Invasi Kekaisaran Mongol ke Eropa: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 17:
/>b) 10.000 kavaleri (satu [[Tumen (satuan)|tumen]])<ref name="Sourcesvary">Sverdrup, hlm.114-115. Sumber Mongol menulis satu tumen (tumen biasanya terdiri dari 10.000 pasukan) dikirim ke Polandia, sementara perkiraan sejarawan bermacam-macam, dengan perkiraan jumlah pasukan Mongol antara 3.000 hingga 50.000.</ref><hr />d) 15.000-30.000 kavaleri (sumber kontemporer)<ref>Sverdrup,
hlm. 114-115, mengutip kronik Rashid al-Din, 1:198, 2:152. Angka yang diberikan oleh Rashid Al-Din menunjukkan bahwa Batu dan Subutai memiliki 40.000 pasukan berkuda saat menyerang Eropa Tengah pada tahun 1241 (termasuk pasukan Turk yang direkrut setelah penaklukan Rus), dan terbagi menjadi lima kolom (tiga di Hongaria, satu di Transilvania dan satu di Polandia).</ref><br/>'''perkiraan lain:'''<br>70.000<ref name="ReferenceB">Carey menyatakan dalam hlm. 128 bahwa Batu memiliki 40.000 pasukan dalam formasi utama dan memerintahkan Subutai untuk membawa 30.000 pasukan untuk melingkari musuh. Batu memimpin formasi tengah dalam serangan tiga arah Mongol di Eropa. Angka ini tampaknya benar jika dibandingkan dengan angka yang dilaporkan dalam Pertempuran di [[Pertempuran Legnica|Leignitz]] di utara dan [[Pertempuran Hermannstadt|Hermannstadt]] ([[Sibiu]]) di selatan. Tiga kemenangan ini diperoleh dalam minggu yang sama.</ref><br/>25.000<ref name="Markó 2000"/><ref name="Liptai 1985"/>|strength2=a) 25.000-50.000 termasuk garnisun dan orang Cuman<REF>Fennell, John. "The Crisis of Medieval Russia: 1200-1304." London, 1983. Hlm. 85. Kutipan: "If we assume that each of the larger cities could field, say, between 3,000 and 5,000 men, we can arrive at a total of about 60,000 fighting troops. If we add to this another 40,000 from smaller towns and from the various Turkic allies in the Principality of Kiev, then the total coincides with the 100,000 estimated by S.M. Solov'ev in his ''History o Russia''. But then this is only a rough estimate of the ''potential'' number. We have no idea how many, towns and districts actually mustered troops- for instance, it seems highly unlikely that Novgorod sent any at all. Certainly none came to help their outpost at Torzhok. Perhaps then half or a quarter - or even a smaller fraction- of the total was the most the Russians could muster."</ref><hr
/>b) ~10.000 tentara (2.000-8.000 di Legnica)<ref>Numbers disputed, vary from as low as 2,000 to above 10,000; see [[Battle of Legnica]] for further details.</ref><hr />d) 10.000-15.000 pasukan (sumber kontemporer)<ref>Sverdrup, p. 114-115, p. 109-110, contains lists of cited estimates provided by various sources and historians as well as the author's own estimates. The estimates for the Hungarian army at the time of the first Mongol invasion vary from not far above 10,000 (Grassman), to 25,000 (Jackson), to 50,000 (Kosztolnyik), to 65,000 (Sinor), to 80,000 (Todd). For his part, Sverdrup finds 10,000 to be the most likely estimate of those listed, based on other army sizes of the time and the fact that the 10,000 figure is attested to in two primary sources.