Beit She'an: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 67:
Beisan was home to a mainly [[Mizrahi Jews|Mizrahi Jew]]ish community of 95 until 1936, when the [[1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine|1936–1939 Arab revolt]] saw Beisan serve as a center of Arab attacks on Jews in Palestine.<ref name=Britannica/><ref name=Haaretz>{{cite news|url=|title=The other Beit She'an|author=Ashkenazi, Eli|publisher=[[Haaretz]]|date=2007-05-11|accessdate=2008-10-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Virtual Israel Experience:Bet She'an|publisher=[[Jewish Virtual Library]]|accessdate=2008-10-20}}</ref>
In 1938, after learning of the murder of his close friend and Jewish leader Haim Sturmann, [[Orde Wingate]] led his men on an offense in the Arab section of Beit She'an, the rebels’ suspected base. <ref name="Azure">{{cite web|title=Orde Wingate: Friend Under Fire|author=Michael B. Oren|publisher=Azure: Ideas for the Jewish Nation|date=Winter 2001|accessdate=2007-05-15|url=}}</ref>
According to population surveys conducted in [[British Mandate Palestine]], Beisan consisted of 5,080 Muslim Arabs out of a population of 5,540 (92% of the population), with the remainder being listed as Christians.<ref name="Domino">{{cite web|url=!OpenDocument|title=Settled Population Of Palestine|publisher=[[United Nations]]|accessdate=2009-02-01}} {{Dead link|date=September 2010|bot=H3llBot}}</ref> In 1945, the surrounding "Beisan district" consisted of 16,660 Muslims (67%), 7,590 Jews (30%), and 680 Christians (3%), and Arabs owned 44% of land, Jews owned 34%, and 22% constituted public lands. The [[1947 UN Partition Plan]] allocated Beisan and most of its district to the proposed [[Jewish state]].<ref name="Shahin" /><ref>{{cite book|title=A Survey of Palestine: Prepared in December, 1945 and January, 1946 for the Information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry|pages=12–13|volume=1|publisher=Institute for Palestine Studies|year=1991|isbn=0-88728-211-3|author=prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the information of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.}}</ref><ref>{{cite map|url=|title=Land Ownership of Palestine—Map prepared by the government of the British Mandate of Palestine on the instructions of the UN Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestine Question|publisher=[[United Nations]]|accessdate=2008-10-20}}</ref>