Yesus menyembuhkan orang buta dekat Yerikho: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k JohnThorne memindahkan halaman Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeus ke Yesus menyembuhkan orang buta dekat Yerikho: Harmoni Injil
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Eustache Le Sueur 003.jpg|jmpl|300px|Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeus, Lukisan oleh [[:en:Eustache Le Sueur|Eustache Le Sueur]], 1625-1650.]]
'''Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeusorang buta dekat Yerikho''' adalah salah satumerupakan [[mukjizat Yesus Kristus]] yang terjadidicatat atasdalam diritiga [[BartimeusInjil (tokohSinoptik]] pada bagian [[Perjanjian Baru]] dalam [[Alkitab)|Bartimeus]] yang[[Kristen]]. tadinyaPeristiwa buta(atau peristiwa-peristiwa) ini terjadi di sekitar kota [[Yerikho]] pada saat Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya melintasi kota itu terakhir kalinya sebelum tiba di [[Yerusalem]], di mana [[Penyaliban dan kematian Yesus|Yesus akan mati disalibkan]]. Dalam [[Injil Matius]] dan [[Injil Lukas]] tidak disebutkan nama orang(-orang) buta tersebut. Menurut Injil Markus penyembuhan ini terjadi atas diri [[Bartimeus (tokoh Alkitab)|Bartimeus]]. Riwayatnya dicatat hanya dalam [[Injil Markus]] [[Markus 10|10:46-52]].<ref name="Leks">{{id}}Stefan Leks., ''Tafsir Injil Markus'',Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2003</ref><ref name="Browning">{{id}} [ Bartimeus], WRF. Browning., ''Kamus Alkitab'', Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2008 (Cet. 3)</ref>
== Catatan Alkitab ==
Markus 10:46-52 ([[Terjemahan Baru]])
Markus 10:46-52 ([[Terjemahan Baru]]): '''Yesus menyembuhkan Bartimeus'''
: <sup>10:46</sup> Lalu tibalah [[Yesus]] dan [[Kedua belas rasul|murid-murid-Nya]] di [[Yerikho]]. Dan ketika Yesus keluar dari Yerikho, bersama-sama dengan murid-murid-Nya dan orang banyak yang berbondong-bondong, ada seorang pengemis yang buta, bernama '''Bartimeus, anak Timeus''', duduk di pinggir jalan. <sup>10:47</sup> Ketika didengarnya, bahwa itu adalah Yesus orang [[Nazaret]], mulailah ia berseru: "Yesus, Anak [[Daud]], kasihanilah aku!" <sup>10:48</sup> Banyak orang menegornya supaya ia diam. Namun semakin keras ia berseru: "Anak Daud, kasihanilah aku!"
: <sup>10:49</sup> Lalu Yesus berhenti dan berkata: "<font color=green>Panggillah dia!</font>"
Baris 17 ⟶ 19:
Maka dalam perbandingan ini, para murid dianggap kurang tahu diri dibanding Bartimeus. Bartimeus meminta belas kasihan Yesus dengan permohongan untuk disembuhkan. Sedangkan para murid meminta apa yang tidak bisa mereka lakukan.<ref name="Kwi">{{id}}Komkat Kwi., ''Pendidikan Agama Katolik SD.1 KTSP'', Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2007</ref>
Seorang imam dan teolog, [[Oleg Molenko]] (Uryupin), mengkaitkan detail penyebutan nama Bartimeus dengan fakta bahwa orang-orang yang disebutkan namanya dalam kitab-kitab Injil itu sesungguhnya telah diselamatkan dan melayani Gereja sepanjang hidup mereka, tidak seperti orang-orang lain yang tidak dicatat namanya. Misalnya, orang yang telah menderita [[:en:Disability|cacat]] selama 38 tahun yang menunggu di tepi kolam [[Betesda]] yang dicatat dalam [[Injil Yohanes]] ({{Alkitab|Yohanes 5:2-15}}) dan namanya tidak dicatat, yang setelah disembuhkan diberi peringatan oleh Yesus mengenai konsekuensi kalau ia kembali melakukan hal-hal yang membuatnya cacat di masa lampau, maka ia akan cacat lagi meskipun pernah sembuh ({{Alkitab|Yohanes 5:14}}), karena rupanya ia cenderung berbuat dosa. Tidak seperti orang cacat itu, Bartimeus setelah sembuh langsung mengikuti Yesus yang berarti ia mengutamakan Kristus dalam hidupnya sehingga ada kepastian jalan hidupnya, dan penulis Injil Markus memasukkan namanya dalam catatan. Bartimeus juga memulai apa yang sekarang dikenal sebagai "[[Doa Yesus]]", "Yesus, Anak Daud, kasihanilah aku!", dan, sebagai hasilnya, mendapatkan penglihatan rohani, dengan pemulihan penglihatan jasmani sebagai tandanya. <ref>Father Oleg Molenko, theologian, [ sermon "How can a blind person recover his sight through the name of Christ? (Russian: Как прозреть слепому силой имени Христа?)"], ''[[Youtube]]'', minutes 18-20, Finland, September, 2017.</ref>
As Jesus is leaving Jericho with his followers, Bartimaeus calls out: 'Son of David, have mercy on me!' and persists even though the crowd tries to silence him. Jesus has them bring the man to him and asks what he wants; he asks to be able to see again. Jesus tells him that his faith has cured him; he immediately regains his sight and follows Jesus.
