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Baris 30:
[[Islamis]] berpengaruh [[Sayyid Qutb]] menyatakan bahwa Islam adalah agama damai dalam esensi yang mewakili seluruh umat manusia kepada [[Allah]]. <ref>{{cite book| last =Qutb | first =Sayyid| authorlink =Sayyid Qutb | title = Fiqh al-Da’wah | work =Fiqh al-Da’wah | publisher = [[IslamQA]]| url =| pages =217–222 | accessdate = 2007-11-22 | archiveurl = | archivedate = 2006-10-17|quote=The defeatists should fear Allah lest they distort this religion and cause it to become weak on the basis of the claim that it is a religion of peace. Yes, it is the religion of peace but in the sense of saving all of mankind from worshiping anything other than Allah and submitting all of mankind to the rule of Allah. }}</ref>
Pada 13 Mei 2015, [[Negara Islam Irak dan Syam]] mengeluarkan sebuah pesan audio dari [[Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]], yang menyatakan bahwa Islam bukanlah agama damai, namun agama perang.