Kodeks: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 32:
The earliest surviving fragments from codices come from Egypt, and are variously dated (always tentatively) towards the end of the 1st century or in the first half of the 2nd. This group includes the [[Rylands Library Papyrus P52]], containing part of St John's Gospel, and perhaps dating from between 125 and 160.<ref>Turner ''The Typology of the Early Codex'', U Penn 1977, and Roberts & Skeat ''The Birth of the Codex'' (Oxford University 1983). From Robert A Kraft (see link): "A fragment of a Latin parchment codex of an otherwise unknown historical text dating to about 100 CE was also found at Oxyrhynchus ([[Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 30|P. Oxy. 30]]; see Roberts & Skeat 28). Papyrus fragments of a "Treatise of the Empirical School" dated by its editor to the centuries 1–2 CE is also attested in the Berlin collection (inv. # 9015, Pack\2 # 2355)—Turner, Typology # 389, and Roberts & Skeat 71, call it a "medical manual.""</ref>
[[File:Ezra Codex Amiantinus.jpg|thumb|EarlyRak medievalbuku bookcasepermulaan containingAbad aboutPertengahan tenmemuat codicessekitar depictedsepuluh inkodeks, thedigambar dalam ''[[Codex Amiatinus]]'' ({{''[[circa}}]]'' 700)]]
In [[Western culture#Foundations|Western culture]], the codex gradually replaced the scroll. Between the 4th century, when the codex gained wide acceptance, and the [[Carolingian Renaissance]] in the 8th century, many works that were not converted from scroll to codex were lost. The codex improved on the scroll in several ways. It could be opened flat at any page for easier reading, pages could be written on both front and back ([[recto and verso]]), and the protection of durable covers made it more compact and easier to transport.
The ancients stored codices with spines facing inward, and not always vertically. The spine could be used for the [[incipit]], before the concept of a proper title developed in medieval times. Though most early codices were made of [[papyrus]], papyrus was fragile and supplies from Egypt, thesatu-satunya onlytempat placepapirus wheretumbuh papyrusdan grewdiolah andmenjadi was made into paperkertas, became scanty. The more durable [[parchmentPerkamen]] anddan [[vellum|velum]] gainedyang lebih awet pun mulai diminati favororang, despitemeskipun themahal costharganya. -->
Kodeks-kodeks [[Mesoamerika]] [[pra-Columbus]] sama bentuknya dengan kodeks Eropa, namun terbuat dari lipatan jalur-jalur kertas panjang yang terbuat dari kulit [[ficus|pohon Ara]] ([[amate|amatl]]) atau tanaman-tanaman berserat lainnya, dan kadang-kadang [[kapur tembok|dilabur]] putih-putih sebelum ditulisi. Kodeks-kodeks [[Dunia Baru]] ditulis selambat-lambatnya pada abad ke-16 (lihat [[Kodeks-kodeks Maya]] dan [[Kodeks-kodeks Aztek]]). Agaknya semua kodeks yang dihasilkan sebelum penaklukan Spanyol dibuat dari sejalur utuh kertas panjang yang dilipat-lipat seperti [[konsertina]], dan kadang-kadang kertas-kertas [[amate|amatl]] buatan pribumi ini ditulisi bolak-balik.