 52.</ref><ref>Govier, Gordon "Archaeology: What an Ancient Hebrew Note Might Mean" ''Christianity Today'' 1/18/2010 []</ref> On the other hand, Finkelstein contests the averaging procedure used in the Khirbet Qeiyafa dating, maintaining that, taken properly, the data reflect a lifespan for that site rather than a single date, and that the Khirbet Qeiyafa results "line up with the large number of measurements from late Iron I sites in both the north and south of Israel and support the Low Chronology."<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Finkelstein |first1=Israel |last2=Piasetzky |first2=Eli |year=2010 |title=Khirbet Qeiyafa: Absolute Chronology |url= |journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University |volume=37 |issue=1|pages=84–88 |doi=10.1179/033443510x12632070179621}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Arkeologi Israel]]
* [[Arkeologi Alkitab]]
* [[Arkeologi tahun 2005]]
== Referensi ==
Baris 62:
[[CategoryKategori:2005 archaeological discoveries]]
[[CategoryKategori:Ancient sites in Jerusalem]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kota Daud]]