Tidak diketahui dengan pasti kapan pertempuran ini terjadi, tetapi pada umumnya dianggap telah terjadi antara tahun 870 dan 900. Ketidakpastian ini adalah karena kurangnya sumber-sumber, dan sebagian karena kalender Masehi belum digunakan pada saat itu. Saga mengikuti konvensi menghitung jumlah musim dingin yang berlalu sejak peristiwa tersebut.
Tanggal tradisional peristiwa ini, tahun 872, adalah hasil perkiraan pada abad ke-19. Pada tahun 1830-an, sejarawan [[Rudolf Keyser]] menghitung mundur jumlah tahun dari [[Battle of Svolder|Pertempuran Svolder]] seperti yang tercatat dalam karya [[Snorri Sturluson]] yang berjudul <span>[[Heimskringla]] dan menyimpulkan</span> bahwa pertempuran terjadi pada tahun 872. Kronologi Keyser dipopulerkan oleh karya-karya sejarawan [[P. A. Munch]], dan pada saat itu masih tak tertandingi. Tahun ini dipilih untuk perayaan milenium penyatuan negara Norwegia pada tahun 1872.
<ref>[http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/fcf35969760398c6fce7e3a228d5c752.nbdigital?lang=no#15 ''Norges Historie. 1'' (Kristiania : Malling, 1866)]</ref><ref>[https://nbl.snl.no/Rudolf_Keyser ''Rudolf Keyser'' (Store norske leksikon)]</ref>
== Sumber ==
Satu-satunya sumber kontemporer untuk peristiwa ini adalah dari ''Haraldskvæthi or Hrafnsmól'' (Lay of Harold), sebuah [[Musik balada|balada]] yang ditulis oleh ''[[Þorbjörn Hornklofi]]'' ([[Bahasa Norwegia|Bahasa Norwegia Modern]]: ''Torbjørn Hornklove''), penyair istana Raja Harald Fairhair. Balada ini sangat sederhana, dramatis, dan ilustratif.<ref>[http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/onp/onp11.htm ''Haraldskvæthi or Hrafnsmól by Thórbiorn Hornklofi'' (Legends and Sagas: Icelandic Lore)]</ref>
: {|
| ''Heyrði þú í Hafrsfirði, ''
Sumber paling terkenal untuk pertempuran ini adalah saga Harald Fairhair dalam ''[[Heimskringla]]'' yang ditulis oleh [[Snorri Sturluson]] lebih dari 300 tahun setelah pertempuran berlangsung. Snorri memberikan gambaran yang jelas dan rinci tentang pertempuran, meskipun beberapa sejarawan terus memperdebatkan akurasi historis karya Snorri:
<ref>[http://heimskringla.no/wiki/Soga_um_Harald_Haarfagre ''Saga of Harald Hårfagre from Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson'' (heimskringla.no)]</ref>{{Quote|''News came in from the south land that the people of Hordaland and Rogaland, Agder and Thelemark, were gathering, and bring together ships and weapons, and a great body of men. The leaders of this were Eirik king of Hordaland; Sulke king of Rogaland, and his brother Earl Sote: Kjotve the Rich, king of Agder, and his son Thor Haklang; and from Thelemark two brothers, Hroald Hryg and Had the Hard. Now when Harald got certain news of this, he assembled his forces, set his ships on the water, made himself ready with his men, and set out southwards along the coast, gathering many people from every district. King Eirik heard of this when he came south of Stad; and having assembled all the men he could expect, he proceeded southwards to meet the force which he knew was coming to his help from the east. The whole met together north of Jadar, and went into Hafersfjord, where King Harald was waiting with his forces. A great battle began, which was both hard and long; but at last King Harald gained the day. There King Eirik fell, and King Sulke, with his brother Earl Sote. Thor Haklang, who was a great berserk, had laid his ship against King Harald's, and there was above all measure a desperate attack, until Thor Haklang fell, and his whole ship was cleared of men. Then King Kjotve fled to a little isle outside, on which there was a good place of strength. Thereafter all his men fled, some to their ships, some up to the land; and the latter ran southwards over the country of Jadar.''|text=''News came in from the south land that the people of Hordaland and Rogaland, Agder and Thelemark, were gathering, and bring together ships and weapons, and a great body of men. The leaders of this were Eirik king of Hordaland; Sulke king of Rogaland, and his brother Earl Sote: Kjotve the Rich, king of Agder, and his son Thor Haklang; and from Thelemark two brothers, Hroald Hryg and Had the Hard. Now when Harald got certain news of this, he assembled his forces, set his ships on the water, made himself ready with his men, and set out southwards along the coast, gathering many people from every district. King Eirik heard of this when he came south of Stad; and having assembled all the men he could expect, he proceeded southwards to meet the force which he knew was coming to his help from the east. The whole met together north of Jadar, and went into Hafersfjord, where King Harald was waiting with his forces. A great battle began, which was both hard and long; but at last King Harald gained the day. There King Eirik fell, and King Sulke, with his brother Earl Sote. Thor Haklang, who was a great berserk, had laid his ship against King Harald's, and there was above all measure a desperate attack, until Thor Haklang fell, and his whole ship was cleared of men. Then King Kjotve fled to a little isle outside, on which there was a good place of strength. Thereafter all his men fled, some to their ships, some up to the land; and the latter ran southwards over the country of Jadar.''