Politik sayap kanan: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Baris 1:
Dalam [[politik]], '''sayap kanan''' atau '''Kelompok Kanan''' adalah istilah yang mengacu kepada segmen [[spektrum politik]] yang biasanya dihubungkan dengan [[konservatisme]], [[liberalisme klasik]], kelompok [[kanan agama]], atau sekadasekadar lawan dari [[sayap kiri|politik sayap kiri]]. Dalam konteks tertentu, istilah sayap kanan juga bisa mencakup [[nasionalisme]] [[otoriter]], namun hal itu biasanya lebih merupakan bagian dari ''[[ekstrem kanan]]''.
Istilah ini aslinya berasal dari pengaturan tempat duduk dewan legislatif pada masa [[Revolusi Prancis]], ketika kaum [[monarkhisme|monarkhis]] yang mendukung [[Ancien Régime]] biasanya disebut sebagai '''kaum kanan''' karena mereka duduk di sebelah kanan di ruangan dewan legistlatif.
<!--Istilah ini aslinya berasal dari pengaturan tempat duduk
Karena acuan ini kini telah usang, makna istilahnya pun telah berubah sesuai dengan spektrum gagsan dan sikap yang diperbandingkan, dan sudut pandang si pembicara. Belakangan ini, istilah ini hampir selalu mencakup suatu bentuk konservatisme, dan di Barat termasuk kelompok demokrat Kristen.
The term comes originally from the legislative seating arrangement during the [[French Revolution]], when [[monarchism|monarchists]] who supported the [[Ancien Régime]] were commonly referred to as '''rightists''' because they sat on the right side of successive legislative assemblies.
== Sejarah ==
As this original reference became obsolete, the meaning of the term has changed as appropriate to the spectrum of ideas and stances being compared, and the point of view of the speaker. In recent times, the term almost always includes some forms of conservatism and Christian democracy.
Sejak Revolusi Prancis, penggunaan istilah politik "kiri" dan "kanan" telah berubah melintasi batas-batas linguistik, masyarakat, dan nasional, kadang-kadang maknanya malah berbeda di suatu masa dan tempat tertentu dibandingkan dengan masa dan tempat yang lainnya. Misalnya, [[pada tahun 2004]], pemerintah [[Republik Rakyat Tiongkok]] mengklaim dirinya tetap di "kiri", meskipun negara itu telah mengalami evolusi yang membawanya lebih dekat dengan apa yang di tempat lain dicirikan sebagai "kanan", mendukung tradisi budaya nasional, mementingkan kekayaan, dan industri yang dimiliki secara pribadi. Demikian pula, almarhum diktator [[Spanyol]], [[Francisco Franco]], yang secara internasional merupakan sekutu kuat dengan kelompok kanan dan yang secara brutal menindas kaum kiri Spanyol, pada kenyataannya melakukan sejumlah kebijakan pembangunan yang agak mirip dengan apa yang dilakukan di [[Uni Soviet]] dan [[negara komunis]] lainnya, yang hampir secara universal dianggap "kiri". Demikian pula, sementara "kanan" mulanya mengacu kepada mereka yang mendukung kepentingan [[kaum bangsawan]], di banyak negara sekarang (khususnya di [[Amerika Serikat]]), pembedaan kiri-kanan tidak terkait erat dengan kekayaan atau garis leluhur.
Fasisme biasanya dianggap sayap kanan, meskipun sebagian ahli membantah klasifikasi itu. Yang lainnya berpendapat bahwa ada unsur-unsur ideologi kiri maupun kanan dalam filsafat yang mendasari perkembangan Fasisme.
Some consider the political Right to include those forms of [[liberalism]] that emphasize the [[free market]] more than [[egalitarianism]] in wealth, but many free-market advocates, including most [[libertarians]] conceive of an additional spectrum (libertarianism-totalitarianism) upon which they place themselves which intersects the [[left-right politics|left-right]] [[political spectrum]] and places them 90 degrees away from traditional left and right, much as many anarchists (including "libertarian socialists") avoid placing themselves on the spectrum.
