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Baris 266:
===Tafsiran lain: Keturunan Yafet===
<!--[[Berkas:Noachide map from the Abbey library of Saint Gall (oldest map naming Europe), Isidore-Codex 236.png|thumb|ThePeta oldestEropa knowntertua mapyang ofpernah Europeditemukan. TranslationTerjemahan: Ecce sie dwiseru filu noe post diluvium (LoBeginilah thusputra-putra didNuh themembagi sonsdunia ofsetelah Noah divide the world after theair Floodbah); Tanai. Fluv. (RiverSungai Don); Nilus Fluv. (RiverSungai NileNil); Meotides Paludes (Sea ofLaut Azov)]]
Pada terjemahan Alkitab bahasa Yunani, [[Septuaginta]] (LXX), teks Kitab Kejadian memuat satu tambahan putra Yafet, "Elisa", di antara Yawan dan Tubal; tetapi, karena nama ini tidak dijumpai pada sumber kuno lainnya, mauapun dalam [[Kitab 1 Tawarikh]], hampir secara universal dianggap duplikat Elisa, putra Yawan. Kehadiran Elisa dan Kainan putra Arpakhsad (lihat di bawah) dalam Alkitab bahasa Yunani merujuk pada penomoran tradisional di kalangan orang Kristen mula-mula yang menghitung 72 nama, bukannya 70 nama yang didapati pada sumber-sumber Yahudi dan Kristen Barat.
* [[Gomer]]: the [[Cimmerians]], a people from the northern Black Sea, made incursions into Anatolia in the eighth and early seventh centuries BCE before being confined to Cappadocia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=147}}
**[[Ashkenaz]]: A people of the Black and Caspian sea areas, much later associated with German and East European Jews.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} The Ashkuza, who lived on the upper [[Euphrates]] in [[Armenia]] expelled the Cimmerians from their territory, and in Jeremiah 51:27 were said to march against Babylon along with two other northern kingdoms.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=48}}
** [[Riphath]] (''Diphath'' in Chronicles): Josephus identification Riphath withdengan theorang [[Paphlagonia]]ns of later antiquity, but this appears to have been no more than a guess; the [[Book of Jubilees]] identifies the name with the "[[Riphean Mountains]]", equated with the Causcasus in Classical sources, and the general understanding seems to have been invaders from the Causcuses who were settled in Armenia or Cappadocia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
** [[Togarmah]]: Associated with Anatolia in Ezekiel.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} Later Armenian historians claimed Togarmah as an ancestor.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
* [[Magog (Bible)|Magog]]: Associated in Ezekiel with Gog, a king of [[Lydia]], and thereby with Anatolia.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} The first century CE Jewish historian [[Josephus]] stated that Magog was identical with the [[Scythians]], but modern scholars are sceptical of this and place Magog simply somewhere in Anatolia.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=47–48}}-->
* [[Madai]]: TheOrang [[Medes]], from andari area nowyang sekarang di inbarat northwestdaya Iran.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
* [[JavanYawan]]: ThisNama nameini issecara universallyumum agreeddisetujui tomerujuk referkepada toorang theYunani ([[Ionia]]ns (Greeks) ofyang thebermukim westerndi andpantai southernbarat coastdan ofselatan [[Anatolia]].{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
** [[Elishah]]: PossiblyKemungkinan Elaioussa, ansebuah islandpulau offdi thelepas coastlaut ofpantai CiliciaKilikia, oratau annama oldkuno nameuntuk forpulau the island of CyprusSiprus.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
** [[TarshishTarsis]] (''Tarshishah'' inpada Kitab ChroniclesTawarikh): CandidatesKandidat-kandidat includetermasuk ([[Tartessos]]) indi Spain[[Spanyol]] anddan Tharros in [[Sardinia]], both ofkeduanya whichsukar appear unlikelydibuktikan, anddan Tarsus in CiliciaKilikia, whichyang lebih appearsmungkin moretetapi likelyterdapat despitekesulitan somelinguistik linguisticuntuk difficultiesmembuktikannya.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150–152}}
** [[KittimKitim]]: OriginallyAsalnya thependuduk inhabitants ofkota Kition indi CyprusSiprus, later thekemudian entireseluruh islandpulau; indan thepada [[DeadNaskah SeaLaut ScrollsMati]] theistilah Kittim"Kitim" appearnampaknya tomerujuk bekepada theorang RomansRomawi.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
** [[Dodanim]] (''Rodanim'' inpada Chronicleskitab Tawarikh): InhabitantsPenduduk ofkepulauan [[RhodesRodos]].{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
* [[Tubal]]: Tubal anddan MeshechMesekh alwaysselalu appearmuncul asberpasangan adalam pairPerjanjian in the Old TestamentLama.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=101}} The nameNama Tubal isdikaitkan connected withdengan [[Tabal]] anddan GreekYunani Tipaprivoi, a people oforang [[CappadociaKapadokia]], indi thetimur north-east oflaut [[Anatolia]].{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=102}}
* [[MeshechMesekh]]: [[Mushki]]/Muski hadmemiliki itsibukota capital atdi [[Gordium]] anddan fusedmelebur withdengan the kingdom ofkerajaan [[PhrygiaFrigia]] bypada theabad 8th centuryke-8.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=148}} <!--
* [[Tiras]]: Josephus and late Rabbinical writers associated Tiras with [[Thrace]], the part of Europe opposite Anatolia, but all the other sons of Japheth are located in Anatolia itself and it is possible that Tiras may refer to Thracians inhabiting westernmost Anatolia; it has also been associated with some of the [[Sea Peoples]] such as Tursha and [[Tyrrhenians]], but this is considered unlikely.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149–150}}
===Tafsiran lain: Keturunan Ham===