Pendidikan di Eritrea: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''EducationPendidikan indi [[Eritrea]]''' issecara officiallyresmi [[compulsorydiwajibkan education|compulsory]]kepada betweenanak-anak berumur 7 andhingga 16 years of agetahun.<ref name=cp>[ Eritrea country profile]. [[Library of Congress]] [[Federal Research Division]] (September 2005). ''This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the [[public domain]].''</ref> ImportantSalah goalssatu ofsasaran kebijakan pendidikan [[Eritrea]]'s educationaladalah policymenyediakan arependidikan todasar providedalam basicsetiap educationbahasa inibu eachyang ofada di Eritrea's mother tongues<ref>{{cite journal|last=Asfaha|first=Yonas Mesfun|author2=Jeanne Kurvers |author3=Sjaak Kroon |title=Literacy use and instruction in multilingual Eritrea|journal=Leeds African Studies Bulletin|year=2006|accessdate=25 January 2012}}</ref> asdan wellmenciptakan asmasyarakat toyang produceberbudaya amandiri societydalam thatkonteks is equipped with the necessary skills to function with a culture of self-reliance in theekonomi modern economy.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Eritrea |date=September 2010 |work=World Data on Education |publisher=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |accessdate=2012-01-25}}</ref> TheSaat educationini, infrastructureinfrastruktur ispendidikan yang ada currentlytidak inadequatememadai tountuk meetmencapai thesesasaran needstersebut.<ref name=cp/>
'''Education in [[Eritrea]]''' is officially [[compulsory education|compulsory]] between 7 and 16 years of age.<ref name=cp>[ Eritrea country profile]. [[Library of Congress]] [[Federal Research Division]] (September 2005). ''This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the [[public domain]].''</ref> Important goals of [[Eritrea]]'s educational policy are to provide basic education in each of Eritrea's mother tongues<ref>{{cite journal|last=Asfaha|first=Yonas Mesfun|author2=Jeanne Kurvers |author3=Sjaak Kroon |title=Literacy use and instruction in multilingual Eritrea|journal=Leeds African Studies Bulletin|year=2006|accessdate=25 January 2012}}</ref> as well as to produce a society that is equipped with the necessary skills to function with a culture of self-reliance in the modern economy.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Eritrea |date=September 2010 |work=World Data on Education |publisher=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |accessdate=2012-01-25}}</ref> The education infrastructure is currently inadequate to meet these needs.<ref name=cp/>
ThereTerdapat arelima fivetingkat levelspendidikan ofdi educationEritrea: inpra-sekolah Eritreadasar, pre-primarydasar, primarymenengah, middleatas, secondarydan andpendidikan tertiarytinggi. ThereKira-kira areada nearlyhampir 238,.000 studentsorang insiswa thedi primary,tingkat middle,dasar andhingga secondaryatas. levelsDi of education. ThereEritrea arediperkirakan approximatelyterdapat 824 schoolssekolah<ref>{{cite book
| year = 2005|url=
| title = Baseline Study on Livelihood Systems in Eritrea
| publisher = National Food Information System of Eritrea
</ref> indan Eritreadua anduniversitas, two universities,yaitu [[University ofUniversitas Asmara]] (UoA) and thedan [[Institut Teknologi Eritrea]] ({{lang-en|Eritrea Institute of Technology]], (EIST}}),. asDi wellsamping asitu, severalterdapat smallerpula collegesbeberapa andkolese technicaldan schools.sekolah Currentteknik centersyang oflebih tertiary education in Eritrea includekecil, theseperti CollegeSekolah ofBiologi Marine BiologyKelautan, the College ofSekolah AgricultureAgrikultur, theSekolah CollegeSeni ofdan ArtsIlmu and Social SciencesSosial, the College ofSekolah BusinessBisnis anddan EconomicsEkonomi, theserta CollegeSekolah ofKeperawatan Nursingdan andTeknologi HealthKesehatan. Technology,Ada aspula well as EIST and the UoA.Theresekolah aredasar somedan bigsekolah primarymenengah andpertama middleyang schoolsbesar likeseperti Mai Tesfa, Awet, anddan Model.<ref name="college">{{cite web.
