Parsyah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 281:
=== Kitab Yeremia ===
Jeremiah is divided into distinct prophecies, each of which begins with an announcement of "the word of the Lord to Jeremiah" or a similar phrase. Each such prophecy begins a new open ''parashah'' {P} in the Aleppo Codex, with the single exception of the sixth prophecy (14:1) that begins with a closed ''parashah'' {S}.
Kitab Yeremia dibagi atas nubuat-nubuat terpisah, masing-masing dimulai dengan pernyataan "Firman Tuhan kepada Yeremia" atau frasa yang serupa. Setiap nubuat itu dimulai dengan suatu ''parashah'' terbuka {P} baru pada Aleppo Codex, dengan satu perkecualian pada nubuat keenam (14:1) yang dimulai dengan sebuah m ''parashah'' tertutup {S}.
<small>The Aleppo codex is missing two folios from Jeremiah, and the folio following them is also partly torn. The missing text included parts of chapters 29-32.<ref>These include 29:9 (יהוה) to 31:34 (נתן); 32:1 (לנבוכדראצר) to 32:5 (כי); 32:8 (שדי) to 32:12 (בספר); 32:14 (רבים) to 32:19 (עיניך); 32:21 (ובמורא) to 32:24. However, a few words from 32:4-5 and 32:24 remain.</ref> ''Parashot'' listed from the missing parts are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex<ref name="Ofer, Yellin p. 320"/> and marked with an asterisk (*).</small>
'''Prophecies of Destruction (1-25):'''
* '''First prophecy (1):''' 1:1-3 {P} 1:4-6 {S} 1:7-10 {P} 1:11-12 {S} 1:13-19
* '''Second prophecy (2:1-3:5):''' {P} 2:1-3 {P} 2:4-28 {S} 2:29-37;3:1-5
* '''Third prophecy (3:6-6:30):''' {P} 3:6-10 {S} 3:11-17 {S} 3:18-25 {S} 4:1-2 {S} 4:3-8 {P} 4:9 {S} 4:10-18 {P} 4:19-21 {P} 4:22-31 {S} 5:1-9 {S} 5:10-13 {S} 5:14-19 {P} 5:20-29 {S} 5:30-31;6:1-5 {P} 6:6-8 {P} 6:9-15 {S} 6:16-21 {P} 6:22-30
* '''Fourth prophecy (7-10):''' {P} 7:1-2 {S} 7:3-15 {P} 7:16-20 {P} 7:21-28 {S} 7:29-31 {P} 7:32-34;8:1-3 {S} 8:4-12 {P}8:13-16 {P} 8:17 {S} 8:18-22 {S} 8:23 {S} 9:1-5 {S} 9:6-8 {S} 9:9-10 {S} 9:11 {S} 9:12-13 {P} 9:14-15 {P} 9:16-18 {S} 9:19-21 {S} 9:22-23 {S} 9:24-25 {P} 10:1-5 {P} 10:6-10 {P} 10:11 {S} 10:12-16 {S} 10:17 {S} 10:18 {S} 10:19-21 {P} 10:22 {S} 10:23-25
* '''Fifth prophecy (11-13):''' {P} 11:1-5 {P} 11:6-8 {S} 11:9-10 {S} 11:11-13 {S} 11:14 {S} 11:15-17 {P} 11:18-20 {S} 11:21 {P} 11:22-23 {S} 12:1-3 {P} 12:4-6 {S} 12:7-12 {S} 12:13 {P} 12:14-17 {S} 13:1-2 {P} 13:3-7 {P} 13:8-10 {S} 13:11-12a {S} 13:12b-17 כה אמר {S} 13:18-19 {S} 13:20-27
