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{{Sidebar with collapsible lists
|country name =Uni Soviet Union sidebar
|bodyclass = vcard hlist
|image=State Emblem of the Soviet Union.svg
|pretitle = Artikel ini adalah bagian dari [[:Category:Politik Uni Soviet|seri]]:
|title = [[Politik Uni Soviet]]
|image = [[File:State Emblem of the Soviet Union.svg|135px]]
|title=Uni Soviet}}
|listtitlestyle = text-align:center; background:lightcoral;
| liststyle = padding-top:0.2em;
| align=left |
| expanded = {{{expanded|{{{1|}}}}}}
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
| content1style = line-height:0.5em;font-size:50%;
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Pimpinan'''</div>
| content1 = &nbsp;
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
| list2name = Leadership
* [[Daftar pemimpin Uni Soviet|Pemimpin]]
| list2title = Leadership
* [[Presiden Uni Soviet|Presiden]] ([[Daftar Kepala Negara Uni Soviet|Daftar]])
| list2 =
** [[Daftar Kepala Negara Uni Soviet#Daftar wakil kepala negara|Wakil Presiden]]
* [[KepemimpinanList bersamaof dileaders Uniof the Soviet|Kepemimpinan bersamaUnion|Leaders]]
* {{longlink|[[President of the Soviet Union|President]] {{hlist|[[List of heads of state of the Soviet Union|list]]|[[Vice President of the Soviet Union|Vice President]]}}}}
* [[Dewan Negara Uni Soviet|Dewan Negara]]
* [[DewanCollective Presidensialleadership Uniin the Soviet Union|DewanCollective Presidensialleadership]]
* [[State Council of the Soviet Union|State Council]]
* [[Presidential Council of the Soviet Union|Presidential Council]]
| list3name = Party
| list3title = [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Communist Party]]
| list3 = {{sidebar|navbar=off
| bodystyle = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
| content1 =
* [[Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Congress]]
* [[Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Central Committee]]
* [[History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|History]]
|heading2 = ''[[General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|General Secretary]]''
|content2 = <div class="hlist">
* [[Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Politburo]]
* [[Secretariat of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Secretariat]]
* [[Orgburo]]
| list4name = Legislature
| list4title = Legislature
| list4 = {{sidebar|navbar=off
| bodystyle = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
| content1 =
* {{longlink|[[Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union|Congress of Soviets]]<br/>([[Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union|Central Executive Committee]])}}
| heading2 = ''[[Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union|Supreme Soviet]]''
| content2 =
* [[Soviet of the Union]]
* [[Soviet of Nationalities]]
* [[Presidium of the Supreme Soviet|Presidium]]
| heading3 = ''[[Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union|Congress of People's Deputies]]''
| content3 =
** [[List of heads of state of the Soviet Union#Chairmen of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (1989–1990)|Speaker]]
** [[Soviet Union legislative election, 1989|1989 Legislative election]]
| list5name = Governance
| list5title = Governance
| list5 = {{sidebar|navbar=off
| bodystyle = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
| heading1 = ''[[Constitution of the Soviet Union|Constitution]]''
| content1 = <div class="hlist">
* [[Official names of the Soviet Union|Official names]]
* [[1924 Soviet Constitution|1924]]
* [[1936 Soviet Constitution|1936]]
* [[1977 Soviet Constitution|1977]]
| heading2 = ''[[Government of the Soviet Union|Government]]''
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
| content2 =
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Pemerintahan'''</div>
