Yohanes 13: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 175:
: "''<font color=green>Dengan demikian semua orang akan tahu, bahwa kamu adalah murid-murid-Ku, yaitu jikalau kamu <u>saling mengasihi</u></font>.''"<ref>{{Alkitab|Yohanes 13:35}}</ref>
Frasa "saling mengasihi": diterjemahkan dari {{lang-el|ἀγαπᾶτε ἀλλήλους}}, {{Strong|agapate|0025}} {{Strong|allēlous|0240}}. Teolog [[Harold H. Buls|Harold Buls]] berpendapat "ini menunjukkan kemesraan. Mungkin juga mengindikasikan kekurangmatangan dan kelemahan para murid".<ref>[http://pericope.org/buls-notes/john/john_13_31_35.htm Buls' Notes on John 13:31-35], accessed 28 June 2016</ref>
Yesus mengatakan kepada para murid-Nya bahwa Ia akan segera meninggalkan mereka; dan ke mana Ia pergi, mereka tidak mungkin dapat datang ([[#Ayat 13|Yohanes 13:33]]), atau pada keadaan saat itu mereka "tidak dapat mengikuti sekarang, tetapi ... akan mengikuti kemudian" ([[#Ayat 16|Yohanes 13:36]]). Para rasul Peter (dalam ayat 37), [[Tomas]] dan [[Filipus]] (dalam [[Yohanes 14|pasal berikutnya]]) mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai ke mana Yesus akan pergi. Petrus nampaknya seemsmenyadari tokaitan havekepergian recognisedYesus thedan connection between following Jesus and dying:<ref>[http://biblehubkematian.com/commentaries/cambridge/john/13.htm Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges] on John 13, accessed 18 June 2016</ref> "Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you” <ref>{{bibleverse||John|13:37|ESV}}<name=cambridge/ref> or "on your behalf".<ref>[http://biblehub.com/wey/john/13.htm Weymouth New Testament translation]</ref> Jesus questions whether Peter will lay down his life for Him and tells him that in fact he will have [[Denial of Peter|denied]] Jesus three times "before the [[rooster]] crows" (John 13:38, cf. {{bibleverse||John|18:27|NKJV}}).
Teolog [[Harold H. Buls|Harold Buls]] berpendapat "ini menunjukkan kemesraan. Mungkin juga mengindikasikan kekurangmatangan dan kelemahan para murid".<ref>[http://pericope.org/buls-notes/john/john_13_31_35.htm Buls' Notes on John 13:31-35], accessed 28 June 2016</ref>
Yesus mengatakan kepada para murid-Nya bahwa Ia akan segera meninggalkan mereka; dan ke mana Ia pergi, mereka tidak mungkin dapat datang ([[#Ayat 13|Yohanes 13:33]]), atau pada keadaan saat itu mereka "tidak dapat mengikuti sekarang, tetapi ... akan mengikuti kemudian" ([[#Ayat 16|Yohanes 13:36]]). Para rasul Peter (dalam ayat 37), [[Tomas]] dan [[Filipus]] (dalam [[Yohanes 14|pasal berikutnya]]) mengajukan pertanyaan mengenai ke mana Yesus akan pergi. Petrus nampaknya seems to have recognised the connection between following Jesus and dying:<ref>[http://biblehub.com/commentaries/cambridge/john/13.htm Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges] on John 13, accessed 18 June 2016</ref> "Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you” <ref>{{bibleverse||John|13:37|ESV}}</ref> or "on your behalf".<ref>[http://biblehub.com/wey/john/13.htm Weymouth New Testament translation]</ref> Jesus questions whether Peter will lay down his life for Him and tells him that in fact he will have [[Denial of Peter|denied]] Jesus three times "before the [[rooster]] crows" (John 13:38, cf. {{bibleverse||John|18:27|NKJV}}).
"Lord, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you” <ref>{{bibleverse||John|13:37|ESV}}</ref> or "on your behalf".<ref>[http://biblehub.com/wey/john/13.htm Weymouth New Testament translation]</ref> Jesus questions whether Peter will lay down his life for Him and tells him that in fact he will have [[Denial of Peter|denied]] Jesus three times "before the [[rooster]] crows" (John 13:38, cf. {{bibleverse||John|18:27|NKJV}}).