Triumviratus Kedua: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 28:
| caption2 = Sesudah [[Perjanjian Brundisium]] (40 SM).
{{col-begin}}{{col-2}}{{legend|#7D87FF|Sekstus Pompeyus}}{{legend|#ED1C24|Brutus & Kasius}}{{legend|#FED250|kerajaan-kerajaan gundal Romawi}}{{legend|#FF8C8C|Mesir di bawah wangsa Ptolemaios}}{{col-end}}
Pada tahun 44 SM, kekuasaan Markus Lepidus atas provinsi [[Hispania]] serta provinsi [[Galia Narbonese]] disahkan, dan Markus Lepidus bersedia menyerahkan 7 legiun kepada Oktavianus dan Markus Antonius untuk digunakan memerangi Brutus dan Kasius dalam rangka merebut kawasan timur wilayah kekuasaan Romawi; inandaikata the event of defeatkalah, Lepidus'bala territoriestentara wouldtriwira providedapat amundur fall-backdan position.{{accordingbertahan todi whom|date=Aprilwilayah 2015}}{{citationkekuasaan needed|date=AprilMarkus 2015}}Lepidus. Markus Antonius retainedmempertahankan Cisalpinekekuasaannya Gaulatas andGalia hegemonyCisalpina overdan Gaulhegemoni itselfatas seluruh Galia, andsementara OctavianOktavianus heldmenguasai AfricaAfrika anddan wasdiberi givenkewenangan nominal authority overatas Sisilia dan Sardinia.{{citation needed|date=April 2015}}<ref>This was purely theoretical,{{according to whom|date=April 2015}} as they were controlled by [[Sextus Pompey]], leader of the surviving Pompeian faction.{{citation needed|date=April 2015}}</ref> According toMenurut historiansejarawan Richard Weigel, Octavian'sjatah sharewilayah atOktavianus thispada stagetahap wasini "practicallysesungguhnya humiliatingmemalukan"; allsemua theprovinsi mostpenting importantdikuasai provinces went tooleh Markus Antonius dan Markus Lepidus, thoughkendati transferpengalihan oflegiun-legiun Lepidus'Markus legionsLepidus tokepada Oktavianus meant"secara thatefektif Lepidusmenyingkirkan wasMarkus "effectivelyLepidus eliminatingselaku himselfrekan assetara" an equal partner"di inkemudiah futurehari.<ref>Weigel, phlm. 69.</ref>)
==Proscriptions Proskripsi ==
Dalam rangka mengisi kembali pundi-pundi negara, para triwira decidedmemutuskan tountuk resort tomemanfaatkan [[proscriptionproskripsi]].<ref name=Eck_15f/> AsKarena allpara threetriwira hadadalah beenpendukung partisansmendiang ofYulius CaesarKaisar, theirsasaran mainutama targetsmereka adalah lawan-lawanpara seteru kubu pro Yulius Kaisar.<!-- TheKorban mostmereka notableyang victimspaling wereterkenal adalah [[Marcus Tullius Cicero]], who had opposed Caesar and excoriated Markus Antonius in his ''[[Philippicae]],'' and [[Marcus Favonius]], a follower of [[Cato the Younger|Cato]] and an opponent of both triumvirates.<ref>Cassius Dio, Roman HIstory, XLVII</ref> The proscription of Caesar's [[legatus|legate]] [[Quintus Tullius Cicero]] (Marcus Tullius Cicero's younger brother) seems to have been motivated by the perceived need to destroy Cicero's family. For ancient writers, the most shocking proscriptions were those of Caesar's legate [[Lucius Julius Caesar (consul 64 BC)|Lusius Yulius Kaisar]], dan Lepidus' brother [[Lucius Aemilius Lepidus Paullus]]. They were added to the list because they had been the first to condemn Markus Antonius dan Markus Lepidus after the two allied. In fact they both survived.<ref>Weigel, p. 72.</ref>
Octavian's colleague in the consulate that year, his cousin (and nephew of Caesar), Quintus Pedius, died before the proscriptions got underway.{{citation needed|date=April 2015}} Octavian himself resigned shortly after, allowing the appointment of a second pair of suffect consuls; the original consuls for the year, Caesar's legate [[Aulus Hirtius]] and [[Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus]], had died fighting on the Senate's side of the first civil war to follow Caesar's death, that between the Senate and Markus Antonius sendiri.{{Citation needed|date=April 2015}} This became a broad pattern of the Triumvirate's two terms; during the ten years of the Triumvirate (43 BC to 33 BC), there were 42 consuls in office, rather than the expected 20.{{citation needed|date=April 2015}}