[[Image:MoscowBattle.gif|thumb|300px|Pasukan-pasukan Soviet dalam kamuflase musim dingin sedang bergerak maju dalam [[Pertempuran Moskwa]], Desember 1941]]
ASerangan furtherlebih lanjut Soviet attackdilancarkan waspada mountedakhir in late JanuaryJanuari, focusingdengan memusatkan onperhatian thepada junctionpersimpangan betweenantara ArmyGugus GroupsPasukan NorthUtara anddan CentreTengah betweenantara [[LakeDanau Seliger]] anddan [[Rzhev]], anddan drovemenciptakan asebuah gapcelah betweenantara thedua twokelompok Germanpasukan army groupsJerman. InBersamaan concertdengan withgerakan themaju advance fromdari [[Kaluga]] toke the south-westbarat ofdaya MoscowMoskwa, ithal wasini intendeddimaksudkan thatbahwa thekedua twoserangan offensivesitu convergebertemu ondi Smolensk, buttetapi the Germans ralliedpasukan-pasukan andJerman managedberkumpul todan holdberhasil themmemisahkan apartkeduanya, retainingdan amempertahankan suatu [[salientkeunggulan]] atdi Rzhev. A SovietSuatu [[paratrooperpasukan para| parachutepenerjunan pasukan droppayung]] onSoviet German-helddi [[Dorogobuzh]] wasyang dikuasai oleh Jerman khususnya spectacularlygagal unsuccessfultotal, anddan thosepara paratrooperspasukan whopaying survivedyang hadberhasil tobertahan escapeharus tomelarikan thediri partisanke daerah-helddaerah areasyang beginningdikuasai tooleh swellpara behindpartisan Germanyang lines.mulai Tomembengkak thedi northbelakang garis Jerman. Di utara, thepasukan-pasukan SovietsSoviet surroundedmengepung asebuah Germanpos [[garrison]]pasukan Jerman indi [[Demyansk]], whichyang heldbertahan outdengan withpasokan airudara supplyselama forempat four monthsbulan, and establisheddan themselvesmenempatkan indiri frontdi ofdepan [[Kholm]], [[Velizh]] anddan [[Velikie Luki]].
InDi theselatan southTentara theMerah Redmenyerang Armyke crashed over theseberang [[Sungai Donets River]] atdi [[Izyum]] anddan drovemendorong amasuk 100-km (60-mile) deep salient. TheTujuannya intentadalah wasmenjepit toGugus pinPasukan ArmySelatan Group South against theke [[Sea ofLaut Azov]], buttetapi asketika themusim winterdingin easedmulai themenyurut, Germanspasukan-pasukan wereJerman ablesanggup tomelakukan counter-attackserangan andbalasan cutdan offmemotong the overpasukan-extendedpasukan Soviet troopsyang interlalu themenyebar di [[Second Battle ofPertempuran Kharkov Kedua]].
=== Don, Volga, anddan CaucasusKaukasus: SummerMusim Panas 1942 ===
[[Image:Eastern_Front_1942-05_to_1942-11.png|thumb|300px|[[OperationOperasi BlueBiru]]: GermanJerman advancesbergerak frommaju dari [[7 MayMei]] [[1942]] tohingga [[18 November]] [[1942]]]]
''MainArtikel articlesutama: [[Battle ofPertempuran Voronezh (1942)|Battle ofPertempuran Voronezh]], [[BattlePertempuran of the CaucasusKaukasus]], [[Battle ofPertempuran Stalingrad]]''
Although plans were made to attack Moscow again, on [[28 June]] [[1942]], the offensive re-opened in a different direction. Army Group South took the initiative, anchoring the front with the [[Battle of Voronezh (1942)|Battle of Voronezh]] and then following the [[Don River, Russia|Don river]] southeastwards. The grand plan was to secure the Don and [[Volga]] first and then drive into the Caucasus towards the oilfields, but operational considerations and Hitler's vanity made him order both objectives to be attempted simultaneously. Rostov was recaptured on [[24 July]] when 1st Panzer Army joined in, and then that group drove south towards [[Maykop|Maikop]]. As part of this, Operation Shamil was executed, a plan whereby a group of [[Brandenburger commando]]s dressed up as Soviet [[NKVD]] troops to destabilise Maikop's defenses and allow the 1st Panzer Army to enter the oil town with little opposition.