Douglas C-47 Skytrain: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 46:
==== Perang Dunia II ====
[[Berkas:US_Army_Pathfinders_June_1944.jpg|ka|jmpl|Kru Penerbangan [[Pathfinders (military)|U.S. Army Pathfinders]] anddan [[United States Army Air Force|USAAF]] flight crew prior tosebelum [[D-Day]], June[[Juni]] 1944, indi frontdepan of asebuah C-47 Skytrain atdi [[RAF North Witham]]|al=]]
Baris 52:
The C-47 was vital to the success of many Allied campaigns, in particular those at [[Battle of Guadalcanal|Guadalcanal]] and in the jungles of [[New Guinea]] and [[Burma Campaign|Burma]], where the C-47 and its naval version, the R4D, made it possible for Allied troops to counter the mobility of the light-travelling Japanese Army. C-47s were used to airlift supplies to the encircled American forces during the [[Battle of Bastogne]] in Belgium. Possibly its most influential role in military aviation, however, was flying "[[The Hump]]" from India into China. The expertise gained flying "The Hump" was later used in the [[Berlin Airlift]], in which the C-47 played a major role, until the aircraft were replaced by [[Douglas C-54 Skymaster|Douglas C-54 Skymasters]].{{Citation Needed|date=February 2018}}
Di [[Eropa]], C-47 dan versi yang khusus untuk mengangkut pasukan yang lebibh dikenal sebagai C-53 Skytrooper, sangat banyak dipergunakan dalam perang, khususnya untuk menarik glider dan menerjukan pasukan. Pada pendudukan [[Sisilia]] di [[Juli]] [[1943]], ia menerjukan tidak kurang dari 4,381 [[Pasukan terjun payung|pasukan terjung payung]] sekutu. Selain itu, tidak kurang dari 50,000 [[pasukan terjun payung]] diterjunkannya selama beberapa hari pertama dari [[D-Day]] yang dikenal juga sebagai [[Invasi Normandia]], [[Prancis]], pada [[Juni]] [[1944]].<ref>{{Cite book|title=The world's greatest aircraft : an illustrated history of the most famous civil and military planes.|url=|publisher=Exeter Books|date=[[1988]]|location=New York, NY|isbn=0791700119|oclc=18771089|last=|first=|year=[[1988]]|page=}}</ref> Selama [[Perang Pasifik]], dengan mempergunakan beberapa landasan pendaratan di beberapa pulau di [[Lautan Pasifik]], pesawat ini dipergunakan untuk membawa para tentara yang bertugas di sana kembali ke [[Amerika Serikat]].
[[Berkas:C-47s_at_Tempelhof_Airport_Berlin_1948.jpg|jmpl|C-47s47 unloadingsedang atmenurunkan muatan di [[Bandar Udara Berlin Tempelhof|Bandara AirportTempelhof, Berlin]] duringselama theoperasi [[BerlinBlokade BlockadeBerlin|Berlin Airlift]]|al=]]
=== <!-- About 2,000 C-47s (received under [[Lend-Lease]]) in British and Commonwealth service [[British military aircraft designation systems|took the name "Dakota"]], possibly inspired by the acronym "DACoTA" for Douglas Aircraft Company Transport Aircraft.<ref>[ "History: Douglas C-47 Skytrain Military Transport"]. Boeing. Retrieved: 14 July 2015.</ref> The C-47 also earned the informal nickname "[[Albatross|gooney bird]]" in the European theatre of operations.<ref name="Proceedings">O'Rourke, G.G, CAPT USN. "Of Hosenoses, Stoofs, and Lefthanded Spads". ''United States Naval Institute Proceedings'', July 1968.</ref> Other sources<ref>''C-47/R4D Skytrain units of the Pacific and CBI'', David Isby, Osprey Combat Aircraft #66, Osprey Publishing Limited, 2007</ref> attribute this name to the first aircraft, a USMC R2D—the military version of the DC-2—being the first aircraft to land on Midway Island, previously home to the long-winged albatross known as the gooney bird which was native to Midway. --> C-47 Dakota di TNI AU ===
Di Europe, the C-47 and a specialized [[Paratrooper|paratroop]] variant, the C-53 Skytrooper, were used in vast numbers in the later stages of the war, particularly to tow [[Military glider|gliders]] and drop paratroops. During the [[Allied invasion of Sicily|invasion of Sicily]] in July 1943, C-47s dropped 4,381 Allied paratroops. More than 50,000 paratroops were dropped by C-47s during the first few days of the [[D-Day]] campaign also known as the [[invasion of Normandy]], France, in June 1944.<ref>Cacutt, Len. "The World's Greatest Aircraft," Exeter Books, New York, NY, 1988. {{ISBN|0-7917-0011-9}}.</ref> In the [[Pacific War]], with careful use of the island landing strips of the Pacific Ocean, C-47s were used for ferrying soldiers serving in the Pacific theater back to the United States.
[[Berkas:C-47s_at_Tempelhof_Airport_Berlin_1948.jpg|jmpl|C-47s unloading at [[Tempelhof Airport]] during the [[Berlin Blockade|Berlin Airlift]]]]
About 2,000 C-47s (received under [[Lend-Lease]]) in British and Commonwealth service [[British military aircraft designation systems|took the name "Dakota"]], possibly inspired by the acronym "DACoTA" for Douglas Aircraft Company Transport Aircraft.<ref>[ "History: Douglas C-47 Skytrain Military Transport"]. Boeing. Retrieved: 14 July 2015.</ref>
The C-47 also earned the informal nickname "[[Albatross|gooney bird]]" in the European theatre of operations.<ref name="Proceedings">O'Rourke, G.G, CAPT USN. "Of Hosenoses, Stoofs, and Lefthanded Spads". ''United States Naval Institute Proceedings'', July 1968.</ref> Other sources<ref>''C-47/R4D Skytrain units of the Pacific and CBI'', David Isby, Osprey Combat Aircraft #66, Osprey Publishing Limited, 2007</ref> attribute this name to the first aircraft, a USMC R2D—the military version of the DC-2—being the first aircraft to land on Midway Island, previously home to the long-winged albatross known as the gooney bird which was native to Midway.
=== C-47 Dakota di TNI AU ===
Tiga pesawat ini, termasuk salah satu alut sista yang diserahkan oleh [[Belanda]] kepada [[Indonesia]], ketika mereka mengakui kedaulatannya, dimana pada masa itu, kekuasaannya diserahkan kepada negara [[Republik Indonesia Serikat]] sejak tanggal [[27 Desember]] [[1949]].{{Sfn|Saragih|2019|p=29}} Berdasarkan Surat Perintah [[KASAU]] No. 0493,Pr/KSAU/50 tanggal [[1 Agustus]] [[1950]], ia ditempatkan di [[Skadron Udara 2]] yang berkedudukan di [[Pangkalan Udara Andir]] ([[Pangkalan Udara Andir|PU Andir]]), di [[Bandung]]. Pada saat itu para penerbangnya hanyalah{{Sfn|Saragih|2019|p=31}} :