Kodeks: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 40:
The codices of [[pre-Columbian]] [[Mesoamerica]] had the same form as the European codex, but were instead made with long folded strips of either fig bark ([[amatl]]) or plant fibers, often with a layer of [[whitewash]] applied before writing. [[New World]] codices were written as late as the 16th century (see [[Maya codices]] and [[Aztec codices]]). Those written before the Spanish conquests seem all to have been single long sheets folded [[concertina]]-style, sometimes written on both sides of the local [[amatl]] paper.
InDi [[EastAsia AsiaTimur]], thegulungan scrollbertahan remainedsebagai standardformat forstandar farjauh longerlebih thanlama indaripada thedi kawasan [[MediterraneanLaut Tengah]] world. There were intermediate stages, such as scrolls folded [[concertina]]-style and pasted together at the back and books that were printed only on one side of the paper.<ref>[http://idp.bl.uk/education/bookbinding/bookbinding.a4d [[International Dunhuang Project]]—Several intermediate Chinese bookbinding forms from the 10th century].</ref> -->
[[Yudaisme|Agama Yahudi]] masih melestarikan pembuatan Kitab [[Taurat]] dalam format gulungan, setidaknya untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan seremonial.
[[Judaism]] still retains the [[Torah]] scroll, at least for ceremonial use.
== Dari gulungan ke kodeks ==
==From scrolls to codex==
Pada abad-abad terdahulu, naskah-naskah gulungan kadang-kadang dibuat untuk dibeber melintang, sehingga isinya tampak seperti seperti deretan panjang kolom-kolom. Contoh yang terkenal dari format ini adalah [[Naskah Laut Mati|gulungan-gulungan Laut Mati]]. Format semacam ini memungkinkan gulungan untuk dilipat-lipat seperti sebuah akordion. Langkah maju berikutnya adalah membuat potongan-potongan [[folio]], menjahit dan merekat gabungan potongan-potongan itu pada bagian tengahnya, sehingga setiap lembar [[papirus]] atau [[vellum|velum]] dapat dengan mudah ditulisi bolak-balik (''[[Recto dan verso|recto-verso]]''), sama seperti lembar-lembar dalam sebuah buku tulis modern. Para penjilid buku tradisional menyebut folio-folio yang telah ditumpuk, dipangkas rapi, dan disatukan dengan jahitan ini sebagai sebuah ''codex'' untuk membedakannya dari ''capsa'' atau ''jilid keras'' ({{lang-en|hardcover}}). Penjilidan ''codex'' jelas menggunakan prosedur yang berbeda dari penjilidan ''capsa''.
Among the experiments of earlier centuries, scrolls were sometimes unrolled horizontally, as a succession of columns. (The [[Dead Sea Scrolls]] are a famous example of this format.) This made it possible to fold the scroll as an accordion. The next step was then to cut the [[Folio (printing)|folios]], sew and glue them at their centers, making it easier to use the [[papyrus]] or [[vellum]] [[Recto and verso|recto-verso]] as with a modern book. Traditional bookbinders would call one of these assembled, trimmed and bound folios a ''codex'' to differentiate it from the ''case,'' which we now know as ''hard cover''. Binding the codex was clearly a different procedure from binding the case. -->
== Pembuatan kodeks ==