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Baris 120:
Aqua regia pertama kali muncul dalam karya ahli kimia Eropa [[Pseudo-Geber]], yang berasal dari awal abad ke-14.<ref name="Principe 2012">{{cite book|last=Principe|first=Lawrence M.|title=The secrets of alchemy|year=2012|publisher=University of Chicago Press|location=Chicago|isbn=0226682951}}</ref> Kunci ketiga [[Basil Valentine]] menunjukkan naga di latar depan dan seekor rubah yang sedang memakan ayam jantan di latar belakang. Ayam jantan melambangkan emas (dari hubungannya dengan matahari terbit dan hubungan matahari dengan emas), dan rubah mewakili aqua regia. Pelarutan berulang, pemanasan, dan pelarutan kembali (ayam jantan yang memakan rubah memakan ayam jantan) menyebabkan penumpukan gas klor di dalam labu. Emas kemudian mengkristal dalam bentuk [[emas(III) klorida]], yang kristal merahnya dikenal sebagai darah naga. Reaksi tersebut tidak dilaporkan dalam literatur kimia modern hingga tahun 1890.<ref name="Principe 2012"/>
[[Antoine Lavoisier]] menyebut aqua regia sebagai asam nitro-muriatat pada tahun 1789.<ref>Lavoisier, Antoine (1790). [ ''Elements of Chemistry, in a New Systematic Order, Containing All the Modern Discoveries'']. Edinburgh: William Creech. p. 116. ISBN 978-0486646244.</ref> Ketika [[Operasi Weserübung|Jerman menginvasi Denmark]] pada Perang Dunia II, kimiawan Hungaria [[George de Hevesy]] melarutkan emas [[Hadiah Nobel]] milik fisikawan Jerman [[Max von Laue]] (1914) dan [[James Franck]] (1925) dalam aqua regia untuk mencegah agar tidak disita Nazi. Pemerintah Jerman telah melarang warga Jerman untuk menerima atau menyimpan Hadiah Nobel apapun setelah aktivis perdamaian terpidana [[Carl von Ossietzky]] menerima Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian pada tahun 1935.
<!-- When [[Operation Weserübung|Germany invaded Denmark]] in World War II, Hungarian chemist [[George de Hevesy]] dissolved the gold [[Nobel Prize]]s of German physicists [[Max von Laue]] (1914) and [[James Franck]] (1925) in aqua regia to prevent the Nazis from confiscating them. The German government had prohibited Germans from accepting or keeping any Nobel Prize after jailed peace activist [[Carl von Ossietzky]] had received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935. De Hevesy placed the resulting solution on a shelf in his laboratory at the [[Niels Bohr Institute]]. It was subsequently ignored by the Nazis who thought the jar—one of perhaps hundreds on the shelving—contained common chemicals. After the war, de Hevesy returned to find the solution undisturbed and precipitated the gold out of the acid. The gold was returned to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation. They re-cast the medals and again presented them to Laue and Franck.<ref>[ "Adventures in radioisotope research"], George Hevesy</ref><ref>{{Cite web| publisher = The Nobel Foundation | url = | author = Birgitta Lemmel | title = The Nobel Prize Medals and the Medal for the Prize in Economics | year = 2006}}</ref>