Pengejaran SMS Goeben dan SMS Breslau: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 38:
==Kontak awal dengan Sekutu==
[[Berkas:AdmiralArchibaldMilne.jpg|kiri|jmpl|Laksamana Archibald Berkeley Milne yang pada peristiwa ini merupakan komandan skuadron Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Inggris di Laut Tengah.]]
Angkatan laut Inggris dan Perancis sebenarnya telah mewaspadai pergerakan SMS Goeben dan Breslau di Laut Tengah yang diyakini akan mengganggu kapal-kapal transportasi Perancis. Perkiraan ini sesuai dengan perintah Kaisar Wilhelm II yang telah mengintruksikan SMS Goeben dan Breslau untuk melakukan serangan di bagian barat Laut Tengah, sebagai antisipasi kembalinya pasukan Perancis dari koloninya di Aljazair ke Eropa, ataupun kemudian meloloskan diri ke Samudra Atlantik untuk kembali ke perairan Jerman. Namun, Jerman telah bersiap lebih awal akan hal ini — sebelum dideklarasikannya perang. Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 1914, Souchon telah mengarahkan kedua kapalnya ke Aljazair, dan dalam perjalanan, Souchon menerima kabar bahwa, Kekaisaran Jerman telah mendeklarasikan perang terhadap Perancis. Pada 4 Agustus 1914, setibanya di wilayah Aljazair, SMS Goeben kemudian membombardir kota Philippevile. Berselang 10 menit kemudian, SMS Breslau memborbardir kota Bône sesuai perintah Kaisar. Meskipun serangan ini mengakibatkan kerusakan yang relatif minor, serangan ini berhasil menunda pengiriman tentara Perancis ke Eropa. Setelah melakukan serangan tersebut, Wilhelm Souchon menerima telegram perintah lain dari atasannya— Alfred von Tirpitz dan Hugo von Pohl — untuk secara diam-diam berlayar ke Konstantinopel. Perintah ini berlawanan dan bahkan dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan Kaisar Wilhelm II.
Baris 46 ⟶ 47:
Souchon's two ships departed Messina early on 6 August through the southern entrance to the strait and headed for the eastern Mediterranean. The two British battlecruisers were 100 miles away, while a third, ''Inflexible'', was coaling in Bizerta, Tunisia. The only British naval force in Souchon's way was the 1st Cruiser Squadron, which consisted of the four armored cruisers ''Defence'', ''Black Prince'', ''Duke of Edinburgh'' and ''Warrior'' under the command of Rear Admiral Ernest Troubridge. The Germans headed initially towards the Adriatic in a feint; the move misled Troubridge, who sailed to intercept them in the mouth of the Adriatic. After realizing his mistake, Troubridge reversed course and ordered the light cruiser ''Dublin'' and two destroyers to launch a torpedo attack on the Germans. ''Breslau''<nowiki/>'s lookouts spotted the ships, and in the darkness, she and ''Goeben'' evaded their pursuers undetected. Troubridge broke off the chase early on 7 August, convinced that any attack by his four older armored cruisers against ''Goeben''—armed with her larger 28 cm guns—would be suicidal. Souchon's journey to Constantinople was now clear.
''Goeben'' refilled her coal bunkers off the island of Donoussa near Naxos. During the afternoon of 10 August, the two ships entered the Dardanelles. They were met by an Ottoman picket boat, which guided them through to the Sea of Marmara. To circumvent neutrality requirements, the Ottoman government proposed that the ships be transferred to its ownership "by means of a fictitious sale." Before the Germans could approve this, the Ottomans announced on 11 August that they had purchased the ships for 80 million Marks. In a formal ceremony the two ships were commissioned in the Ottoman Navy on 16 August. On 23 September, Souchon accepted an offer to command the Turkish fleet. ''Goeben''was renamed ''Yavuz Sultan Selim'' and ''Breslau'' was renamed ''Midilli''; their German crews donned Ottoman uniforms and fezzes.[[Berkas:Pursuit_of_Goeben_and_Breslau.png|pra=|pus|jmpl|500x500px]]
==Konsekuensi peristiwa==
Terdapat banyak teori mengenai sejarah alternatif yang terjadi apabila kedua kapal ini tidak berhasil berlabuh di Konstantinopel. Namun, konsekuensi nyata dan utama terkait lolosnya SMS Goeben dan SMS Breslau ke Konstantinopel adalah bergabungnya Kekaisaran Ottoman untuk aktif bertempur bersama Blok Sentral di Perang Dunia I. Ironisnya, respon awal Inggris terkait sampainya kedua kapal ini ke pelabuhan Konstantinopel cenderung dingin. Perdana menteri Inggris pada saat itu H.H Asquith bahkan menyiratkan bahwa, berpindahnya kendali SMS Goeben dan Breslau dari tangan Jerman ke tangan Kekaisaran Ottoman akan mempermudah kampanye militer Inggris di Laut Tengah akibat tidak adanya kru kapal terampil yang dimiliki oleh Ottoman.
The most important consequence of the escape of the German cruisers to Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire was the accession to the hostilities on the side of the central states [29] . October 29, 1914 year, "Yavuz Sultan Selim" and "Midilli" and other ships, despite the still ongoing neutrality of the Ottoman Empire, strafed targets on the Black Sea coast of Russia, and forced his way back to samozatopienia crew minelayer "Prut" [30] . The physical effects beyond the loss of the attack minelayer were small, but its huge political overtones: November 2, Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and did so on November 5 the United Kingdom and France [31] .
The presence of the Sea of Marmara heavily armed cruiser line forced the Royal Navy to be held in the region of large naval forces, inevitably shifted to other theaters of war, and to take account of possible hostilities in the planning of military operations, primarily in the Dardanelles strait [32] . "Yavuz Sultan Selim" towered well as firepower, speed and armor on each of the five przeddrednotów , which possessed the Russians in the Black Sea in 1914 [33] .
The Admiralty considered that the commanders of the Mediterranean Fleet (with the brilliant exception of Commander Howard Kelly) had disgraced themselves with unsuccessful pursuit [26] . Admiral Milne was recalled from command of the Mediterranean Fleet and retired in 1919 and was not given any major commanding role. Rear Admiral Troubridge stood before the court, accused of failing to execute orders. Eventually he was cleared of charges and later became head of the British military mission in Serbia and commander of the Dunajec Flotilla. After the war he was chairman of the international board overseeing the freedom of navigation on the Danube . The critic also met with the commander of the French fleet in the Mediterranean, Admiral Augustin Boué de LapeyrèreThat is not joined to the chase, focusing exclusively on the protection of military transport [27] .
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