[[Lady Eveningstar|LadyPutri Ik' Skull]],alsodikenal knownjuga assebagai [[LadyPutri Eveningstar]]Bintang Malam, camedatang toke [[Yaxchilan]]wilayah fromYaaxchilan dari [[Calakmul]]. Ia Shemerupakan wasistri akedua secondarydari wife toraja [[Itzamnaaj Bahlam III]] (also referred to as Shield Jaguar II, Shield Jaguar the Great or Itzamnaaj B'alam II).<ref>Martin & Grube 2000:122. Note that in Martin and Grube's 2nd (revised) edition of this work (2008), Itzamnaaj Bahlam's position in the dynastic sequence has changed from that given in the original edition, along with a modification to the orthography for his name (Martin & Grube 2008:122).</ref> Meskipun Althoughhanya asebagai secondaryistri wifekedua, LadyPutri Ik' Skull mayhavediyakini ruledmemerintah forselama aperiode shortsingkat timedalam insejarah Yaxchilan'shistorysebelum untilputranya her son [[BirdBurung Jaguar IV]]wastelah oldcukup enoughtua tountuk take themenduduki thronetahta.<ref name="Josserandpageneeded">Josserand 2007 {{Page needed|date=September 2010}}</ref> A review of the dynastic history of [[Yaxchilan]] during Itzamnaaj Bahlam III's reign indicates that he had three wives: Lady K'ab'al Xook (also written as [[Lady Xoc]] or Lady Xok), Lady [[Sak B'iyaan]] and Lady Ik' Skull of [[Calakmul]], with Lady K'ab'al Xook as the primary wife.<ref>Martin & Grube 2008:126</ref> Upon the death of Itzamnaaj Bahlam, the right to the throne would traditionally go to his heir through the Lady K'ab'al Xook line; however, this is not what happens and nearly ten years after his death it is his son, Bird Jaguar IV, from Lady Ik’ Skull that takes the throne.<ref>Josserand 2007:299.</ref>
There is a great deal of speculation as to why the son of a secondary wife took the throne and did so after the king had been dead for ten years. Current thinking is that the rightful heir through Lady K'ab'al Xook's lineage may have been her son, or perhaps a nephew or brother,<ref>As is suggested by Martin and Grube (2008:127).</ref> but that this individual was captured during a conflict with [[Dos Pilas]] in 745.<ref>Josserand 2007:307.</ref> Information regarding this "interregnum" period tends to be conflicting. In their second revised edition Martin and Grube note that at [[Piedras Negras (Maya site)|Piedras Negras]] there is mention of a new king at [[Yaxchilan]], Yopaat Bahlam II, who may have ruled for part or all of this period.<ref name="Martin_a">Martin & Grube 2008{{Page needed|date=September 2010}}</ref> However, supporting evidence for this is unknown from Yaxchilan. On the other hand, Josserand notes that Lady Ik' Skull ruled as regent during this time and that it was not until her death that [[Bird Jaguar IV]] took the throne.<ref name="Josserandpageneeded" />