Sejarah astrologi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 82:
Bukti-bukti peninggalan lain yang berupa catatan sejarah mengenai pembacaan pertanda astrologi secara komprehensif dan sistematis diberi nama ''Enuma Anu Enlil.'' Catatan ini berasal dari kurun abad ke-16 dan terdiri dari 70 tablet kuneiform yang menjelaskan sekitar 7.000 pertanda yang dapat diamati di langit. Pada masa ini penggunaan ilmu astrologi hanya untuk hal-hal yang bersifat aplikatif seperti untuk meramal musim, cuaca atau yang berkaitan dengan politik. Pada abad ke-7 SM aplikasi dari astrologi di peradaban Mesopotamia semakin meluas, terdapat simbol-simbol astrologi yang merepresentasikan aktivitas-aktivitas masyarakat yang dilakukan berdasarkan musim seperti bertani, berburu dan menangkap ikan, atau mempersiapkan cadangan air untuk musim kemarau. Hal ini kemudian berlanjut dan pada abad ke-4 SM, perkembangan metode matematis membuat peradaban Mesopotamia telah mampu memprediksi pergerakan planet dengan akurasi tertentu yang mana kemudian membuat bermunculannya catatan-catatan yang lebih mendetail mengenai pergerakan benda-benda langit.
Astrologi yang berkembang pada peradaban Mesopotamia didasarkan pada keperluan ramal-meramal. Terdapat kumpulan lebih dari 32 kuineform berbentuk hati yang berasal dari kurun tahun 1875 SM, dan berisi tentang kaidah yang sama tentang bagaimana suatu pertanda di langit dapat diinterpretasikan. Jejak dan berbagai tanda yang kemudian ditemukan pada hati hewan kurban diinterpretasikan sebagai simbol-simbol yang berkaitan dengan pesan para dewa kepada raja.
Babylonian astrology developed within the context of divination. A collection of 32 tablets with inscribed liver models, dating from about 1875 BC, are the oldest known detailed texts of Babylonian divination, and these demonstrate the same interpretational format as that employed in celestial omen analysis. Blemishes and marks found on the liver of the sacrificial animal were interpreted as symbolic signs which presented messages from the gods to the king.
Para dewa juga dipercaya mentransformasikan bentuk mereka ke dalam suatu benda-benda langit baik planet, bulan, ataupun bintang sesuai gambarannya masing-masing. Suatu pertanda buruk juga melekat pada planet-planet tertentu yang mana planet-planet tersebut dianggap sebagai indikasi ketidakpuasan atau kemarahan dewa-dewa yang digambarkan oleh planet tersebut. Indikasi yang diintepretasikan tersebut membuat kebudayaan Mesopotamia memiliki ritual atau cara tertentu untuk membuat senang para dewa. Ritual-ritual ini dilakukan agar kemarahan para dewa tersebut tidak berdampak banyak terhadap raja dan juga kerajaannya. Sebuah catatan astronomi menunjukan bahwa raja Esarhaddon menganggap gerhana bulan yang terjadi pada bulan Januari 673 SM merupakan suatu petunjuk tentang bagaimana upacara penggantian raja dilakukan. digabungkan dengan kepercayaan penuh terhadap hal-hal magis dan pertanda lainnya
The gods were also believed to present themselves in the celestial images of the planets or stars with whom they were associated. Evil celestial omens attached to any particular planet were therefore seen as indications of dissatisfaction or disturbance of the god that planet represented. Such indications were met with attempts to appease the god and find manageable ways by which the god’s expression could be realised without significant harm to the king and his nation. An astronomical report to the king Esarhaddon concerning a lunar eclipse of January 673 BC shows how the ritualistic use of substitute kings, or substitute events, combined an unquestioning belief in magic and omens with a purely mechanical view that the astrological event must have some kind of correlate within the natural world:
The gods were also believed to present themselves in the celestial images of the planets or stars with whom they were associated. Evil celestial omens attached to any particular planet were therefore seen as indications of dissatisfaction or disturbance of the god that planet represented. Such indications were met with attempts to appease the god and find manageable ways by which the god’s expression could be realised without significant harm to the king and his nation. An astronomical report to the king Esarhaddon concerning a lunar eclipse of January 673 BC shows how the ritualistic use of substitute kings, or substitute events, combined an unquestioning belief in magic and omens with a purely mechanical view that the astrological event must have some kind of correlate within the natural world:
Ulla Koch-Westenholz, in her 1995 book ''Mesopotamian Astrology'', argues that this ambivalence between a theistic and mechanic worldview defines the Babylonian concept of celestial divination as one which, despite its heavy reliance on magic, remains free of implications of targeted punishment with the purpose of revenge, and so “shares some of the defining traits of modern science: it is objective and value-free, it operates according to known rules, and its data are considered universally valid and can be looked up in written tabulations”. Koch-Westenholz also establishes the most important distinction between ancient Babylonian astrology and other divinatory disciplines as being that the former was originally exclusively concerned with mundane astrology, being geographically oriented and specifically applied to countries cities and nations, and almost wholly concerned with the welfare of the state and the king as the governing head of the nation. Mundane astrology is therefore known to be one of the oldest branches of astrology. It was only with the gradual emergence of horoscopic astrology, from the 6th century BC, that astrology developed the techniques and practice of natal astrology.
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