==Hangul (Chosŏn'gŭl)==
The sameHuruf [[hangul]] (''Chosŏn'gŭl'') lettersyang aresama useddigunakan tountuk writemenulis thebahasa languagedi inUtara thedan North and the SouthSelatan. HoweverNamun, indi the NorthUtara, thegoretan strokelah thatyang distinguishesmembedakan ㅌ {{IPA|{{pipe}}tʰ{{pipe}}}} fromdari ㄷ {{IPA|{{pipe}}t{{pipe}}}} is written aboveditulis ratherdi thanatas insidebukan thedi letterdalam ashuruf inseperti thedi SouthSelatan.
InDi the SouthSelatan, thehuruf vowel [[Digraph (orthography)|digraphs]] and [[trigraph (orthography)|trigraph]]svokal ㅐ {{IPA|{{pipe}}ɛ{{pipe}}}}, ㅒ {{IPA|{{pipe}}jɛ{{pipe}}}}, ㅔ {{IPA|{{pipe}}e{{pipe}}}}, ㅖ {{IPA|{{pipe}}je{{pipe}}}}, ㅘ {{IPA|{{pipe}}wa{{pipe}}}}, ㅙ {{IPA|{{pipe}}wɛ{{pipe}}}}, ㅚ {{IPA|{{pipe}}ø{{pipe}}}}, ㅝ {{IPA|{{pipe}}wʌ{{pipe}}}}, ㅞ {{IPA|{{pipe}}we{{pipe}}}}, ㅟ {{IPA|{{pipe}}y{{pipe}}}}, ㅢ {{IPA|{{pipe}}ɰi{{pipe}}}} anddan thehuruf consonant digraphskonsonan ㄲ {{IPA|{{pipe}}k͈{{pipe}}}}, ㄸ {{IPA|{{pipe}}t͈{{pipe}}}}, ㅃ {{IPA|{{pipe}}p͈{{pipe}}}}, ㅆ {{IPA|{{pipe}}s͈{{pipe}}}}, ㅉ {{IPA|{{pipe}}tɕ͈{{pipe}}}} aretidak notdiperlakukan treatedsebagai ashuruf separate lettersterpisah, whereassedangkan di Utara inmereka thediperlakukan Northsebagai theyhuruf areterpisah.
Beberapa huruf dan digraf memiliki nama yang berbeda di Utara dan Selatan.
Some letters and digraphs have different names in the North and in the South.
{| class="wikitable"
!Nama Korea Utara
!North Korean name
!Nama Korea Selatan
!South Korean name
!{{lang|ko|ㄱ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}g{{pipe}}}}
TheNama namesyang useddigunakan indi theSelatan Southadalah areyang theditemukan ones found in thedi ''Hunmongjahoe'' ([[:ko:훈몽자회|훈몽자회]], 訓蒙字會, publishedditerbitkan tahun 1527). TheNama namesyang useddigunakan indi theUtara Northterbentuk aresecara formedmekanis mechanicallydengan with the patternpola "''letter'' + 이 + 으 + ''letter''". AlsoJuga foruntuk thekonsonan tensed consonantstegang, in thedi SouthSelatan, theymereka aredisebut calledkonsonan "doubleganda" (쌍- {{IPA|/s͈aŋ-/}}) consonants, while insedangkan thedi NorthUtara, theymereka aredisebut calledkonsonan "strongkuat" (된- {{IPA|/tøːn-/}}) consonants.
