SMS Goeben: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 96:
====== Meriam utama ======
Penempatan 10 buah meriam utama dapat dibagi kedalam 5 indeks yakni A,B,C,D dan E. Posisi dari meriam utama yang memiliki indeks "A" berada pada garis tengah haluan kapal. Meriam "B" terletak diantara dua cerobong pembuangan di bagian sisi kanan kapal dan berada dekat dengan bagian luar dari pembatas dek kapal. Meriam "C" dan "D" berada di bagian tengah, tepat di belakang tiang buritan kapal. Meriam "C" memiliki posisi yang lebih tinggi dari "D" dan keduanya menghadap ke arah belakang dari dek utama kapal. Meriam "E" diletakan di sisi kiri kapal dan berada di antara cerobong pembuangan. Tiga dari meriam utama ini terletak segaris pada garis tengah panjang kapal yang bertujuan untuk menjaga keseeimbangan kapal. Penempatan meriam utama ini membuat empat meriam bekerja secara optimum saat kapal menembak target yang berada di salah satu sisi kapal. Meriam A, C, D, dan E dapat digunakan untuk menembak suatu target yang berada di sisi kiri kapal, sementara meriam A, B, C, dan D dapat digunakan untuk menembak suatu target yang berada di sisi kanan kapal. Jika kapal ini dalam posisi melarikan diri dari suatu kejaran kapal lainnya, maka meriam B, C, D, dan E dapat diarahkan ke belakang kapal untuk menembak kapal pengejar. Namun, saat terjadinya peristiwa ''[[Pengejaran kapal Goeben dan Breslau|pengejaran Goeben dan Breslau]]'' di Laut Tengah, hanya terdapat satu atau dua meriam yang dapat diarahkan. Sebaliknya, jika SMS Goeben melakukan pengejaran, maka meriam A, B, dan E dapat digunakan untuk menembak target yang melarikan diri.
Posisi 10 buah meriam utama dapat dibagi kedalam 5 indeks yakni A,B,C,D dan E.
The mountings for the 11.1-inch guns utilized electric pumps to drive hydraulic elevation gear while the training of the guns was powered by electric generators. The positioning of the turrets had the "A" turret (or "Anton") on the bow at the center line. The "B" turret was on the starboard side between the two funnels - off center line - close to the outside railing of the deck. The "C" and "D" turrets were on the center line behind the aft mast. The "C" turret was higher with "D" below and both faced the stern on the main deck. "E" turret was stationed along the port side, aft of the amidships funnel, and forward of the aft conning tower. Three of the five main turrets were along the ship's center line for stability. This main turret placement provided maximum firepower with turrets A, C, D, and E able to fire an eight-gun broadside to port and turrets A, B, C, and D to fire a broadside to starboard. If the battlecruiser needed to flee from a battleship, she could fire eight guns aft from turrets B, C, D, and E towards the pursuing enemy battleship which, in turn, could only bring about one or two of its own main turrets to bear on the escaping Goeben. Conversely, if the German battlecruiser was chasing an enemy cruiser, turrets A, B, and E could fire a six-gun volley forward against the fleeing target.
====== Meriam sekunder ======
Terdapat 12 meriam sekunder dengan kaliber 15 cm. Penempatan meriam ini
The secondary guns mounted were 12x5.9-inch (15cm) SKL/45 150mm fast-firing guns. The placement was in barbettes on the second deck with the crews protected by armor on the inside of the hull. Six guns were placed on the port side and six on the starboard to fire broadsides against smaller surface ships - including incoming torpedo boats or escaping merchants. One gun on the port and starboard side could fire directly aft and forward if needed. Goeben had two of the guns removed in 1915 and another two of her 5.9-inch guns removed during a 1927 refit. For aircraft defense, a scant amount of 12x3.45-inch SKL/45 88mm AA (Anti-Aircraft) guns were placed onboard in various locations: Four were found on the forward conning tower main bridge area, two on the rear tower, two more on the main deck forward (protecting the bridge) and the balance of guns scattered on the decks around the bulk of the ship. 4x19.7-inch 500mm submerged torpedo tubes were installed and twelve torpedoes carried.