Daftar episode The Loud House: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 673:
| ProdCode = 204B
| Viewers = 1.99<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-thursday-cable-originals-network-finals-1-12-2017.html|title=Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.12.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=January 13, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Ketika Lincoln dan temannya, Rusty Spokes, mengerjakan proyek sains, Lucy mengembangkan naksir saudara Rusty, Rocky, yang menurut Lincoln adalah "anak biasa dan normal". Agar Rocky terkesajterkesan, Lucy mendapatkan bantuan sesama saudara perempuan, yang memberinya riasan.
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Baris 684:
| ProdCode = 207B
| Viewers = 1.71<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-tuesday-cable-originals-network-finals-2-21-2017.html|title=Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.21.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=February 23, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Lincoln triesmencoba tomembuat makeruang spacepada onkomputer thekeluarga Loud family'suntuk computergambar forrambut akumisnya pictureyang ofpertama, hishanya firstuntuk moustachesecara hair,tidak onlysengaja tomenghapus accidentallysemua deletefoto allmasa of his childhood photoskecilnya. InUntuk ordermenggantikan to replace themmereka, Lincoln hastelah Clyde help himmembantunya reenactmenghidupkan eachkembali picturesetiap bygambar takingdengan themengambil placetempat ofsaudara hisperempuannya sistersketika whentidak noneada ofdari themmereka areyang availabletersedia tountuk helpmembantu.
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Baris 695:
| ProdCode = 207A
| Viewers = 1.71<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-wednesday-cable-originals-2-22-2017-broadcast-finals-available-friday.html|title=Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.22.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=February 23, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Lynn Sr. getsmerasa irritatedkesal whenketika hisanak-anaknya childrenterus-menerus constantlylupa forgetmengunci to lock the doorpintu. In order to makeUntuk themselvesmempersiapkan prepareddiri forbagi burglarspencuri, Lincoln anddan hissaudari-saudarinya sistersmelakukan doberbagai various thingshal, suchseperti asmenyimpan storingbarang-barang theirmilik possessionsmereka indi thekamar bathroommandi, defendingmembela themselvesdiri, anddan enlistingmeminta thebantuan helpBobby ofdalam Bobby inpakaian Mall Cop attiredan andtim Lynn Jr.'s 'roller derby'' teamLynn in orderJr. tountuk protectmelindungi theirrumah housemereka.
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Baris 706:
| ProdCode = 205B
| Viewers = 1.58<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-thursday-cable-originals-2-23-2017-broadcast-finals-available-monday.html|title=Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.23.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=February 27, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = AsKetika Vanzilla keepsterus breakingmogok down anddan Lynn Sr. refuses to get ridmenolak ofuntuk itmenyingkirkannya (asseperti ityang hadsebelumnya beendimiliki previouslyoleh ownedayah bydan his father and his grandfatherkakeknya), his childrenanak-anaknya anddan Rita trickmengelabuinya himuntuk intomendapatkan gettingmobil another carlain. HeDia soonsegera getsterpikat hooked on his newpada van tobarunya theke pointtitik wheredi hemana doesdia nottidak wantingin hisanak-anak childrendan andistrinya wifebahkan tomendekatinya. even go near it.Hal Thisini causesmenyebabkan Lori anddan Leni tobekerja workuntuk tomendapatkan obtainkendaraan theirmereka ownsendiri vehicledan andyang thelain othersuntuk tomencoba try to getmendapatkan Vanzilla backkembali. ButTapi ititu getsmenjadi asedikit litterumit tricky whenketika Lynn Sr. getsmendapat matchingaksesoris accessoriesyang cocok.