</ref><br>'''perkiraan lain:'''<br>80.000<ref name="Carey, Brian Todd, p. 124">Carey, Brian Todd, phlm. 124</ref><br>25.000<ref name="Markó 2000">{{Cite book |last=Markó |first=László |title=Great Honours of the Hungarian State |year=2000 |publisher=Magyar Könyvklub |location=Budapest |isbn=963-547-085-1 |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}} }}</ref><ref name="Liptai 1985">{{Cite book |last= Liptai |first= Ervin |title= Military history of Hungary |year= 1985 |publisher =Zrínyi Katonai Kiadó |location= Budapest |isbn= 963-326-337-9 |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}} }}</ref>|casualties1=a) Minimal<hr
/>b) Minimal<hr
/>d) Beberapa ratus pasukan tewas<ref>McLynn, phlm. 474</ref><hr
/>f) 300-700 pasukan tewas|casualties2=a) 500.000 warga<ref name="Mongol Conquests">[ Colin McEvedy, Atlas of World Population History (1978)]</ref><br>ribuan pasukan<hr
/>b) Besar<hr
/>d) 10.000-20.000 pasukan tewas<Ref>Sverdrup, phlm. 115. CitingMengutip: Gustav Strakoschd-Grassmann. Der Einfall Der Mongolen In Mitteleuropa In Den Jahren 1241 und 1242 (Innsbruck, 1893), phlm.183: 10,.000 killedtewas atdi Mohi.</ref><ref name="Liptai 1985"/><br>300.000-500.000 warga<ref name="Liptai 1985"/><hr
/>f) 100 pasukan tewas|HbMimage=[[File:Battle of Mohi.svg|200px]]|HbMcaption=|HbMdate=April 11, 1241|HbMplace=[[Sajó]] River, Hungary|HbMcasus=|HbMterritory=|HbMresult=|HbMcombatant2={{Coat of arms|Kingdom of Hungary}}<br /> {{Coat of arms|Knights Templar}}|HbMcombatant1=[Kekaisaran Mongol]]|HbMpartof=Invasi [[Mongol]] ke Hongaria|HbMcommander2=[[File:Coa Hungary Country History Béla IV (1235-1270).svg|20px]] King [[Béla IV]] <br />[[File:Alex K Kingdom of Hungary.svg|20px]] [[Coloman of Galicia-Lodomeria|Prince Coloman]] <br /> Archbishop [[Ugrin Csák, Archbishop of Kalocsa|Ugrin Csák]] {{KIA}}<br /> Archbishop [[Matthias Rátót]] {{KIA}}<br />Palatine Denis Tomaj {{KIA}}|HbMcommander1=[[Batu Khan]]<br />[[Subutai]]<br />[[Shiban]]<br />[[Berke]]|HbMstrength2='''Perkiraan sebelumnya:'''<br/>80.000<ref name="Carey, Brian Todd, p. 124"/><br/>'''New estimation:'''<br/>25,000<ref name="Markó 2000"/><ref name="Liptai 1985"/><br/>termasuk kavaleri berat Hongaria, [[Ksatria Templar]], kavaleri bayaran nomaden dan pasukan Serbia|HbMstrength1='''Perkiraan sebelumnya:'''<br/>70.000<ref name="ReferenceB"/><br/>'''Perkiraan baru:'''<br />30.000<ref name="Markó 2000"/><ref name="Liptai 1985"/>|HbMcasualties1=Beberapa ratus tewas<ref name="McLynn, p. 474"/>|HbMcasualties2=Beberapa ratus tewas<ref name="McLynn, p. 474"/>}}
'''Invasi Kekaisaran Mongol ke Eropa''' adalah penaklukan Eropa oleh [[Kekaisaran Mongolia|Kekaisaran Mongol]] pada abad ke-13 masehi, dengan menyerang kepangeranan-kepangeranan Slavia Timur, seperti [[Rus Kiev|Kiev]] dan [[Vladimir-Suzdal|Vladimir]]. Kekaisaran Mongol juga menginvasi Eropa Tengah, yang menyebabkan perang antara faksi-faksi di Polandia, seperti dalam [[Pertempuran Legnica]] (9 April 1241) dan dalam [[Pertempuran Mohi]] (11 April 1241) di [[Kerajaan Hongaria]].<ref>{{cite book|url=|title=Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia|author=Thomas T. Allsen|publisher=Cambridge UP}}</ref>