* '''Sixth prophecy (14-17):''' {S} 14:1-9 {S} 14:10 {P} 14:11-12 {S} 14:13 {S} 14:14 {S} 14:15-18 {S} 14:19-22 {P} 15:1-9 {S} 15:10 {S} 15:11-14 {S} 15:15-16 {S} 15:17-18 {S} 15:19-21 {S} 16:1-2 {S} 16:3-4 {S} 16:5-8 {P} 16:9-13 {P} 16:14-5 {P} 16:16-18 {P} 16:19-21 {S} 17:1-4 {S} 17:5-6 {S} 17:7-10 {S} 17:11-13 {P} 17:14-18 {S} 17:19-27
* '''Seventh prophecy (18-20):''' {P} 18:1-4 {S} 18:5-6 {S} 18:7-8 {S} 18:9-10 {S} 18:11-12 {P} 18:13-17 {S} 18:18-23 {S} 19:1-5 {P} 19:6-13 {P} 19:14 {S} 19:15;20:1-3 {S} 20:4-6 {P} 20:7-12 {S} 20:13 {S} 20:14-18
* '''Eighth prophecy (21-24):''' {P} 21:1-3 {S} 21:1-3 {S} 21:4-10 {S} 21:11-14;22:1-5 {P} 22:6-9 {S} 22:10-12 {S} 22:13-17 {S} 22:18-19 {S} 22:20-27 {P} 22:28-30 {P} 23:1 {S} 23:2-4 {S} 23:5-6 {P} 23:7-8 {P} 23:9-14 {P} 23:15 {P} 23:16-22 {S} 23:23-29 {S} 23:30-40 {P} 24:1-2 {P} 24:3 {P} 24:4-7 {S} 24:8-10
* '''Ninth prophecy (25):''' {P} 25:1-7 {P} 25:8-14 {P} 25:15-27a {P} 25:27b-31 כה אמר {S} 25:32-38
<small>The Aleppo codex iskehilangan missingdua twofolio foliosKitab from JeremiahYeremia, and thedan folio following them issesudahnya alsojuga partlytersobek tornsebagian. TheTeks missingyang texthilang includedmeliputi partssebagian of chapterspasal 29-32.<ref>These includeMemuat 29:9 (יהוה) tosampai 31:34 (נתן); 32:1 (לנבוכדראצר) tosampai 32:5 (כי); 32:8 (שדי) tosampai 32:12 (בספר); 32:14 (רבים) tosampai 32:19 (עיניך); 32:21 (ובמורא) tosampai 32:24. HoweverNamun, abeberapa fewkata words fromdari 32:4-5 anddan 32:24 remainmasih tersisa.</ref> ''Parashot'' listeddari frombagian theyang missinghilang partsdidasarkan aredari based uponcatatan Kimhi's notesmengenai onkodeks the codexitu<ref name="Ofer, Yellin p. 320"/> and markeddan withditandai andengan asterisk (*).</small>
'''Prophecies interwoven with narratives about the prophet's life (26-45):'''
* '''Tenth prophecy (26-29):''' {P} 26:1-6 {P} 26:7-10 {S} 26:11-15 {S} 26:16-24 {P} 27:1-22 {P} 28:1-11 {P} 28:12-17 {P} 29:1-9 {P*} 29:10-15 {S*} 29:16 {S*} 29:17-20 {P*} 29:21-23 {S*} 29:24-29 {P*} 29:30-32
* '''Consolations (30-33):'''
** '''Eleventh prophecy (30-31):''' {P*} 30:1-3 {P*} 30:4-9 {S*} 30:10-11 {S*} 30:12-17 {S*} 30:18-22 {S*} 30:23-25 {S*} 31:1-5 {P*} 31:6-8 {P*} 31:9-13 {P*} 31:14 {S*} 31:15-19<ref>The Leningrad codex has a closed section break {S} at 31:17 (שמוע), but Kimhi did not note any ''parashah''. The possibility that Kimhi erred by neglecting to note a ''parashah'' at 31:17 is lessened by the fact that [[Codex Cairensis]] also lacks a ''parashah'' at this point, as well as the fact that Finfer records