Phytophthora: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Bot: Perubahan kosmetika
k Bot: Perubahan kosmetika
Baris 19:
== Biologi ==
[[Berkas:Phytophtora reproduction.png|jmpl|kiri|200px|Phytophthora forms: A: Sporangia. B: Zoospore. C: Chlamydospore. D: Oospore.]]
''Phytophthora'' dapat bereproduksi secara seksual maupun aseksual. Struktur reproduksi seksual jarang ditemukan di alam, tetapi dapat dirangsang di pembiakan laboratorium. Pada jenis-jenis yang ''homotalus'', struktur seksual muncul dalam satu kultur tunggal; jenis-jenis yang heterotalus memiliki dua "jenis kelamin": A1 dan A2. <!-- When mated, [[Antheridium|antheridia]] introduce gametes into [[Oogonium|oogonia]], either by the oogonium passing through the antheridium (amphigyny) or by the antheridium attaching to the proximal (lower) half of the oogonium (paragyny), and the union producing oospores. Like animals, but not like most true Fungi, meiosis is gametic, and somatic nuclei are diploid. -->
[[Berkas:Phytophthora life cycle.png|200px|kiri|The life cycle of ''Phytophthora'']]
Spora aseksual (terbentuk secara mitosis) dikenal sebagai [[klamidospora]] dan [[zoospora]]. Jenis spora yang terakhir dihasilkan dalam [[sporangium]] (jamak: sporangia). <!-- Chlamydospores are usually spherical and pigmented, and may have a thickened cell wall to aid in its role as a survival structure. Sporangia may be retained by the subtending hyphae (non-caducous) or be shed readily by wind or water tension (caducous) acting as dispersal structures. Also, sporangia may release zoospores, which have two unlike [[flagellum|flagella]] which they use to swim towards a host plant.