}}(<nowiki>''</nowiki>Berita datang dari selatan bahwa rakyat Hordaland dan Rogaland, Agder dan Thelemark, berkumpul, dan menyatukan kapal-kapal dan senjata, dan begitu banyak pasukan. Para pemimpinnya adalah Eirik raja Hordaland; Sulke raja Rogaland dan saudaranya Earl Sote: Kjotve si Kaya, raja Agder, dan putranya Thor Haklang; dan dari Thelemark dua bersaudara, Hroald Hryg dan Had si Keras. Sekarang, saat Harald mendapat kepastian berita ini, dia menggumpulkan pasukannya, menurunkan kapal-kapalnya ke air, mempersiapkan diri dengan pasukannya, dan berangkat ke tenggara menyusuri pantai, mengumpulkan banyak orang dari setiap distrik. Raja Eirik mendengar hal ini saat dia tiba di sebelah selatan Stad; dan setelah mengumpulkan semua orang yang bisa dia harapkan, dia berangkat ke selatan untuk menemui pasukan yang dia tahu akan datang untuk membantunya dari timur. Kedua pasukan bertemu di sebelah utara Jadar, dan pergi ke Hafersfjord, tempat Raja Harald menunggu dengan pasukannya. Pertempuran sangat besar dimulai, yang sengit dan panjang; tetapi pada akhirnya Raja Harald menang. Di sana, Raja Eirik tewas, dan Raja Sulke, bersama saudaranya Earl Sote. Thor Haklang, seorang berserk hebat, telah mengarahkan kapalnya melawan kapal Raja Harald, dan bagaimana pun juga ini adalah serangan nekat, hingga Thor Haklang tewas, dan seluruh kapalnya kehilangan awaknya. Kemudian Raja Kjotve melarikan diri ke sebuah pulau kecil di luar, di pulau ini dulunya ada tempat yang kuat. Setelah itu semua pasukannya melarikan diri, sebagian ke kapal mereka, sebagian ke utara melalui daratan; kemudian lari ke selatan melalui negeri Jadar.<nowiki>''</nowiki>)
== Lihat juga ==
* Forte, Angelo with Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen (2005) ''Viking Empires'' (Cambridge University Press) {{ISBN|978-0521829922}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" lang="en" dir="ltr" style="display: none;"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title">ISBN</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="1" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">1</span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="1" style="position: relative;">978-0521829922</div></div></div></div>
* Lincoln, Bruce (2014) ''Between History and Myth: Stories of Harald Fairhair and the Founding of the State'' (University of Chicago Press) {{ISBN|978-0226140926}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" lang="en" dir="ltr" style="display: none;"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title">ISBN</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="1" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">1</span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="1" style="position: relative;">978-0226140926</div></div></div></div>
== Bacaan Tambahan ==
'''Dalam bahasa Norwegia'''
* [[Andreas Holmsen|Holmsen, Andreas]] (1977) ''Norges historie fra de eldste tider inntil 1660'' (Universitetsforlaget AS) {{ISBN|978-8200032441}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" lang="en" dir="ltr" style="display: none;"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title">ISBN</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="1" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">1</span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="1" style="position: relative;">978-8200032441</div></div></div></div>
* Einarsdottir, Olafia (2009) ''Vår norrøne fortid'' (TAGO-Atlantic förlag) {{ISBN|9788291640341}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" lang="en" dir="ltr" style="display: none;"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title">ISBN</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="1" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">1</span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="1" style="position: relative;">9788291640341</div></div></div></div>
* [[Claus Krag|Krag, Claus]] (2000) ''Norges historie fram til 1319'' (Universitetsforlaget AS) {{ISBN|978-8200129387}}