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Baris 717:
| ProdCode = 205A
| Viewers = 1.92<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-friday-cable-originals-network-finals-2-24-2017.html|title=Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.24.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=February 27, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Lisa getsdipromosikan promotedke tokelas Lincoln's class. InUntuk ordermenjadi torata-rata beseperti averagesisa likekelasnya, thedia restmendapatkan ofpandangannya hertetap class,dan shebergabung getsdengan herlingkaran eyes fixed and joinsteman-teman Lincoln's circle of friends. Lisa neglecting her intelligence causesmengabaikan herkecerdasannya fellowmenyebabkan sisterssaudara toperempuannya blamemenyalahkan Lincoln foratas theperubahan changeitu.
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Baris 728:
| ProdCode = 208A
| Viewers = 2.11<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-monday-cable-originals-network-finals-3-13-2017.html|title=Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.13.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=March 16, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = WhenKetika tim sofbol Lynn Jr.'s softball team loseskalah whenketika Lincoln showsmuncul upuntuk tomenonton watchpertandingan hersofbolnya softballuntuk gamepertama for the first timekalinya, shedia assumesberasumsi thatbahwa Lincoln isadalah badnasib luckburuk, promptingmendorong himdia tountuk tellmemberitahu thesisa restsaudara ofperempuannya hisagar sisterstidak notmembawanya toke bringsalah himsatu toacara anymereka of their events aftersetelah Lynn tellsmemberitahu Leni notuntuk totidak bringmembawa Lincoln toke her eventacaranya. Lincoln takesmengambil advantagekeuntungan ofdari thisini atpada firstawalnya, untilsampai theseluruh entirekeluarga familymulai beginsmengambil takingkecurigaan theirmereka suspicionterlalu too seriouslyserius, forcingmemaksa Lincoln to have to workharus tobekerja proveuntuk thatmembuktikan hebahwa isdia notbukan badnasib luckburuk.
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Baris 739:
| ProdCode = 208B
| Viewers = 1.68<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-tuesday-cable-originals-network-finals-3-14-2017.html|title=Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.14.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=March 16, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Mrs. Johnson isberencana planninguntuk tomembuat havekelasnya hermembedah class dissect frogskatak. AtPada firstawalnya, Lincoln istertarik interestedpadanya in it untilsampai Lana convincesmeyakinkannya himbahwa thatitu it is wrongsalah. TheMereka twoberdua ofdan themkatak andpeliharaan Lana's pet frog, Hops, work to smugglebekerja theuntuk frogsmenyelundupkan outkatak ofkeluar schoolsekolah beforesebelum dissectionpembedahan, whilesambil avoidingmenghindari beingditangkap caughtoleh byKepala PrincipalSekolah Wilbur T. Huggins.
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Baris 750:
| ProdCode = 206A
| Viewers = 1.76<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-wednesday-cable-originals-network-finals-3-15-2017.html|title=Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.15.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=March 17, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = WhenKetika thePramuka Bluebell Scoutsmengadakan areacara holding a membership eventkeanggotaan, Lana anddan Lola bothkeduanya trymencoba outuntuk forkelompok thedi groupmana wheremereka theyberdua areberbakat bothdi talentedbagian atinisiasi differentyang initiation partsberbeda. MeanwhileSementara itu, Lincoln anddan Clyde workbekerja tountuk getmendapatkan theKue Bluebell Scout Cookiesyang thatdijual theoleh Pramuka Bluebell Scouts sell.
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Baris 761:
| ProdCode = 206B
| Viewers = 2.06<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-thursday-cable-originals-network-finals-3-16-2017.html|title=Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.16.2017|work=Showbuzz Daily|author=Mitch Metcalf|date=March 17, 2017|access-date=June 15, 2017}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Lincoln anddan Clyde noticememperhatikan thatbahwa Bobby hastelah beenbertingkah behaving shiftilylaku. ThinkingBerpikir thatbahwa Bobby ismengkhianati cheatingLori onsetelah Lorimelihat upondia seeingberinteraksi himdengan interactberbagai withwanita variousyang different womenberbeda, Lincoln anddan Clyde investigatemenyelidiki, whichyang soonsegera leadsmenyebabkan tosisa the rest ofsaudari Lincoln's sisters getting involvedterlibat.
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