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Baris 20:
Prof. Dr. Ir. IGN '''Wiratmaja''' ditugaskan sebagai Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral per Agustus 2017. Sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Jendral Minyak dan Gas Bumi serta Staf Ahli Menteri ESDM.
IGN Wiratmaja adalah juga Guru Besar di Institut Teknologi Bandung. Bidang keahlian yang ditekuni adalah infrastruktur energi.
Baris 114:
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1997,"The Reissner Sagoci Problem for the Transversely Isotropic Half Space", ''ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,'' Vol. 64, No. 3, pp.692-694 692–694.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., 1996, "Love's Circular Patch Problem Revisited : Closed Form Solutions for Transverse Isotropy and Shear Loading", ''Quarterly'' ''of Applied Mathematics,'' Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 359-384 359–384
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., 1997, "The Elastic Field Resulting from Elliptical Hertzian Contact of Transversely Isotropic Bodies : Closed Form Expressions for Normal and Shear Loading, ''ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,'' Vol. 64, No.3, pp.457-465.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1997, "The Evaluation of Certain Infinite Integrals Involving Products of Bessel Functions : a Correlation of Formula", ''Quarterly'' ''of Applied Mathematics,'' Vol. 55, pp. 505-524 505–524.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1998,"Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Foundations I, ''ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,'' Vol. 124, No.5, pp.537-546.
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W.,1998,"Elastic Subsurface Stress Analysis for Circular Foundations II, ''ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,'' Vol. 124, No.5, pp.547-555.
# Puja, I.W., Shibuya, T., 2001, “On The Boundary Value Problems of Circular Loading for Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Media”, ''JSME International'' ''Journal, Series A, V''ol 44, NO. 4, pp. 462-471 462–471
# Puja, I.W., Hardono, T, Khalid, Adziman, M.F.., 2004, “The Structural Impact Characteristics of Indonesian Railway Vehicle”, ''Advance in Fracture and'' ''Failure Prevention.,'' Trans Tech Publication LTD Vols, 261-263 (2004) pp. 337-344 337–344, Switzerland.
# Puja,I. W, Khairullah, A., Kariem, M. A., Saputro, A. H., (2006), "Numerical and Experimental Study on Railway Impact Energy Absorption Using Tube External Inversion Mechanism at Real Scale” '', Key Engineering Materials'' ''Vols''. 306 pp. 315-320 315–320
# Puja, I.W., Khalid, S Weij "Crash Zone Development for Railway Vehicle" (2006) ''Key Engineering Materials'' Vols. 306-308, pp. 321-326 321–326
# Puja, I. W., Hanson, M. T.,2009, “An Upright or Tilted Flat Elliptical Punch Indenting a Transversely Isotropic Half Space : Closed Form Solutions to the Elastic Field for Normal and Shear Loading", ''International Journal of Solid'' ''and Structures'', (accepted for publication).
# Soemantri, S., Puja, I.W., Budiwantoro, B., Parwata Md., Schipper D.J., “Solutions to Hertzian Contact Problem Between Wheel and Rail For Small Radius of Curvature” , ''Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials'' ''Engineering'', pp. 669-677 669–677, (2010)
# Parwata, I.M., Budiwantoro, B., Brodjonegoro, S.S. and Puja, I.G.N.W. (2011) ‘Effect of curving speed and mass of railway vehicle to the contact characteristic on curve track’, International Journal Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, pp. 250–267.
Baris 135:
# Hanson, M. T., Puja, I. W., “Some Elliptical Contact Problems for a Transversely Isotropic Half Space”, ''Proceedings Joint ASME/ASCE/SES'' ''Meeting'', June 29 - July 7, 1997, Norris Center, North Western University, Evaston, Illinois, U.S.A.
# Puja, I.W., 1999, “Sliding Contact Between two elastic geometrically Identical Transversely Isotropic Bodies”, ''Asia/Pacific International Cogress on'' ''Engineering Computational Modelling and Signal Processing'', pp. 539-548 539–548.
# Pasaribu ,H.R, Puja, I.W., "Multibody Dynamics Analysis of a Train Collision Case Study: Train Collision in Indonesia" ''Proceeding of The 7th Indonesia'' ''Student's Scientific Meeting, Oktober'' 2002, Germany.
# Puja, I.W., Nugroho, A., 2003, “Bottom Dump Truck Structural Analysis For Metric Ton Truck Capacity”, 3<sup>rd</sup>3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering
# Puja, I.W., Saragih, N., Adziman M., 2003, “Railway Vehicle Impact Energy Absorber Using Plastic Deformation And Hydraulic Mechanism”, 3<sup>rd</sup>3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering.
# Puja, I.W., Khalid, Weij, S., 2005, “ Crash Zone Development for Railway Vehicle”, The 6<sup>th</sup>6th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid, pp. 318-323&nbsp;318–323
# Puja,. I.W., Khairullah, A., Kariem, M.A., Saputro, A.H., 2005, “Numerical and Experimental Study on Railway Impact Energy Absorption Using Tube External Inversion Mechanism at Scale”, The 6<sup>th</sup>6th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid, pp. 312-317&nbsp;312–317,
# Puja, I.W., Narendra, P.S., 2005, “Remaining Strength Analysis For Corroded Pipeline With Complex Shape Defects Under Combined Loading”, ''Proceeding International Maintenance and Reliability Coference'', 2005
# Puja, I.W., Irvan Hariadi, Yendra Lubis, Gerhard Indra, Reza, "Remaining Strength analysis for Corroded Pipeline With Complex Shape Defects Under Combined Loading", ''Proceedings International Conference on Maintenance'' ''& Production Relability Conference'', May 2006
Baris 158:
* [http://esdm.go.id Situs Resmi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia]
* [http://bpsdm.go.id Situs Resmi BPSDM ESDM]
[[Kategori:Badan Pengembangan SDM ESDM]]