''See [[political spectrum]] and [[Left-Right politics|left-right politics]] for further discussion of this kind of classification.''
<!--Sebagian orang menganggap kelompok Kanan juga mencakup bentuk-bentuk [[liberalisme]] yang menekankan [[pasar bebas]] lebih daripada [[egalitarianisme]] dalam kekayaan, namun banyak penganjur pasar bebas, termasuk kebanyakan [[libertarian]] mencakup spektrum [[libertarianisme-totalitarianisme]], yang berpotongan dengan [[spektrum politik]] kiri-kanan dan menempatkan mereka
==Right-wing issues==
In the 20th century, outside the [[United States]], where [[capitalism]] was always supported by the many politicians and intellectuals, the most notable distinction between left and right was in economic policy. The right advanced [[capitalism]], whereas the left advocated [[socialism]] (often democratic socialism) or [[communism]]. This distinction has shifted somewhat since the collapse of the [[Soviet Bloc]], as mainstream politicians now accept limited capitalism to a large degree, but in a socialistic form in which government mandates significant redistribution of wealth.
The dominant modern strand of right wing thought is concerned with traditional values (often [[Christian values|Christian]] in nature) and preservation of individual and corporate rights through constraints on government power. In a hard-line form the second and third of these priorities are associated with [[libertarianism]], but some on the right reject the most ardent assumptions of libertarianism, especially outside of the [[United States]], and a small minority of libertarians do not consider themselves to be right wing.
Some consider the political Right to include those forms of [[liberalism]] that emphasize the [[free market]] more than [[egalitarianism]] in wealth, but many free-market advocates, including most [[libertarians]] conceive of an additional spectrum (libertarianism-totalitarianism) upon which they place themselves which intersects the [[left-right politics|left-right]] [[political spectrum]] and places them 90 degrees away from traditional left and right, much as many anarchists (including "libertarian socialists") avoid placing themselves on the spectrum.
A more obscure strand of right wing thought, often associated with the original right wing from the times of [[monarchy]], supports the preservation of wealth and power in the hands that have traditionally held them, social stability, and national solidarity and ambition.
''See [[political spectrum]] and [[Left-Right politics|left-right politics]] for further discussion of this kind of classification.''-->
Both of the above strands of right wing thought come in many forms, and individuals who support some of the objectives of one of the above stands will not necessarily support all of the others. At the level of practical political policy, there are endless variations in the means that right wing thinkers advocate to achieve their basic aims, and they sometimes argue with each other as much as with the left.
== Isu-isu sayap kanan ==
The values and policy concerns of the right vary in different countries and eras. Also, individual right wing politicians and thinkers often have idiosyncratic priorities. It is not always possible or helpful to try to work out which of two sets of beliefs or policies is more right-wing (see [[political spectrum]]).
Pada abad ke-20, di luar [[Amerika Serikat]], di mana [[kapitalisme]] selalu didukung oleh banyak politikus dan intelektual, ciri paling menonjol yang membedakan kiri dan kanan adalah kebijakan ekonomi. Pihak kanan menganjurkan [[kapitalisme]], sementara kiri menganjurkan [[sosialisme]] (seringkali sosialisme demokrat) atau [[komunisme]]. Pembedaan ini telah berubah sejak runtuhnya [[Blok Soviet]], sementara para politikus arus utama kini menerima kapitalisme terbatas, namun dalam bentuk sosialis di mana pemerintah menugasi redistribusi kekayaan yang signifikan.
==History of the term==
:''See the [[Left-Right politics]] article for more detailed discussion of the history and development of the term''
<!--The dominant modern strand of right wing thought is concerned with traditional values (often [[Christian values|Christian]] in nature) and preservation of individual and corporate rights through constraints on government power. In a hard-line form the second and third of these priorities are associated with [[libertarianism]], but some on the right reject the most ardent assumptions of libertarianism, especially outside of the [[United States]], and a small minority of libertarians do not consider themselves to be right wing.