lack of a ''parashah'' break here in most manuscripts (Ofer, Yellin, p. 332 n. 1). For this reason Breuer's editions based on the Aleppo Codex and Kimhi's notes (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown'') do not show a ''parashah'' at 31:17, nor does a break appear in the ''Koren'' edition based on Finfer's list. However, Finfer does note that "a few manuscripts" have {S} here (p. 133).</ref> {S*} 31:20-21 {P*} 31:22-25 {S*} 31:26-29 {S*} 31:30-33 {S*} 31:34-35 {S} 31:36 {S} 31:37-39
** '''Twelfth prophecy (32-33):''' {P} 32:1-5 {P} 32:6-14 {S*} 32:15 {P*} 32:16-25 {S} 32:26-35 {S} 32:36-41 {S} 32:42-44 {P} 33:1-3 {P} 33:4-9 {S} 33:10-11 {S} 33:12-13 {S} 33:14-16 {S} 33:17-18 {P} 33:19-22 {S} 33:23-24 {S} 33:25-26
* '''Thirteenth prophecy (34):''' {P} 34:1-5 {S} 34:6-7 {P} 34:8-11 {P} 34:12-16 {S} 34:17-22
* '''Fourteenth prophecy (35):''' {P} 35:1-11 {P} 35:12-19
* '''Fifteenth prophecy (36-39):''' {P} 36:1-3 {S} 36:4-8 {P} 36:9-18 {S} 36:19-26 {S} 36:27-29 {S} 36:30-32 {P} 37:1-5 {P} 37:6-8 {P} 37:9-11 {S} 37:12-21;38:1-2 {S} 38:3-6 {S} 38:7-13 {S} 38:14-16 {S} 38:17a {S} 38:17b-18 כה אמר {S} 38:19-23 {S} 38:24-26 {P} 38:27-28a {S} 38:28b;39:1-14 והיה כאשר {S} 29:15-18
* '''Sixteenth prophecy (40-45):''' {P} 40:1-6 {P} 40:7-12 {S} 40:13-16 {P} 41:1-10 {S} 41:11-15 {S} 41:16-18 {P} 42:1-6 {P} 42:7-22 {S} 43:1 {S} 43:2-7 {S} 43:8-13 {P} 44:1-6 {S} 44:7-10 {S} 44:11-14 {P} 44:15-19 {S} 44:20-23 {S} 44:24-25 {S} 44:26-29 {P} 44:30 {S} 45:1-5
'''PropheciesNubuat against the nationsKehancuran (461-5125):'''
* '''AgainstNubuat the nationspertama (46-491):''' {P} 461:1-123 {P} 461:134-196 {S} 461:207-2610 {P} 46:27-28 {P} 47:1-7 {P} 48:111-11 {S} 48:12-39 {S} 48:40-47 {S} 49:1-6 {P} 49:7-11 {S} 49:1213-19 {S} 49:20-22 {P} 49:23-27 {P} 49:28-33 {S} 49:34-39
* '''SecondNubuat prophecykedua (2:1-3:5):''' {P} 2:1-3 {P} 2:4-28 {S} 2:29-37;3:1-5
* '''Against Babylon (50-51):''' {P} 50:1-7 {S} 50:8-16 {S} 50:17 {P} 50:18-20 {P} 50:21 {S} 50:22-27 {S} 50:28-30 {P} 50:31-32 {S} 50:33-46 {S} 51:1-10 {S} 51:11-14 {S} 51:15-19 {P} 51:20-24 {S} 51:25-32 {S} 51:33-35 {S} 51:36-51 {P} 51:52-53 {S} 51:54-57 {S} 51:58 {S} 51:59-64
* '''ThirdNubuat prophecyketiga (3:6-6:30):''' {P} 3:6-10 {S} 3:11-17 {S} 3:18-25 {S} 4:1-2 {S} 4:3-8 {P} 4:9 {S} 4:10-18 {P} 4:19-21 {P} 4:22-31 {S} 5:1-9 {S} 5:10-13 {S} 5:14-19 {P} 5:20-29 {S} 5:30-31;6:1-5 {P} 6:6-8 {P} 6:9-15 {S} 6:16-21 {P} 6:22-30
