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'''COROT-Exo-1b''', kadang-kadang disebut '''CoRoT-Exo-1b''' atau '''GSC 04804-02268b''', adalah [[planet ekstrasurya]] yang terletak di rasi bintang [[Monoceros]]. Planet ini ditemukan mengorbit bintang [[katai kuning]] [[COROT-Exo-1]] pada Mei 2007. Planet ini merupakan planet yang pertama kali ditemukan oleh misi [[COROT]].
== Referensi ==
<ref name="barge2008">{{Cite journal | title=Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission I. CoRoT-Exo-1b: a low-density short-period planet around a G0V star | url= | last1=Barge | first1=P. | last2=Baglin | first2=A. | last3=Auvergne | first3=M. | last4=Rauer | first4=H. | last5=Léger | first5=A. | last6=Schneider | first6=J. | last7=Pont | first7=F. | last8=Aigrain | first8=S. | last9=Almenara | first9=J. -M. | last10=Alonso | first10=R. | last11=Barbieri | first11=M. | last12=Bordé | first12=P. | last13=Bouchy | first13=F. | last14=Deeg | first14=H. J. | last15=La Reza | first15=D. | last16=Deleuil | first16=M. | last17=Dvorak | first17=R. | last18=Erikson | first18=A. | last19=Fridlund | first19=M. | last20=Gillon | first20=M. | last21=Gondoin | first21=P. | last22=Guillot | first22=T. | last23=Hatzes | first23=A. | last24=Hebrard | first24=G. | last25=Jorda | first25=L. | last26=Kabath | first26=P. | last27=Lammer | first28=A. | first29=B. | last30=Magain | first30=P. | last28=Llebaria | last29=Loeillet | first27=H. | doi=10.1051/0004-6361:200809353 | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=482 | issue=3 | pages=L17–L20 | year=2008 | displayauthors=1 |arxiv=0803.3202 | bibcode=2008A&A...482L..17B }}</ref>
<ref name="Bonomo2017">{{cite journal | title=The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG . XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets | last1=Bonomo | first1=A. S. | last2=Desidera | first2=S. | last3=Benatti | first3=S. | last4=Borsa | first4=F. | last5=Crespi | first5=S. | last6=Damasso | first6=M. | last7=Lanza | first7=A. F. | last8=Sozzetti | first8=A. | last9=Lodato | first9=G. | last10=Marzari | first10=F. | last11=Boccato | first11=C. | last12=Claudi | first12=R. U. | last13=Cosentino | first13=R. | last14=Covino | first14=E. | last15=Gratton | first15=R. | last16=Maggio | first16=A. | last17=Micela | first17=G. | last18=Molinari | first18=E. | last19=Pagano | first19=I. | last20=Piotto | first20=G. | last21=Poretti | first21=E. | last22=Smareglia | first22=R. | last23=Affer | first23=L. | last24=Biazzo | first24=K. | last25=Bignamini | first25=A. | last26=Esposito | first26=M. | last27=Giacobbe | first27=P. | last28=Hébrard | first28=G. | last29=Malavolta | first29=L. | last30=Maldonado | first30=J. | last31=Mancini | first31=L. | last32=Martinez Fiorenzano | first32=A. | last33=Masiero | first33=S. | last34=Nascimbeni | first34=V. | last35=Pedani | first35=M. | last36=Rainer | first36=M. | last37=Scandariato | first37=G. | display-authors=1 | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | volume=602 | at=A107 | date=2017 | arxiv=1704.00373 | bibcode=2017A&A...602A.107B | doi=10.1051/0004-6361/201629882 }}</ref>
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