Abia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 13:
=== Laki-laki ===
* [[Abia (raja Yehuda)|Abia dari Yehuda]] - raja [[Kerajaan Yehuda]] ([[2 Tawarikh 13:1]][[2 Raja-rajaTawarikh 1514:1|-14:1]]); juga dikenal dengan nama "Abiam" (אבים, ''Abiyam'', ''Abijam'', "Bapaku adalah ''Yam'' [Lautan]") pada [[1 Raja-raja 15:1]], putra dan penerus raja [[Rehabeam]] ([[1 Tawarikh 3:10]], [[Matius 1:7]], [[1 Raja-raja 14:31]]).
* Abia bin [[:en:Becher (biblical figure)|Becher]] bin [[Benyamin]] ({{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 7:8}}).
* Putra kedua [[Samuel]] ({{Alkitab|1 Samuel 8:2; 1 Tawarikh 6:28}}).<!-- KelakuHisKelakuannya conduct,yang alongtidak withbaik, thatseperti ofjuga hissaudara brotherlaki-lakinya, asYoel, aketika judgeditunjuk inoleh [[Beersheba]],ayahnya tountuk whichmenjabat officesebagai hishakim fatherdi had appointed him[[Bersyeba]], ledmengakibatkan toketidakpuasan popularmassal discontent,yang andakhirnya ultimatelymembuat provokedumat themenuntut peoplepembentukan to[[monarki]] demand adi [[monarchyIsrael]].-->
* [[Abia (imam)|Abia]], keturunan [[Eleazar]] bin [[Harun]], salah seorang pemimpin dari 24 [[Pembagian rombongan Imam Israel|rombongan imam]] yang dibagi tugasnya dalam pemerintahan raja [[Daud]] ([[1 Tawarikh 24:10]]). Keluarga imam Abia dicatat bersama-sama para imam dan orang Lewi yang kembali bersama-sama [[Zerubabel ]] bin [[Sealtiel]] dan Imam Besar [[Yesua]]. ({{Alkitab|Nehemia 12:4; 17}}). Seorang keturunannya, [[Zakharia (imam)|Zakharia]], menjabat sebagai imam pada [[Bait Suci Kedua]], dan adalah bapa dari [[Yohanes Pembaptis]] ({{Alkitab|Lukas 1:5}}, {{Alkitab|Lukas 1:13}}).
* Keturunan [[Eleazar]] bin [[Harun]]<!--, a chief of one of the twenty-four orders into which the priesthood was divided by [[David]] (1 Chr. 24:10). The order of Abijah is listed with the priests and Levites who returned with Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and with Joshua. ([[Book of Nehemiah|Nehemiah]] 12:4; 17).-->
* Seorang putra [[Yerobeam bin Nebat]], raja pertama [[Kerajaan Israel Utara]].<!-- On account of his severe illness when a youth, his father sent [[Wife of Jeroboam|his wife]] to consult the prophet [[Ahijah the Shilonite|Ahijah]] regarding his recovery. The prophet, though blind with old age, knew the wife of Jeroboam as soon as she approached, and under a divine impulse he announced to her that inasmuch as in Abijah alone of all the house of Jeroboam there was found "some good thing toward the Lord", he only would come to his grave in peace. As his mother crossed the threshold of the door on her return, the youth died, and "all Israel mourned for him" ([[1 Kings]] 14:1–18).-->
* Kepala rombongan imam kedelapan<!-- which [[David]] divided the priests, and an ancestor of [[Zechariah (priest)|Zechariah]], the priest who was the father of [[John the Baptist]]-->({{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 24:10}}, {{Alkitab|Lukas 1:5}}, {{Alkitab|Lukas 1:13}}).
== Referensi ==