Wakil Pertama Perdana Menteri Uni Soviet: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 53:
| 16 Agustus 1942 &ndash; 15 Maret 1946<br>({{Age in years and days|1942|08|16|1946|03|15}})
|[[Joseph Stalin]]
|[[MinistryKementerian ofUrusan ForeignLuar AffairsNegeri (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Komisar Rakyat untuk Urusan Luar Negeri]]<ref name="goodgobad"/>
!colspan="5" align="center" |Ketua Deputi Pertama [[CouncilDewan ofMenteri Ministers(Uni (Soviet Union)|Dewan Menteri]](1946 &ndash; 1990)
!rowspan="3" scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" | [[Vyacheslav Molotov]]<br>(1890&ndash;1986)<ref name="Molotov"/>
Baris 61:
|rowspan="3"| 19 Maret 1946 &ndash; 29 Juni 1957<br>({{Age in years and days|1946|03|15|1957|06|29}})
|rowspan="1"|[[Joseph Stalin]]
|rowspan="3"|[[MinistryKementerian ofUrusan ForeignLuar AffairsNegeri (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Menteri Luar Negeri]]<ref>{{cite book|author=[[Adam Ulam|Ulam, Adam]]| page=508|title=Stalin: The Man and his Era|publisher=[[I.B. Tauris|Tauris Parke Paperbacks]]|year=2007|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gOImZ1q6v2MC&dq|isbn=978-1-84511-422-0}}</ref>
|rowspan="1"|[[Georgy Malenkov]]
Baris 68:
!rowspan="2" scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Nikolai Bulganin]]<br>(1895&ndash;1975)<ref>{{cite book|author=Trahair, R.C.S.| page=69|title=Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations|publisher=[[Greenwood Publishing Group]]|year=2004|url= https://books.google.com/books?id=tFJLIIGVk10C&dq|isbn=0-313-31955-3}}</ref>
|rowspan="2"|[[FileBerkas:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-29921-0001, Bulganin, Nikolai Alexandrowitsch.jpg|60px|alt=A man in a dark suit, standing in front of a white wall, looking to his right]]
|rowspan="2"| 7 April 1950 &ndash; 8 Februari 1955<br>({{Age in years and days|1950|04|7|1955|02|08}})
|rowspan="1"|[[Joseph Stalin]]
|rowspan="2"|[[MinistryKementerian ofPertahanan Defence(Uni (Soviet Union)|Menteri Pertahanan]]<ref name="stalinbulganin">{{cite book|author=[[Asif Azam Siddiqi|Siddiqi, Asif Azam]]|page=266|title=The Red Rockets' Glare: Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination, 1857–1957|publisher= [[Cambridge University Press]]|year=2010|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=iVilfSI_5sAC&dq|isbn=978-0-521-89760-0}}</ref>
|rowspan="1"|[[Georgy Malenkov]]
! scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Lavrentiy Beria]]<br>(1899&ndash;1953)<ref name="goodgobad">{{cite book|author=[[Robert Service (historiansejarawan)|Service, Robert]]|title=History of Modern Russia: From Tsarism to the Twenty-first Century|publisher=[[Penguin Books Ltd]]|year=2009|page=332|url =https://books.google.com/books?id=o8Z1QAAACAAJ&dq|isbn=978-0-14-103797-4}}</ref>
|[[File:Lavrenty Beria.jpg|60px]]
| 5 Maret 1953 – 26 Juni 1953<br>({{Age in days|1953|03|05|1953|06|26}} days)
|[[Georgy Malenkov]]
|[[MinistryKementerian ofUrusan InternalDalam AffairsNegeri (Soviet Union)|Menteri Dalam Negeri]]<ref name="goodgobad"/>
!rowspan="3" scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Lazar Kaganovich]]<br>(1893&ndash;1991)<ref>{{cite book|author=Rogovin, Vadim Zakharovich|title=Stalin's Terror of 1937–1938: Political Genocide in the USSR|publisher=[[Mehring Books]]|year=2009|page=332|url= https://books.google.com/books?id=dDiFNXLNPDEC&dq|isbn=978-1-893638-04-4}}</ref>
Baris 85:
|rowspan="3"| 5 Maret 1953 &ndash; 29 Juni 1957<br>({{Age in years and days|1953|03|10|1957|07|29}})
|rowspan="1"|[[Georgy Malenkov]]
|rowspan="3"| [[MinistryKementerian ofIndustri BuildingBahan Materials IndustryBangunan|Minister ofMenteri BuildingIndustri MaterialsBahan IndustryBangunan]]<ref>{{Cite book|author=McCauley, Martin |title = Who's Who in Russia since 1900|publisher=[[Routledge]]|year=1997|page=106|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4A6rFD_AXOEC&dq|isbn=0-415-13898-1}}</ref><br> ChairmanKetua ofKomite the State Committee of theNegara [[CouncilDewan ofMenteri Ministers(Uni (Soviet Union)|Council ofDewan MinistersMenteri]] foruntuk [[StateKomite CommitteeNegara foruntuk LabourBuruh anddan SocialMasalah ProblemsSosial|LabourBuruh anddan WagesUpah]]<ref>{{Cite book|author=McAuley, Alastair|title= Economic Welfare in the Soviet Union: Poverty, Living standards, and Inequality|publisher=[[University of Wisconsin Press]]|year=1979| page=2000|url=https://books.google.com/?id=tUiTAAAAIAAJ&dq|isbn=0-04-335038-0}}</ref>
|rowspan="1"|[[Nikolai Bulganin]]
Baris 103:
| 28 Februari 1955 &ndash; 5 Juli 1957<br>({{Age in years and days|1955|02|28|1957|07|05}})