* [[Ministries of the Soviet Union|Ministries]]
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:CC0000;">
* [[KonstitusiState UniCommittee of the Soviet Union|KonstitusiState Committees]]
* [[PemerintahList Uniof governments of the Soviet Union|PemerintahCabinets]]
** | heading3 = ''[[KementerianPremier diof Unithe Soviet Union|KementerianPremiership]]''
| content3 =
** [[Komite Negara Uni Soviet|Komite Negara]]
** [[SekretarisFirst PerdanaDeputy MenteriPremier Uniof the Soviet Union|SekretarisFirst PerdanaDeputy MenteriPremier]]
* [[DaftarDeputy KepalaPremier Pemerintahanof Unithe Soviet Union|KepalaDeputy PemerintahanPremier]]
* [[Administrator of Affairs of the Soviet Union|Administrator of Affairs]]
** [[Daftar pemerintahan di Uni Soviet|Kabinet]]
** [[Dewan Komisar Rakyat]]
| list6name = Judiciary
** [[Dewan Menteri Uni Soviet|Dewan Menteri]]
| list6title = Judiciary
** [[Kabinet Menteri Uni Soviet|Kabinet Menteri]]
| list6 =
* [[Law of the Soviet Union|Law]]
* [[Supreme Court of the Soviet Union|Supreme Court]]
** [[Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union|Military Collegium]]
* [[People's Court (Soviet Union)|People's Court]]
* [[Procurator General of the Soviet Union|Procurator General]]
| list7name = Ideology
| list7title = [[Ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union|Ideology]]
| list7 = {{sidebar|navbar=off
| bodystyle = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
| content6 =
* [[Soviet democracy]]
* [[Marxism–Leninism]]
* {{hlist |[[Leninism]] |[[Stalinism]] |[[Khrushchevism]]}}
* [[De-Stalinization]]
| list8name = Society
| list8title = Society
| list8 = {{sidebar|navbar=off
| bodystyle = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
| heading1 = ''[[Economy of the Soviet Union|Economy]]''
| content1 =
* [[Agriculture in the Soviet Union|Agriculture]]
* [[Consumer goods in the Soviet Union|Consumer goods]]
* [[Five-year plans for the national economy of the Soviet Union|Five-Year Plan]]
* [[1965 Soviet economic reform|Kosygin reform]]
* [[New Economic Policy]]
* [[Science and technology in the Soviet Union|Science and technology]]
* [[Era of Stagnation]]
* [[Material balance planning]]
* [[Transport in the Soviet Union|Transport]]
* [[War communism]]
|heading2 = ''[[Culture of the Soviet Union|Culture]]''
|content2 = <div class="hlist">
* [[Demographics of the Soviet Union|Demographics]]
* [[Education in the Soviet Union|Education]]
* [[Family in the Soviet Union|Family]]
* [[Soviet phraseology|Phraseology]]
* [[Religion in the Soviet Union|Religion]]
| heading3 = ''Repression''
| content3 =
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
* [[Censorship in the Soviet Union|Censorship]]
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Perwakilan'''</div>
* [[Censorship of images in the Soviet Union|Censorship of images]]
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
* [[Great Purge]]
* [[Kongres Majelis Uni Soviet|Kongres Majelis]]
* [[Gulag|Gulag system]]
** [[Komite Eksekutif Pusat Uni Soviet|Komite Eksekutif Pusat]]
* [[MajelisCollectivization Agungin Unithe Soviet|Majelis AgungUnion|Collectivization]]
* [[Human rights in the Soviet Union|Human rights]]
** [[Dewan Kesatuan]]
* [[Ideological repression in the Soviet Union|Ideological repression]]
** [[Dewan Kebangsaan]]
* [[Suppressed research in the Soviet Union|Suppressed research]]
** [[Presidium Majelis Agung#Presidium Majelis Agung Uni Soviet|Presidium]]
* [[Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union|Political abuse of psychiatry]]
* [[Kongres Perwakilan Rakyat]]
** [[DaftarPolitical Kepalarepression Negarain Unithe Soviet#Daftar kepala negaraUnion|JuruPolitical bicararepression]]
** [[PemiluPopulation legislatiftransfer Uniin the Soviet 1989Union|Pemilu legislatifPopulation 1989transfer]]
* [[Propaganda in the Soviet Union|Propaganda]]