Since the French Revolution, the political use of the terms "left" and "right" has evolved across linguistic, societal, and national boundaries, sometimes taking on meanings in one time and place that contrast sharply with those in another. For example, [[as of 2004]] the government of the [[People's Republic of China]] claims to remain on the "left," despite an evolution that has brought it quite close to what is elsewhere characterized as "right," supporting national cultural traditions, the interests of wealth, and privately owned industry. Conversely, the late dictator of [[Spain]], [[Francisco Franco]], who was firmly allied internationally with the right and who brutally suppressed the Spanish left, nonetheless pursued numerous development policies quite similar to those of the [[Soviet Union]] and other [[communist state]]s, which are almost universally considered to be on the "left." Similarly, while "right" originaly referred to those who supported the interests of [[aristocracy]], in many countries today (notably the [[United States]]) the left-right distinction is not strongly correlated with wealth or ancestry.
A more obscure strand of right wing thought, often associated with the original right wing from the times of [[monarchy]], supports the preservation of wealth and power in the hands that have traditionally held them, social stability, and national solidarity and ambition.
Both of the above strands of right wing thought come in many forms, and individuals who support some of the objectives of one of the above stands will not necessarily support all of the others. At the level of practical political policy, there are endless variations in the means that right wing thinkers advocate to achieve their basic aims, and they sometimes argue with each other as much as with the left.
The values and policy concerns of the right vary in different countries and eras. Also, individual right wing politicians and thinkers often have idiosyncratic priorities. It is not always possible or helpful to try to work out which of two sets of beliefs or policies is more right-wing (see [[political spectrum]]).-->
Fascism is generally considered right-wing, although some scholars dispute that classification. Others argue that there are elements of both left and right ideology in the philosophy underlying the development of Fascism. See: [[Far right]] and [[Fascism and ideology]].
==See alsoLihat pula ==
*[[Alain de Benoist]]
*[[ChristianKristen democracydemokrat]]
*[[FarEkstrem rightkanan]]
*[[Politik kiri-kanan dan Perang terhadap Terorisme]]
*[[Left-Right politics and the War on Terrorism]]
*[[Politik kiri-kanan]] membahas rentangan makna berbagai penulis ketika mereka menggunakan istilah "kiri" dan "kanan" dalam konteks politik.
*[[Left-Right politics]] discusses the range of various writers' meanings when they use the terms "left" and "right" in a political context.
*[[Left-wingPolitik politicssayap kiri]]
*[[NolanBagan chartNolan]]
*[[Nouvelle Droite]]
*[[Partai politik kanan]]
*[[Political Parties on the Right]]
*[[Spektrum politik]] membahas pandangan penulis tentang manfaat (atau kerugian) dari dikotomi Kiri/Kanan dan spektrum alternatif.
*[[Political spectrum]] discusses various writers' views of the usefulness (or not) of the Left/Right dichotomy and of alternative spectra.
*[[RadicalPolitik centristsentris politicsradikal]]
*[[Otoritarianisme sayap kanan]]
*[[Right Wing Authoritarianism]] -->
== Pranala luar ==
*[http://www.politicalcompass.org/ The Political Compass], anpandangan alternativealternatif viewtentang ofspektrum thepolitik political spectrum
*[http://FreedomKeys.com/nolancharts.htm The Nolan Charts], otherspektrum alternativepolitik politicalalaternatif spectralainnya (mostlykebanyakan berorientasi libertarian-oriented)
*[http://www.publiceye.org/research/chart_of_sectors.html publiceye.org] - chart_of_sectorsbagan sektornya
*[http://www.larebil.com larebil.com] - RightEditorial Wingsayap kanan Editorial
*[http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident ViceWakil PresidentPresiden Dick Cheney]
*[http://www.la-articles.org.uk/pc.htm The Political Compass and Why Libertarianism is Not Right Wing] by J. C. Lester