SMS Goeben: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 138:
=== Penugasan pasca-Perang Dunia I ===
Yavuz and Turkish destroyers arrived in Sevastopol in mid-July 1918 and were placed in the Sevastopol dockyard. The Yavuz was being repaired and laid up until the end of the war in November. The German Navy formally transferred ownership of the vessel to the Turkish government on November 2nd, 1918 without monetary payment. World War 1 then ended on November 11th, 1918 and the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire were all defeated. The capital ships of the Imperial German Navy were required to be interned at Scapa Flow under the direction of the British Navy. This eventually totaled some 74 warships. Arriving in British-controlled waters, the German ships were scuttled by their own crews on June 21st, 1919 by orders from the German commander - Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter.
Due to the Treaty of Sevres between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies, Yavuz was to be handed over to the Royal Navy as a war prize. Due to her not being seaworthy, the Royal Navy left her in Sevastopol. In 1923, after the Turkish War of Independence, the Treaty of Sevres was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne which required Turkish warships, including Yavuz, to be repatriated back to the Turkish Navy. After the war, Yavuz was the only German-built battlecruiser still in service. From 1918 until 1926, she remained in the port city of Izmit, rusting at dockside. She could not make steam with her old propulsion arrangement having only two working boilers and her damage at the minefields had not been completely repaired. The Turkish government provided money for a floating dock so her hull could be repaired in 1927 which took over three years. Her boilers were converted to mixed-coal-fired by oil burning sprayers with some upgrades to her armament for anti-aircraft defense adding 8x1 - 88/45, 2x1 - 88/45 AA, 2x500 "PomPoms" one forward and one aft.
====== Sebelum Perang Dunia II ======
The Turkish Government was concerned with the growing naval superiority of her old foe Greece and the strength of the Soviet Navy in the Black Sea. The Turkish government ordered four destroyers and two submarines from Italy and again restarted work on Yavuz. During the 1930s, her hull was reduced in length by 1.5 feet and her beam increased by 4 inches. Her gross tonnage had increased by 100 tons due to the extra steel needed for her hull repair and new boilers were added. To increase stability, one 9.5in gun was removed from each side. Now re-commissioned in 1936, she again became the flagship of the revitalized Turkish Navy and was protected by her four new Italian destroyers. However, by 1937, the Turkish Navy felt her lack of anti-aircraft protection made her outdated. 
====== Sebelum Perang Dunia II ======
====== Pasca-Perang Dunia II ======