Apart from telling a miracle story that shows the power of Jesus, the author of the Gospel uses this story to advance a clearly theological purpose. It shows a character who understands who Jesus is and the proper way to respond to him - with faith. The beggar, on being called to Jesus, discards his cloak, symbolising the leaving behind of possessions. And the use of the title, 'Son of David' - the only occasion on which this is used in the Gospel of Mark - serves to identify Jesus as the Messiah.<ref>Stephen Ahearne-Kroll, The Psalms of Lament in Mark's Passion: Jesus' Davidic Suffering (Cambridge University Press, 2007) pages 138-140</ref>
The [[Gospel of Matthew]] has two unnamed blind men, sitting by the roadside; Jesus is 'moved by compassion' and touches their eyes. {{bibleverse-nb||Matthew|20:29-34|NRSV}} A version of the same story is told earlier in the narrative, when Jesus is preaching in Galilee. On this occasion, he asks the blind men if they believe he can cure them, and when they assure them they do, he commends their faith and touches their eyes, restoring their sight. He warns them to tell nobody of this, but they go and spread the news throughout the district. ([ Matthew 9:27-31])
The [[Gospel of Luke]] {{bibleverse-nb||Luke|18:35-43|NRSV}} handles the story in a different way; there is one unnamed blind man, and the author shifts the incident to take place as Jesus is approaching Jericho, so it can lead into the story of [[Zacchaeus]].<ref>Luke Timothy Johnson, The Gospel of Luke (Liturgical Press, 1991) page 283.</ref>
=== Anak Daud ==
[[Vernon K. Robbins]] emphasizes that the healing of Bartimaeus is the last of Jesus’ healings in Mark, and links Jesus’ earlier teaching about the suffering and death of the Son of Man with his Son of David activity in Jerusalem.<ref name=Vernon41>''Jesus the Teacher: A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of Mark'' by Vernon K. Robbins 2009, {{ISBN|978-0-8006-2595-5}}. 41-43.</ref><ref>Vernon K. Robbins, “The Healing of the Blind Bartimaeus (10:46-52) in the Marcan Theology,” Journal of Biblical Literature 92 (1973), 224-243 [] </ref> The story blends the Markan emphasis on the disciples’ 'blindness' - their inability to understand the nature of Jesus’ messiahship - with the necessity of following Jesus into Jerusalem, where his suffering and death make him recognizable to Gentiles as Son of God.<ref>Vernon K. Robbins, "The Reversed Contextualization of Psalm 22 in the Markan Crucifixion: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis" [] (1992)</ref>
[[Paula Fredriksen]], who believes that titles such as "[[Davidic line|Son of David]]" were applied to Jesus only after the [[Crucifixion of Jesus|crucifixion]] and [[Resurrection of Jesus|resurrection]], argued that Mark and Matthew placed that healing with the proclamation "Son of David!" just before "Jesus' departure for [[Jerusalem]], the long-foreshadowed site of his sufferings."<ref>Fredriksen, ''From Jesus to Christ'', p. 181.</ref> The title "Son of David" is a [[Messiah|messianic]] name.<ref name="Manila">"Reflections: The blind Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52," October 24, 2009, ''The Manila Bulletin'', [ The Manila Bulletin website] {{webarchive|url= |date=2009-10-26 }}, citing''365 Days with the Lord,'' (St. Paul's, Makati City, Philippines) from [http://www.stpauls.phstorefronts St. Paul's website (dead link)]{{dead link|date=December 2017|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}. Accessed October 28, 2009.</ref><ref name="Bible study">Barrie Wetherill, "Jesus cures blind Bartimaeus," from ''The Life of Jesus Christ'', found at [ easy English Bible study]. Accessed October 28, 2009.</ref> Thus, Bartimaeus' exclamation was, according to Mark, the first ''public'' acknowledgement of the [[Christ]], after [[Confession of Peter|St. Peter's ''private'' confession]] at Mark {{bibleverse-nb||Mark|8:27–30|NIV}}.
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Mujizat Yesus]]
Baris 23 ⟶ 41:
== Referensi ==
== Pustaka ==
* [[Paula Fredriksen]], ''From Jesus to Christ'' (2000), {{ISBN|0-300-08457-9}}
* Vernon K. Robbins, ''Jesus the Teacher: A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of Mark'' 2009, {{ISBN|978-0-8006-2595-5}}
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons category|Healing of the blind man of Jericho}}
* [ Gambar tambahan mengenai Bartimaeus]
{{Mukjizat Yesus}}
[[Kategori:Injil Markus]]
[[en:Healing the blind near Jericho]]