Agustinus dari Hippo: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 385:
* {{en}} {{cite book | last = Zumkeller O.S.A. | first = Adolar | title = Augustine's Rule | publisher = Augustinian Press | location = Villanova | year = 1987 | isbn = 0-941491-06-4 }}
== Pranala luar ==
{{wikisource author|Augustine of Hippo}}
{{wikiquote-en|Augustine of Hippo}}
{{Commons|Augustine of Hippo}}
=== Umum ===
* [ "Complete Works of Saint Augustine (in English)"] from
* [ "Complete Works of Saint Augustine (in French)"] from Abbey Saint Benoît de Port-Valais
* [ "Complete Works of Saint Augustine (in Spanish)"] from Mercaba, Catholic leaders' website
* [ "Works by Saint Augustine"] from
* {{cite SEP |url-id=augustine|title=Saint Augustine|last=Mendelson|first=Michael}}
* {{IEP|augustin|Augustine}}
* {{IEP|aug-poso|Augustine's Political and Social Philosophy}}
* [ "St. Augustine, Bishop and Confessor, Doctor of the Church"], ''Butler's Lives of the Saints''
* [ Augustine of Hippo] edited by [[James J. O'Donnell]] – texts, translations, introductions, commentaries, etc.
* [[v:Augustine of Hippo/Augustine's Theory of Knowledge|Augustine's Theory of Knowledge]]
* [ "Saint Augustine of Hippo"] at the [ Christian Iconography] website
* [ "The Life of St. Austin, or Augustine, Doctor"] from the Caxton translation of the ''Golden Legend''
* [ David Lindsay: Saint Augustine – Doctor Gratiae]
* [ St. Augustine - A Male Chauvinist?] [], Fr. Edmund Hill, [[Dominican Order|OP]]. Talk given to the [[Robert Hugh Benson]] Graduate Society at [[Cambridge University Catholic Chaplaincy|Fisher House, Cambridge]], on 22 November 1994.
* [ St. Augustine Timeline - Church History Timelines]
* Giovanni Domenico Giulio: ''Nachtgedanken des heiligen Augustinus.'' Trier 1843 {{ULBDD|urn:nbn:de:hbz:061:1-481434}}
=== Bibliografi ===
* [ Augustine of Hippo] at – extensive bibliography and on-line articles
* [ Bibliography on St. Augustine] Started by T.J. van Bavel O.S.A., continued at the Augustinian historical Institute in Louvain, Belgium
=== Karya-karya Agustinus ===
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Augustine,+Aurelius|name=Aurelius Augustine}}
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Augustine,+Saint,+Bishop+of+Hippo|name=Saint Augustine}}<!--Same person has multiple IDs at PG-->
* {{Internet Archive author |dname=Saint Augustine|search=("Bishop of Hippo" OR "Saint Augustine" OR "Augustine, Saint" OR "Aurelius Augustine" OR "Aurelius, Augustine" OR "Saint Austin" OR "Austin, Saint")}}
* {{Librivox author |id=79}}
* [ St. Augustine] at the [[Christian Classics Ethereal Library]]
* [ Augustine against Secundinus] in English.
* [ Aurelius Augustinus] at "IntraText Digital Library" – texts in several languages, with concordance and frequency list
* [] – Latin, Spanish and Italian texts
* [,_Sanctus.html Sanctus Augustinus] at Documenta Catholica Omnia – Latin
* [ City of God, Confessions, Enchiridion, Doctrine] audio books
* {{cite book|author=Saint Augustine|title=The Happy Life; Answer to Sceptics; Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil; Soliloquies|url=|publisher=[[Catholic University of America Press|CUA Press]]|location=US|year=2008|isbn=978-0-8132-1551-8}}
* [ Digitized manuscript] created in [[France]] between 1275 and 1325 with extract of Augustine of Hippo works at [ SOMNI]
* [ Expositio Psalmorum beati Augustini] – digitized codex created between 1150–1175, also known as "Enarrationes in Psalmos. 1-83", at [ SOMNI]
* [ Aurelii Agustini Hipponae episcopi super loannem librum] – digitized codex created in 1481; his sermons about John's Gospel at [ SOMNI]
* [ ''Sententiae ex omnibus operibus Divi Augustini decerptae''] – digitized codex created in 1539; at [ Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences]
=== Biografi dan kritik ===
* [ Order of St Augustine]
* [ Blessed Augustine of Hippo: His Place in the Orthodox Church]
* [ Augustine's World: An Introduction to His Speculative Philosophy] by [[Donald Burt]], OSA, member of the [[Augustinians|Augustinian Order]], [[Villanova University]]
* [ Tabula in librum Sancti Augustini De civitate Dei] by [[Robert Kilwardby]], digitized manuscript of 1464 at [ SOMNI]
{{Filsafat abad pertengahan}}
{{Filsafat agama}}
{{Filsafat sosial dan politik}}
{{Doktor Gereja}}
{{Orang kudus Katolik}}
{{Authority control}}
|NAME = Santo Agustinus dari Hippo
|ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Agustinus, Santo, Uskup Hippo; Augustin; Augustinus, Aurelius
|SHORT DESCRIPTION = Teolog Kristen, Uskup, Filsuf, dan Santo
|DATE OF BIRTH = 13 November 354
|PLACE OF BIRTH = [[Tagaste]], [[Numidia]] (sekarang [[Souk Ahras]], [[Aljazair]])
|DATE OF DEATH = 28 Agustus 430
|PLACE OF DEATH = [[Hippo Regius]], [[Numidia]] (saat ini bernama [[Annaba]], [[Aljazair]])
[[Kategori:100 Tokoh menurut Michael H. Hart]]
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