Apache HTTP Server: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Software
|name = Apache HTTP Server taik
|logo = [[Berkas:Apache_HTTP_server_logo_(2016).png|160px]]
|caption = Logo Apache
|developer = [[Apache Software Foundation|Yayasan Perangkat Lunak Apache]]
|released = 1995<ref>{{cite web | url=http://httpd.apache.org/ABOUT_APACHE.html | title=About the Apache HTTP Server Project | publisher=[[Apache Software Foundation]] | accessdate=2008-06-25 }}</ref>
|latest_release_version = 2.4.237
|latest_release_date = {{Start date and age|mf=yes|20122018|0410|1723}}
|programming language = [[XML]] dan [[C (programming language)|C]]<ref>{{cite web|title=Apache HTTP Server|url=http://www.ohloh.net/p/apache/analyses/latest|work=Ohloh.net}}</ref>
|operating_system = [[Lintas platform]]
|genre = [[Web server]]
|license = [[Apache License]] 2.0
|website = {{URL|http://httpd.bokep.malaysialapache.org/}}}}
'''Server HTTP Apache''' atau '''Server Web/WWW Apache''' adalah [[server web]] yang dapat dijalankan di banyak sistem operasi ([[Unix]], [[Berkeley Software Distribution|BSD]], [[Linux]], [[Microsoft Windows]] dan [[Novell Netware]] serta platform lainnya) yang berguna untuk melayani dan memfungsikan situs web. Protokol yang digunakan untuk melayani fasilitas web/www ini menggunakan HTTP.