| [[Nikolai Bulganin]]
| Ketua Komisi Ekonomi Negara [[CouncilDewan of MinistersMenteri (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Dewan Menteri]] onuntuk Perencanaan Ekonomi Saat Ini<ref name="Peruvkhin"/><br>[[MinistryKementerian ofBangunan MediumMesin Machine BuildingRingan (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Minister ofMenteri MediumBangunan MachineMesin BuildingRingan]]<ref name="Peruvkhin"/>
! scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Maksim Saburov]]<br>(1900&ndash;1977)<ref name="saburov">{{cite web|url= http://hronos.km.ru/biograf/saburov_mz.html|script-title=ru:Сабуров, Максим Захарович|trans_title = Maksim Zakharovich Saburov|language=Russian | publisher=hrono| accessdate = 12 January 2011}}</ref>
Baris 167:
| rowspan="2" | 24 November 1982 – 23 Oktober 1987<br>({{Age in years and days|1982|11|24|1987|10|23}})
| [[Nikolai Tikhonov]]
| rowspan="2" | Sekretaris Pertama [[Azerbaijan Communist Party|Partai Komunis Azerbaijan]]<ref>{{cite book | page = 156 | title = Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States | location = | publisher = [[Routledge]] | year = 1998 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=qmN95fFocsMC&dq | isbn = 1-85743-058-1 }}</ref>
| [[Nikolai Ryzhkov]]
Baris 175:
| 24 Maret 1983 – 2 Juli 1985<br>({{Age in years and days|1983|03|24|1985|07|02}})
| [[Nikolai Tikhonov]]
| [[MinistryKementerian ofUrusan ForeignLuar AffairsNegeri (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Menteri Luar Negeri]]<ref>{{cite book | author = Laird, Robin F., Hoffmann, Erik P.; Fleron, Fredrick J. | title = Soviet Foreign Policy: Classic and Contemporary Issues | publisher = [[Transaction Publishers]] | year = 1991 | location = | pages = 445–46 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=6z5k4lmY_XMC&dq | isbn = 0-202-24171-8 }}</ref>
! scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Nikolai Talyzin]]<br>(1929&ndash;1991)<ref name="talyzin">{{cite web | author = [[Staff writer]] | title = Nikolai Talyzin, 62; Assisted Gorbachev in Starting Reforms | publisher = [[Reuters]] | work = [[The New York Times]] | url = https://www.nytimes.com/1991/01/26/obituaries/nikolai-talyzin-62-assisted-gorbachev-in-starting-reforms.html | accessdate = 12 January 2011 | date = 26 January 1991 }}</ref>
Baris 187:
| 1 November 1985 – 7 Juni 1989<br>({{Age in years and days|1985|11|01|1989|06|07}})
| [[Nikolai Ryzhkov]]
| Ketua Komite Negara [[CouncilDewan of MinistersMenteri (SovietUni UnionSoviet)|Dewan Menteri]] Bidang AgrikulturalPertanian<ref name="Vsevolod"/>
! scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Yuri Maslyukov]]<br>(1937&ndash;2010)<ref>{{cite web | author = [[Staff writer]] | title = Скончался депутат Госдумы от КПРФ Юрий Маслюков | trans_title = Yuri Maslyukov, a Communist Party State Duma Deputy dies | publisher = [[Gazeta.ru]] | url = http://www.gazeta.ru/news/lastnews/2010/04/01/n_1477763.shtml | accessdate = 13 February 2011 | date = 1 April 2010 }}</ref>
Baris 201:
| {{center|—}}
! scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Vladilen Nikitin]]<br>(bornlahir 1936)<ref>{{cite web | author = Abrosimov, Igor | url = http://www.proza.ru/2009/03/26/1061 | script-title=ru:Н – Свод персоналий | trans_title = H – Set of personalities | language = Russian | publisher = proza.ru | accessdate = 13 February 2011 }}</ref>
| {{center|—}}
| 27 Juli 1989 – 30 Agustus 1990<br>({{Age in years and days|1989|07|27|1990|08|30}})
Baris 207:
| {{center|—}}
!colspan="5" align="center" |Wakil Perdana Mentri Pertama [[CabinetKabinet ofMenteri Ministers(Uni (Soviet Union)|Kabinet Menteri]] (1991)
! rowspan="2" scope="row" style="font-weight:normal;" |[[Vladimir Velichko]]<br>(bornlahir 1937)<ref>{{cite book | author = Schulz-Torge, Ulrich-Joachim | page = 232 | title = Who Was Who in the Soviet Union | location = | publisher = [[K. G. Saur Verlag]] | year = 1992 | url = https://books.google.com/?id=j2EYAQAAIAAJ | isbn = 978-3-598-10810-5}}</ref>
| rowspan="2" | {{center|—}}
| rowspan="2" | 15 Januari 1991 – 26 November 1991<br>({{Age in days|1991|01|15|1991|11|26}} days)
| [[Valentin Pavlov]]
| rowspan="2" | [[MinistryKementerian ofBangunan HeavyMesin Machine BuildingBerat|Minister ofMenteri HeavyBangunan MachineMesin BuildingBerat]]<ref name="heavyminister">{{cite book | author = Shevchenko, Iulia | page = 32 | title = The Central Government of Russia: From Gorbachev to Putin | location = | publisher = [[Ashgate Publishing]] | year = 2004 | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=2Plw98pTk5wC&dq | isbn = 978-0-7546-3982-4}}</ref>
| [[Ivan Silayev]]