* '''FourthNubuat prophecykeempat (7-10):''' {P} 7:1-2 {S} 7:3-15 {P} 7:16-20 {P} 7:21-28 {S} 7:29-31 {P} 7:32-34;8:1-3 {S} 8:4-12 {P}8:13-16 {P} 8:17 {S} 8:18-22 {S} 8:23 {S} 9:1-5 {S} 9:6-8 {S} 9:9-10 {S} 9:11 {S} 9:12-13 {P} 9:14-15 {P} 9:16-18 {S} 9:19-21 {S} 9:22-23 {S} 9:24-25 {P} 10:1-5 {P} 10:6-10 {P} 10:11 {S} 10:12-16 {S} 10:17 {S} 10:18 {S} 10:19-21 {P} 10:22 {S} 10:23-25
* '''FifthNubuat prophecykelima (11-13):''' {P} 11:1-5 {P} 11:6-8 {S} 11:9-10 {S} 11:11-13 {S} 11:14 {S} 11:15-17 {P} 11:18-20 {S} 11:21 {P} 11:22-23 {S} 12:1-3 {P} 12:4-6 {S} 12:7-12 {S} 12:13 {P} 12:14-17 {S} 13:1-2 {P} 13:3-7 {P} 13:8-10 {S} 13:11-12a {S} 13:12b-17 כה אמר {S} 13:18-19 {S} 13:20-27
* '''SixthNubuat prophecykeenam (14-17):''' {S} 14:1-9 {S} 14:10 {P} 14:11-12 {S} 14:13 {S} 14:14 {S} 14:15-18 {S} 14:19-22 {P} 15:1-9 {S} 15:10 {S} 15:11-14 {S} 15:15-16 {S} 15:17-18 {S} 15:19-21 {S} 16:1-2 {S} 16:3-4 {S} 16:5-8 {P} 16:9-13 {P} 16:14-5 {P} 16:16-18 {P} 16:19-21 {S} 17:1-4 {S} 17:5-6 {S} 17:7-10 {S} 17:11-13 {P} 17:14-18 {S} 17:19-27
* '''SeventhNubuat prophecyketujuh (18-20):''' {P} 18:1-4 {S} 18:5-6 {S} 18:7-8 {S} 18:9-10 {S} 18:11-12 {P} 18:13-17 {S} 18:18-23 {S} 19:1-5 {P} 19:6-13 {P} 19:14 {S} 19:15;20:1-3 {S} 20:4-6 {P} 20:7-12 {S} 20:13 {S} 20:14-18
* '''EighthNubuat prophecykedelapan (21-24):''' {P} 21:1-3 {S} 21:1-3 {S} 21:4-10 {S} 21:11-14;22:1-5 {P} 22:6-9 {S} 22:10-12 {S} 22:13-17 {S} 22:18-19 {S} 22:20-27 {P} 22:28-30 {P} 23:1 {S} 23:2-4 {S} 23:5-6 {P} 23:7-8 {P} 23:9-14 {P} 23:15 {P} 23:16-22 {S} 23:23-29 {S} 23:30-40 {P} 24:1-2 {P} 24:3 {P} 24:4-7 {S} 24:8-10
* '''NinthNubuat prophecykesembilan (25):''' {P} 25:1-7 {P} 25:8-14 {P} 25:15-27a {P} 25:27b-31 כה אמר {S} 25:32-38
'''Nubuat terjalin dengan naratif kehidupan nabi (26-45):'''
'''Narrative (52):'''
* '''DestructionNubuat and Hopekesepuluh (5226-29):''' {P} 5226:1-236 {P} 26:7-10 {S} 5226:2411-2715 {S} 5226:16-24 {P} 27:1-22 {P} 28:1-3011 {P} 28:12-17 {P} 29:1-9 {P*} 29:10-15 {S*} 5229:3116 {S*} 29:17-20 {P*} 29:21-23 {S*} 29:24-29 {P*} 29:30-3432
* '''ConsolationsPenghiburan (30-33):'''
** '''EleventhNubuat prophecykesebelas (30-31):''' {P*} 30:1-3 {P*} 30:4-9 {S*} 30:10-11 {S*} 30:12-17 {S*} 30:18-22 {S*} 30:23-25 {S*} 31:1-5 {P*} 31:6-8 {P*} 31:9-13 {P*} 31:14 {S*} 31:15-19<ref>The Leningrad codex has a closed section break {S} at 31:17 (שמוע), but Kimhi did not note any ''parashah''. The possibility that Kimhi erred by neglecting to note a ''parashah'' at 31:17 is lessened by the fact that [[Codex Cairensis]] also lacks a ''parashah'' at