Panda raksasa: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Panda Besar''' ([[Bahasa Tionghoa]]: 熊貓; [[pinyin]]: xióng māo), ''Ailuropoda melanoleuca'' ("Kaki-kucing hitam-putih"), adalah seekor [[mamalia]] yang biasanya diklasifikasikan dalam keluarga [[beruang]], [[Ursidae]], yang hewan asli [[Tiongkok]] tengah. Panda tinggal di wilayah pegunungan, seperti [[Sichuan]] dan [[Tibet]]. Pada setengah [[abad ke-20]] terakhir, panda menjadi semacam [[lambang negara]] [[Tiongkok]], dan sekarang ditampilkan pada [[uang emas]] negara tersebut.
{{Taxobox_begin | color=pink | name= Giant Panda}}<br />{{StatusEndangered}}
{{Taxobox_image | image = [[image:panda-thumbnail.jpg]] | caption = Hua Mei, the baby panda born at<br />the San Diego Zoo in 2000.<br />[[Media:Panda.jpg|full-size image]]
{{Taxobox_begin_placement | color = pink}}
{{Taxobox_regnum_entry | taxon = [[Animal]]ia}}
{{Taxobox_phylum_entry | taxon = [[Chordate|Chordata]]}}
{{Taxobox_classis_entry | taxon = [[mammal|Mammalia]]}}
{{Taxobox_ordo_entry | taxon = [[Carnivora]]}}
{{Taxobox_familia_entry | taxon = [[Ursidae]]}}
{{Taxobox_genus_entry | taxon = '''''Ailuropoda'''''}}
{{Taxobox_species_entry | taxon = '''''melanoleuca'''''}}
{{Taxobox_section_binomial_simple | color = pink | binomial_name = Ailuropoda melanoleuca}}
The '''Giant Panda''' ([[Chinese language|Chinese]]: &#29066;&#35987;; [[pinyin]]: xióng m&#257;o), ''Ailuropoda melanoleuca'' ("black-and-white cat-foot"), is a [[mammal]] now usually classified in the [[bear]] family, [[Ursidae]], that is native to central [[China]]. The Giant Panda lives in [[mountain]]ous regions, like [[Sichuan]] and [[Tibet]]. Toward the latter half of the [[20th century]], the panda became somewhat of a [[national emblem]] for [[China]], and is now used in Chinese [[gold coin]]s.
TheNama ChineseTionghoanya name meansberarti "[[bearkucing]]-[[catberuang]]," anddan canjuga alsobisa bedibaca readterbalik intanpa reversemengubah to mean the same thingarti. ItsIa [[Westerndinamai world|Western]]panda epithetdi isBarat namedkarena aftermirip thedengan [[RedPanda PandaMerah]]. It used, todan bedulunya knowndikenal assebagai '''Mottled Bear''' (''Ailuropus melanoleucus'').
Meskipun secara [[taksonomi]]s ia adalah [[karnivora]], makanannya sebagian besar [[herbivora]]. Malah, panda makan hampir hanya [[bambu]] saja. Secara teknis, seperti banyak hewan, panda adalah [[omnivora]], karena mereka diketahui juga memakan [[telur]], dan juga [[serangga]] selain bambu. Kedua makanan ini adalah sumber [[protein]] yang diperlukan. [[Telinga]]nya bergerak-gerak saat mereka mengunyah.
Despite being [[taxonomy|taxonomically]] a [[carnivore]], their [[diet (nutrition)|diet]] is overwhelmingly [[herbivore|herbivorous]]. In fact, it lives almost entirely on [[bamboo]]. Technically, like many animals, they are [[omnivore]]s, as pandas have been known to eat [[egg (food)|eggs]], and they consume some [[insect]]s along with their bamboo diet.
These are necessary sources of [[protein]].
Their [[ear]]s wiggle when they chew.
Panda juga masih saudara dengan [[Panda Merah]], tetapi namanya yang mirip tampaknya berasal dari kesamaan kebiasaan mereka memakan bambu. Sebelum hubungannya dengan Panda Merah ditemukan pada tahun [[1901]], Panda Besar dikenal sebagai ''beruang berwarna dua''.