| last = Habtetsion
| first = Efrem
Baris 16 ⟶ 15:
|archiveurl = <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 2006-08-30}}</ref>
Rintangan untuk akses pendidikan di Eritrea antara lain adalah tabu tradisional, biaya sekolah (untuk pendaftaran dan materi), serta tingginya biaya untuk rumah tangga berpenghasilan rendah.<ref>{{cite journal
The education system in Eritrea is also designed to promote private sector schooling, equal access for all groups (i.e. prevent gender discrimination, prevent ethnic discrimination, prevent class discrimination, etc.) and promote continuing education through formal and informal systems.
Barriers to education in Eritrea include traditional taboos, school fees (for registration and materials), and the cost barriers of low-income households.<ref>{{cite journal
| last = Kifle
| first = Temesgen|editor=Andreas Knorr |editor2=Alfons Lemper |editor3=Axel Sell |editor4=Karl Wohlmuth
| title = Educational Gender Gap in Eritrea|publisher=Institute for World Economics and International Management|journal=Berichte aus dem Weltwirtschaftlichen Colloquium der Universität Bremen|volume= 78|date= April 2002}}
Statistics</ref> suggestStatistika thatmenyatakan betweenbahwa 39sekitar and39–57% 57anak-anak percentumur ofsekolah school-agedhadir childrendi attendsekolah [[primarydasar school]] anddan 21% hadir percentdi attendsekolah secondarymenengah schoolpertama.<ref name=cp/> Student-teacherRasio antara guru dan ratiosmurid areterbilang hightinggi: 45 tobanding 1 atdi thetingkat elementarysekolah leveldasar anddan 54 tobanding 1 atdi thetingkat secondarysekolah levelmenengah pertama.<ref name=cp/> ThereRata-rata are an averageterdapat 63 studentsmurid per classroomruang atkelas thedi elementarytingkat levelSD anddan 97 murid per classroom atkelas thedi secondarytingkat levelSMP.<ref name=cp/> LearningJam hoursbelajar atdi schoolsekolah aresering oftenkurang lessdari thanempat four hoursjam per dayhari.<ref name=cp/> SkillKekurangan shortagesketerampilan areada presentdi atsemua alltingkatan levelssistem of the education system, andedukasi. fundingPembiayaan forserta andakses accesspendidikan toberbeda educationsecara varysignifikan significantlysesuai bydengan gender (withlebih [[Droppingbanyak out|dropout]]anak ratesperempuan muchputus higher for girlssekolah) anddan locationlokasi.<ref name=cp/> The overall [[literacyAngka melek ratehuruf]] indi Eritrea isdiperkirakan estimatedberada topada be abouttingkat 67.,8%. percent,Demografis withanak youngmuda adults agedberumur 15–24, 89tahun percentmemiliki literateangka melek huruf sebesar 89%.<ref>[ Eritrea]. CIA World Factbook</ref><ref>[ Eritrea]. World Bank</ref> "The Ministry [of Education] plans to establish a university in every region in the future."<ref name="college" />
Statistics suggest that between 39 and 57 percent of school-aged children attend [[primary school]] and 21 percent attend secondary school.<ref name=cp/> Student-teacher ratios are high: 45 to 1 at the elementary level and 54 to 1 at the secondary level.<ref name=cp/> There are an average 63 students per classroom at the elementary level and 97 per classroom at the secondary level.<ref name=cp/> Learning hours at school are often less than four hours per day.<ref name=cp/> Skill shortages are present at all levels of the education system, and funding for and access to education vary significantly by gender (with [[Dropping out|dropout]] rates much higher for girls) and location.<ref name=cp/> The overall [[literacy rate]] in Eritrea is estimated to be about 67.8 percent, with young adults aged 15–24, 89 percent literate.<ref>[ Eritrea]. CIA World Factbook</ref><ref>[ Eritrea]. World Bank</ref> "The Ministry [of Education] plans to establish a university in every region in the future."<ref name="college" />