this point, as well as the fact that Finfer records lack of a ''parashah'' break here in most manuscripts (Ofer, Yellin, p. 332 n. 1). For this reason Breuer's editions based on the Aleppo Codex and Kimhi's notes (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown'') do not show a ''parashah'' at 31:17, nor does a break appear in the ''Koren'' edition based on Finfer's list. However, Finfer does note that "a few manuscripts" have {S} here (p. 133).</ref> {S*} 31:20-21 {P*} 31:22-25 {S*} 31:26-29 {S*} 31:30-33 {S*} 31:34-35 {S} 31:36 {S} 31:37-39
** '''TwelfthNubuat prophecykedua belas (32-33):''' {P} 32:1-5 {P} 32:6-14 {S*} 32:15 {P*} 32:16-25 {S} 32:26-35 {S} 32:36-41 {S} 32:42-44 {P} 33:1-3 {P} 33:4-9 {S} 33:10-11 {S} 33:12-13 {S} 33:14-16 {S} 33:17-18 {P} 33:19-22 {S} 33:23-24 {S} 33:25-26
* '''FirstNubuat prophecyketiga belas (134):''' 1{P} 34:1-35 {PS} 134:46-67 {SP} 134:78-1011 {P} 134:1112-1216 {S} 134:1317-1922
* '''FourteenthNubuat prophecykeempat belas (35):''' {P} 35:1-11 {P} 35:12-19
* '''FifteenthNubuat prophecykelima belas (36-39):''' {P} 36:1-3 {S} 36:4-8 {P} 36:9-18 {S} 36:19-26 {S} 36:27-29 {S} 36:30-32 {P} 37:1-5 {P} 37:6-8 {P} 37:9-11 {S} 37:12-21;38:1-2 {S} 38:3-6 {S} 38:7-13 {S} 38:14-16 {S} 38:17a {S} 38:17b-18 כה אמר {S} 38:19-23 {S} 38:24-26 {P} 38:27-28a {S} 38:28b;39:1-14 והיה כאשר {S} 29:15-18
* '''SixteenthNubuat prophecykeenam belas (40-45):''' {P} 40:1-6 {P} 40:7-12 {S} 40:13-16 {P} 41:1-10 {S} 41:11-15 {S} 41:16-18 {P} 42:1-6 {P} 42:7-22 {S} 43:1 {S} 43:2-7 {S} 43:8-13 {P} 44:1-6 {S} 44:7-10 {S} 44:11-14 {P} 44:15-19 {S} 44:20-23 {S} 44:24-25 {S} 44:26-29 {P} 44:30 {S} 45:1-5
'''Nubuat melawan bangsa-bangsa (46-51):'''
* '''TenthMelawan prophecybangsa-bangsa (2646-2949):''' {P} 2646:1-612 {P} 2646:713-1019 {S} 2646:1120-1526 {SP} 2646:1627-2428 {P} 2747:1-227 {P} 2848:1-11 {PS} 2848:12-1739 {PS} 2948:40-47 {S} 49:1-96 {P*} 2949:107-1511 {S*} 2949:1612-19 {S*} 2949:17-20-22 {P*} 2949:21-23-27 {S*P} 2949:2428-2933 {P*S} 2949:3034-3239
* '''AgainstMelawan BabylonBabel (50-51):''' {P} 50:1-7 {S} 50:8-16 {S} 50:17 {P} 50:18-20 {P} 50:21 {S} 50:22-27 {S} 50:28-30 {P} 50:31-32 {S} 50:33-46 {S} 51:1-10 {S} 51:11-14 {S} 51:15-19 {P} 51:20-24 {S} 51:25-32 {S} 51:33-35 {S} 51:36-51 {P} 51:52-53 {S} 51:54-57 {S} 51:58 {S} 51:59-64
'''NarrativeNaratif (52):'''
* '''ThirteenthKehancuran prophecydan Harapan (3452):''' {P} 3452:1-523 {S} 3452:624-727 {PS} 3452:828-1130 {PS} 3452:1231-16 {S} 34:17-22
=== Kitab Yehezkiel ===