Demam Tipoid: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{kotak info penyakit |
Name = Typhoid fever |
ICD10 = A01.0 |
ICD9 = 002 |
''Artikel ini tentang penyakit demam tipoid. Lihat [[Tipus]] untuk penyakit lain yang tidak berhubungan namun dengan nama yang mirip.''
'''Demam Tipoid''' adalah sebuah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh [[bakterium]] [[Salmonella typhi]]. Sangat umum terjadi di seluruh dunia, penyakit ini menyebar melalui makanan dan air yang terkontaminasi dengan [[tai]] dari orang yang terinfeksi.
== Gejala ==
Setelah infeksi, gejala termasuk:
* [[demam]] tinggi dari 103° sampai 104°F (39° sampai 40°C) yang meningkat secara perlahan
* [[chills]]
* slow pulse rate ([[bradycardia]])
* [[Weakness (medical)|weakness]]
* [[sakit kepala]]
* [[myalgia]]
* [[kehilangan nafsu makan]]
* [[konstipasi]]
* [[sakit perut]]
* in some cases, a [[rash]] of flat, rose-colored spots called "rose spots"
Extreme symptoms such as intestinal perforation or [[hemorrhage]], [[delusion]]s, and [[confusion]] also are possible.
== Diagnosis ==
Diagnosis is made by [[blood culture|blood]], bone marrow or stool cultures and with the [[Widal test]] (demonstration of salmonella [[antibody|antibodies]] against antigens [[O-somatic]] and [[H-flagellar]]) or, in less affluent countries with the [[urine diazo test]]. In epidemics and less wealthy countries, after excluding [[malaria]], [[dysentery]] or [[pneumonia]], a therapeutic trial with [[chloramphenicol]] is generally undertaken while awaiting the results of Widal test and blood cultures.
== Perawatan ==
Demam Tipoid dapat berakibat fatal. [[Antibiotik]], seperti [[ampicillin]], [[chloramphenicol]], [[trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole]], dan [[ciproloxacin]] sering digunakan untuk merawat demam tipoid di Barat.
Bila tak terawat, demam tipoid dapat berlangsung selama tiga minggu sampai sebulan. Kematian terjadi antara 10% dan 30% dari kasus yang tidak terawat. [[Vaksin]] untuk demam tipoid tersedia dan dianjurkan untuk orang yang melakukan perjalanan ke wilayah di mana penyakit ini banyak terjadi (terutama di [[Asia]], [[Afrika]], dan [[Amerika Latin]]).
A person may become an [[asymptomatic carrier]] of typhoid fever, suffering no symptoms, but capable of infecting others. According to the [[Centers for Disease Control]] approximately 5% of people who contract typhoid continue to carry the disease after they recover.
The most notorious carrier of typhoid fever, but by no means the most destructive, was [[Mary Mallon]], also known as [[Typhoid Mary]]. In 1907 she became the first American carrier to be identified and traced. She was a cook in [[New York]] at the beginning of the 20th Century. Some believe she was the source of infection for several hundred people. She is closely associated with fifty cases and five deaths. Public health authorities told Mary to give up working as a cook or have her gall bladder removed. Mary quit her job, but returned later under a false name. She was detained and quarantined after another typhoid outbreak. She died of a stroke after 23 years in quarantine.
==Famous victims==
Typhoid fever has claimed the lives of several famous people, including [[Franz Schubert]], [[Mark Hanna]], [[Wilbur Wright]], [[Leland Stanford, Jr.]], and the British [[prince consort]] [[Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha]].
==History of typhoid fever==
Typhoid fever may have first infected human ancestors anywhere from 200,000 to two million years ago. Although able to survive in contaminated water, it does not have any host other than humans. There are currently over 1,000 different strains of the bacterium of which only a few cause typhoid fever.
== Referensi ==
*[ Information from CDC]
[[Kategori:Penyakit menular]]
[[en:Typhoid fever]]
[[fr:Fièvre typhoïde]]
[[he:טיפוס הבטן]]
[[it:Tifo addominale]]
[[ms:Demam kepialu]]
[[pl:Dur brzuszny]]
[[pt:Febre tifóide]]