* [[Red Terror]]
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
| below = {{Politics sidebar below|the Soviet Union|portal=Soviet Union}}
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Hukum'''</div>
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
* [[Hukum di Uni Soviet|Hukum]]
** [[Mahkamah Agung Uni Soviet|Mahkamah Agung]]
<!-- Add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here! -->
** [[Pengadilan Negeri Uni Soviet|Pengadilan Negeri]]
** [[Jaksa Agung Uni Soviet|Kejaksaan Agung]]
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Partai Komunis'''</div>
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
* [[Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Partai Komunis]]
** [[Kongres Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Kongres]]
** [[Sejarah Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Sejarah]]
* [[Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Sekretaris Jenderal]]
** [[Politbiro Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Politbiro]]
** [[Komite Pusat Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Komite Pusat]]
** [[Sekretariat Komite Pusat Partai Komunis Uni Soviet|Sekretariat]]
** [[Orgbiro]]
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Sejarah dan politik'''</div>
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
* [[Sejarah Soviet Rusia dan Uni Soviet (1917–1927)|1917–1927]]
** [[Revolusi Oktober|Revolusi]]
** [[Perang Sipil Rusia|Perang Sipil]]
* [[Sejarah Uni Soviet (1927–1953)|1927–1953]]
** [[Uni Soviet dalam Perang Dunia II|Perang Dunia II]]
* [[Sejarah Uni Soviet (1953–1964)|1953–1964]]
** [[Politik Luwes Khrushchev]]
* [[Sejarah Uni Soviet (1964–1982)|1964–1982]]
** [[Masa Stagnasi]]
* [[Sejarah Uni Soviet (1982–1991)|1982–1991]]
** [[Pembubaran Uni Soviet|Pembubaran]]
* [[Ideologi negara Uni Soviet|Ideologi negara]]
** [[Demokrasi Soviet]]
** [[Marxisme-Leninisme]]
** [[Leninisme]]
** [[Stalinisme]]
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
<div class="NavHead" style="border:1px solid #a3b0bf;padding: 0 0 0 4px; font-size: 100%; text-align:left;margin:0;">'''Masyarakat'''</div>
<div class="NavContent" style="text-align:left;margin:0 1px;border:none;">
* [[Perekonomian Uni Soviet|Ekonomi]]
** [[Pertanian Uni Soviet|Pertanian]]
** [[Barang kebutuhan di Uni Soviet|Barang kebutuhan]]
** [[Rencana Lima Tahun Perekonomian Nasional Uni Soviet|Rencana Lima Tahun]]
** [[Reformasi ekonomi Uni Soviet 1965|Reformasi Kosygin]]
** [[Kebijakan Ekonomi Baru]]
** [[Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Uni Soviet|Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi]]
** [[Masa Stagnasi]]
* [[Kebudayaan Uni Soviet|Budaya]]
** [[Demografi Uni Soviet|Demografi]]
** [[Pendidikan di Uni Soviet|Pendidikan]]
** [[Keluarga di Uni Soviet|Keluarga]]
** [[Fraseologi Soviet|Fraseologi]]
** [[Agama di Soviet Union|Agama]]
** [[Transportasi di Uni Soviet|Transportasi]]
* [[Tekanan di Uni Soviet|Tekanan]]
** [[Penyensoran di Uni Soviet|Penyensoran]]
** [[Penyensoran gambar di Uni Soviet|Penyensoran gambar]]
** [[Penindasan ekonomi di Uni Soviet|Penindasan ekonomi]]
** [[Pembersihan Besar-Besaran]]
** [[Gulag|Sistem gulag]]
** [[Kolektivisasi di Uni Soviet|Kolektivisasi]]
** [[Hak asasi manusia di Uni Soviet|Hak asasi manusia]]
** [[Pembunuhan masal di Uni Soviet|Pembunuhan masal]]
** [[Penindasan ideologi di Uni Soviet|Penindasan ideologi]]
** [[Riset paksa di Uni Soviet|Riset paksa]]
** [[Penindasan politik di Uni Soviet|Penindasan politik]]
** [[Pemindahan penduduk di Uni Soviet|Pemindahan penduduk]]
** [[Propaganda di Uni Soviet|Propaganda]]
** [[Teror Merah]]
|style="font-size:95%; padding: 0 5px 0 5px;" align=right|
<small>[[:commons:Atlas of the Soviet Union|Atlas]]</small><br/>&nbsp;'''[[Portal:Uni Soviet|Portal&nbsp;Uni Soviet]]'''<br/>{{navbar|Uni Soviet|plain=1}}