===Sorting orderUrutan===
#NorthUtara: {{lang|ko|ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ ㅒ ㅔ ㅖ ㅚ ㅟ ㅢ ㅘ ㅝ ㅙ ㅞ}}<br/>{{IPA|{{pipe}}a ja ɔ jɔ o jo u ju ɯ i ɛ jɛ e je ø y ɰi wa wɔ wɛ we{{pipe}}}}
#SouthSelatan: {{lang|ko|ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ}}<br/>{{IPA|{{pipe}}a ɛ ja jɛ ʌ e jʌ je o wa wɛ ø jo u wʌ we y ju ɯ ɰi i{{pipe}}}}
#NorthUtara: {{lang|ko|ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ ㅇ}}<br/>{{IPA|{{pipe}}k n t l m p s ŋ tɕ tɕʰ kʰ tʰ pʰ h k͈ t͈ p͈ s͈ tɕ͈ ∅{{pipe}}}}
#SouthSelatan: {{lang|ko|ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ}}<br/>{{IPA|{{pipe}}g gg n d dd l m b bb s ss ∅/ŋ tɕ tɕ͈ tɕʰ kʰ tʰ pʰ h{{pipe}}}}
InDi the NorthUtara, consonantdigraf vowelvokal digraphskonsonan arediperlakukan treatedsebagai ashuruf lettersdengan inhak theirmereka ownsendiri rightdan andditulis aresetelah orderedakhir afterhuruf thekonsonan enddan ofhuruf thehidup simple consonant and vowel letterssederhana. InDi the SouthSelatan, thedigraf digraphsmuncul comedi betweenantara thehuruf-huruf basic lettersdasar. For exampleMisalnya, aftersetelah {{lang|ko|ㅏ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}a{{pipe}}}} comesdatanglah the diphthongdiftong {{lang|ko|ㅐ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}ɛ{{pipe}}}}, the combinationkombinasi ofdari {{lang|ko|ㅏ}} anddan {{lang|ko|ㅣ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}i{{pipe}}}}; oratau aftersetelah {{lang|ko|ㅗ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}o{{pipe}}}} comedatang the diphthongsdiftong {{lang|ko|ㅘ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}wa{{pipe}}}}, {{lang|ko|ㅙ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}wɛ{{pipe}}}} anddan {{lang|ko|ㅚ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}ø{{pipe}}}}, whichyang begindimulai withdengan {{lang|ko|ㅗ}}, anddan so onseterusnya. AlsoJuga, the consonanthuruf letterkonsonan {{lang|ko|ㅇ}} ({{IPA|{{pipe}}∅{{pipe}}}} anddan {{IPA|{{pipe}}ŋ{{pipe}}}}) isditempatkan placeddi betweenantara {{lang|ko|ㅅ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}s{{pipe}}}} anddan {{lang|ko|ㅈ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}tɕ{{pipe}}}} indi theUtara Northsaat when pronounceddiucapkan {{IPA|{{pipe}}ŋ{{pipe}}}}, butnamun aftersetelah allsemua consonantskonsonan (aftersetelah {{lang|ko|ㅉ}} {{IPA|{{pipe}}tɕ͈{{pipe}}}}) whenbila useddigunakan as asebagai placeholder indicatingyang amenunjukkan nullkonsonan initialawal consonantkosong (foruntuk syllablessuku thatkata beginyang withdimulai adengan vowelvokal).
[[File:Koreandialects.png|thumb|180px|Dialek-dialek dalam Bahasa Korea]]
Bahasa standar di Utara dan Selatan berbagi jenis dan jumlah [[fonem]] yang sama, namun ada beberapa perbedaan dalam pengucapan yang sebenarnya. Pengucapan standar Korea Selatan didasarkan pada dialek sebagaimana yang diucapkan di [[Seoul]], dan pengucapan standar Korea Utara didasarkan pada dialek seperti yang diucapkan di [[Pyongyang]].
The standard languages in the North and the South share the same types and the same number of [[phoneme]]s, but there are some differences in the actual pronunciations. The South Korean standard pronunciation is based on the [[Korean dialects|dialect]] as spoken in [[Seoul]], and the North Korean standard pronunciation is based on the dialect as spoken in [[Pyongyang]].{{citation needed|date=August 2013}}
The following differences are recognised in the consonants. In the Seoul dialect, ㅈ, ㅊ and ㅉ are typically pronounced with alveolo-palatal affricates {{IPA|[tɕ]}}, {{IPA|[tɕʰ]}}, {{IPA|[tɕ͈]}}. In the Pyongyang dialect, they are typically pronounced with alveolar affricates {{IPA|[ts]}}, {{IPA|[tsʰ]}}, {{IPA|[ts͈]}}. Also, {{lang|ko|지}} and {{lang|ko|시}} can be pronounced without palatalisation as {{IPA|[tsi]}} and {{IPA|[si]}} in the Pyongyang dialect.