It is also distantly related to the [[Red Panda]], but the shared name appears to derive from their common bamboo diet. Until its relation with the Red Panda was discovered in [[1901]], the Giant Panda was known as '''parti-coloured bear'''.
ForSelama manyberpuluh decades the precise taxonomic classificationtahun, ofklasifikasi thetaksonomi panda wasyang undertepat debatediperdebatkan askarena bothbaik GiantPanda PandasBesar andmaupun RedPanda PandasMerah sharememiliki characteristicsciri-ciri ofseperti bothberuang bears anddan [[raccoonrakun]]s. HoweverNamun, pengujian [[genetics|genetic testinggenetika]] hasmengungkapkan revealedbahwa thatPanda GiantBesar Pandasadalah areberuang truesejati bearsdan andtermasuk part of thekeluarga ''[[Ursidae]]'' family. ItsSaudara closestberuangnya bearyang relativeterdekat is theadalah [[SpectacledBeruang BearBerakcamata]] ofdi [[SouthAmerika AmericaSelatan]]. DisagreementSekarang remainsmasih aboutdiperdebatkan whetherapakah orPanda notMerah Redtermasuk Pandas belong inkeluarga ''Ursidae''a or thetau raccoonkeluarga familyrakut, ''Procyonidae''.
Giant PandasPanda areBesar anadalah [[endangeredspesies speciesterancam punah]], threatenedterancam byoleh continued loss ofkehilangan [[habitat]] anddan bytingkat akelahiran verysangat low birthraterendah, bothbaik indi thealam wildmaupun anddi in captivitykandang. AboutSekitar 1,.600 arediyakini believedmasih tohidup survivedi in the wildalam. The Giant Panda is the symbolBesar ofadalah thelambang [[World Wildlife Fund]] (WWF), aorganisasi conservationpelestarian organizationalam ([]).
The Giant Panda hasBesar an unusualmemiliki [[pawcakar]] yang ganjil, with adengan "[[thumbjempol]]" anddan fivelima fingersjari; the "thumbjempol" isini actually a modifiedsebenarnya [[wristtulang]]-[[bone]]pergelangan tangan yang termodifikasi. [[Stephen Jay Gould]] wrote anmenulis [[essayesai]] abouttentang this,topik thenini, usedlalu themenggunakan titlejudul ''The Panda's Thumb'' for a bookuntuk ofbuku collectedkumpulan essaysesainya.
[[Image:Lightmatter panda.jpg|thumb|left|250px|AnPanda adultdewasa giantdi pandaKebun atBinatang San Diego Zoo.]]
The Giant Panda was first made known to the West in [[1869]] by the [[France|French]] [[missionary]] [[Armand David]] ([[1826]]&ndash;[[1900]]). The Giant Panda has long been a favourite of the public, at least partly on account of the fact that the species has an appealing baby-like [[cuteness]] that makes it seem to resemble a living [[teddy bear]]. The fact that it is usually depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting, also adds to its image of innocence.
Baris 38 ⟶ 22:
In [[1998]] a [[lawsuit]] filed by the WWF spurred the [[U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]] to require U.S. [[zoo]]s seeking to import pandas to ensure that half of the fee charged by China be channeled into [[conservation]] efforts for wild pandas and their habitat before the service will issue a permit allowing the pandas to be imported.
==PandasPanda indalam popbudaya culturepop==
[[Genma Saotome]] isadalah atokoh cartoonkartun character from thedalam manga [[Ranma 1/2]] bykarya [[Rumiko Takahashi]]. ThoughMeskipun henormalnya isia normally aadalah [[humanmanusia]], heia mostlysering appearstampil as asebagai panda (due to a magicalakibat cursekutukan) duringdalam theseri seriesini.
[[image:Giant Panda.jpg|thumb|right|250px|A mature Giant Panda]]
Baris 51 ⟶ 35:
*[ Zoologischer Garten Berlin]
==ExternalPranala linksluar==
*[ AZA Panda Conservation Plan]
*[ Jeroen Jacobs Panda Fan Page]
*[ AlternativeNama NamesAlternatif foruntuk Panda]
[[Category:EndangeredSpesies speciesterancam punah]]