Kritik teks: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 215:
The Center for Scholarly Editions (CSE) replaced the CEAA in 1976. The change of name indicated the shift to a broader agenda than just American authors. The Center also ceased its role in the allocation of funds. The Center's latest guidelines (2003) no longer prescribe a particular editorial procedure.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Aims and Services of the Committee on Scholarly Editions|publisher=The Committee on Scholarly Editions, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis|accessdate=2008-05-24|deadurl=no|archiveurl=|archivedate=2008-05-23|df=}} <br />"The editorial standards that form the criteria for the award of the CSE "Approved Edition" emblem can be stated here in only the most general terms, since the range of editorial work that comes within the committee's purview makes it impossible to set forth a detailed, step-by-step editorial procedure."</ref>
== Aplikasi pada dokumen agamawi ==
Semua teks dapat menjadi subjek penelitian dan kritisisme sistematik di mana dokumen aslinya tidak dapat diverifikasi atau tidak tersedia. Para penganut agama seringkali enggan untuk melakukan penelitian kritik teks yang mendalam terhadap kitab-kitab sucinya karena mereka meyakini kitab-kitab itu sebagai ilham ilahi. Sebaliknya para lawan atau [[:En:polemicist|kelompok berpolemik]] condong untuk mencari-cari kesalahan dalam suatu teks agamawi dengan cara apapun. Akibatnya, kritik teks yang sah sering ditentang baik oleh penganut kepercayaan itu maupun oleh para skeptik.
<!--All texts are subject to investigation and systematic criticism where the original verified first document is not available. Believers in [[sacred text]]s and scriptures sometimes are reluctant to accept any form of challenge to what they believe to be divine [[revelation]]. Some opponents and [[polemicist]]s may look for any way to find fault with a particular religious text. Legitimate textual criticism may be resisted by both believers and skeptics.
=== Alkitab Ibrani ===
{{main|Kritik teks (Alkitab)#Alkitab Ibrani/Perjanjian Lama}}
Baris 235 ⟶ 234:
Dalam melihat [[Alkitab Ibrani]] sebagai [[Perjanjian Lama]], hampir semua varian tekstual tidak bernilai penting dan tidak mempengaruhi doktrin kepercayaan. Professor [[:en:Douglas Stuart (biblical scholar)|Douglas Stuart]] menyatakan: "Secara jujur dapat dikatakan bahwa ayat-ayat, pasal-pasal, dan kitab-kitab dalam Alkitab akan terbaca umumnya sama, dan memberikan kesan yang sama kepada para pembaca, meskipun orang memasukkan semua bacaan ''alternatif'' yang ada ke dalam teks yang menjadi dasar terjemahan [bahasa Inggris] saat ini."<ref>{{cite book|last=Kaiser|first=Walter|title=The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable & Relevant?|year=2001|publisher=InterVarsity Press|page=48|url=|isbn=9780830819751}}</ref>
=== Perjanjian Baru ===
<!--{{main|Textual criticism of the New Testament}}-->
EarlyTeks kuno [[NewPerjanjian TestamentBaru]] textsmeliputi includelebih more thandari 5,.800 naskah [[Greekbahasa language|GreekYunani]] manuscripts, 10,.000 naskah [[bahasa Latin]] manuscripts anddan 9,.300 manuscriptsnaskah indalam variousbahasa-bahasa otherkuno ancient languageslain (includingtermasuk [[Syriacbahasa language|SyriacSuryani]], [[Slavicbahasa languages|SlavicSlavia]], [[Ethiopicbahasa Etiopiat]] anddan [[Armenianbahasa language|ArmenianArmenia]]). Naskah-naskah Theitu manuscriptsmemuat contain approximatelysekitar 300,.000 textualvarian variantstekstual, mostsebagian ofbesar themmeliputi involvingpertukaran changesurutan ofkata worddan order andperbedaan otherpenulisan comparativeyang trivialitiestrivial.<ref name=wallace_on_majority>{{cite web|last= Wallace|first= Daniel|title= The Majority Text and the Original Text: Are They Identical?|url=|accessdate= 23 November 2013|deadurl= no|archiveurl=|archivedate= 3 December 2013|df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last= Westcott and Hort|title= The New Testament in The Original Greek: Introduction Appendix|url=|accessdate= 23 November 2013|year= 1896}}</ref>{{qn|date=August 2017}}Jadi selama Thus,lebih for overdari 250 yearstahun dilakukan kritis teks mendalam, Newpara Testamentsarjana scholarsPerjanjian haveBaru argueddapat thatmenyatakan notidak textualada variantvarian affectstekstual anyyang doctrine.mempengaruhi doktrin apapun. ProfessorProfesor [[D. A. Carson]] statesmenyatakan: "nothingtidak weada believedari toapa beyang doctrinallykita truepercayai secara doktrinal benar, anddan nothingtidak weada aredari commandedapa toyang do,diperintahkan iskepada inkita anyuntuk waydilakukan, jeopardizedyang bydiubah theoleh variantsvarian-varian itu. ThisIni isbenar trueuntuk fortradisi anytekstual textual traditionmanapun. ThePenafsiran interpretation ofperikop-perikop individual passagesdapat maysaja welldipertanyakan; be called in question;tetapi buttidak neverpernah isada adoktrin doctrineyang affectedterdampak."<ref name=wallace_on_majority/><ref>
{{Cite book
Baris 246 ⟶ 247:
The sheer number of witnesses presents unique difficulties, chiefly in that it makes stemmatics in many cases impossible, because many writers used two or more different manuscripts as sources. Consequently, New Testament textual critics have adopted [[eclecticism]] after sorting the witnesses into three major groups, called text-types. {{As of | 2017}} the most common division distinguishes: