Tanakh: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 131:
{{wikisourcelang|he|מקרא|Tanakh (Hebrew source)}}
* [http://www.jsummary.com IllustratedRingkasan Summaryberilustrasi anddan Analysisanalysis of the TorahTaurat (first 5 bookslima ofkitab thepertama Tanakh)]
* [http://www.eTanakh.org/ Hebrew-English Tanakh: the Jewish Bible] - Onlineedisi editiononline ofTeks theMasoret oldestlengkap knowntertua completeyang Masoreticdikenal textdari ofAlkitab the Hebrew BibleIbrani (includingtermasuk contillationtanda markskantilasi) placedditempatkan nextberdampingan todengan classicterjemahan JewishYahudi translationklasik.
* [http://www.mechon-mamre.org/ Mechon Mamre] – Theteks HebrewTanakh text of the Tanakhdalam basedbahasa onIbrani theberdasarkan [[AleppoKodeks codexAleppo]] anddan othernaskah Tiberian manuscriptslain closeyang todekat itdengannya, editeddisunting accordingmenurut to the system ofsistem Rabbi [[Mordechai Breuer]]. HebrewTeks textbahasa comesIbrani inditampilkan fourdalam convenientempat versionsversi yang mudah dipakai (includingtermasuk onesatu withversi dengan tanda [[cantillationkantilasi]] marks) and maydan bedapat downloadeddiunduh. The [[Jewish Publication Society of America|JPS]] 1917 English translation is included as well as parallel translations (Hebrew - English, Hebrew - French, Hebrew - Portuguese and a Hebrew - Spanish Bible, see: [http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm A Jewish Hebrew - English/French/Portuguese/Spanish Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition])
* [https://sites.google.com/site/kadish67/nakh-en A Guide to Reading Nevi'im and Ketuvim] – Detailed Hebrew outlines of the biblical books based on the natural flow of the text (rather than the [[Chapters and verses of the Bible|chapter divisions]]). The outlines include a daily study-cycle, and the explanatory material is in English, by Seth (Avi) Kadish.
<!-- original research non-scholarly version * [http://www.threetwoone.org/diagrams/HebrewBibleOutlinePresentation.gif A detailed chart of the major figures and events in the Tanakh] -->