Bran Stark: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 40:
== Gambaran karakter ==
Karakter POV termuda dalam novel yaitu Bran, merupakan karakter di bab pertama, diciptakan oleh Martin sebagai pahlawan muda dalam seri tersebut. Mikal Gilmore dari ''Rolling Stone'' pada tahun 2014 mencatat bahwa momen dalam ''A Game of Thrones'' saat Jaime Lannister mendorong Bran yang berkemungkinan bisa menyebabkan kematiannya dapat dikatakan "mengejutkanmu".<ref name="RS GRRM 2014-04">{{Cite web|url=|title=George R.R. Martin: The ''Rolling Stone'' Interview|last=Gilmore|first=Mikal|date=April 23, 2014|website=[[Rolling Stone]]|access-date=November 18, 2014}}</ref> Martin berkomentar dalam wawancara:
{{Quote|I'veBanyak hadorang amemberitahuku millionbahwa peopleitu telladalah memomen thatyang was the moment that hooked themmengejutkan, where theymereka saidberkata, "WellBaiklah, thisini isbukan justcerita notyang thesama sameyang storytelah Iaku readbaca asejuta million times beforekali." Bran ismerupakan thekarakter firstPOV viewpointyang characterpertama. InDalam thekepala backmereka, oforang-orang theirberpikir heads,bahwa peopleBran areadalah thinkingpahlawan Brandalam iscerita theini. heroDia ofadalah theversi story. He'smuda youngdari KingRaja Arthur. We'reKita goingakan tomengikuti followanak thislaki-laki youngini—dan boy—and thenkemudian, boombum: YouKamu don'ttidak expectmengharapkan somethingsesuatu likeseperti thatitu toterjadi happen to himpadanya. So thatJadi, wasitu successfulberhasil [laughstertawa].<ref name="RS GRRM 2014-04"/>}}
Pada tahun 2000, Martin menyebut Bran adalah karakter yang paling sulit untuk ditulis:
{{Quote|Number one, he is the youngest of the major viewpoint characters, and kids are difficult to write about. I think the younger they are, the more difficult. Also, he is the character most deeply involved in magic, and the handling of magic and sorcery and the whole supernatural aspect of the books is something I'm trying to be very careful with. So I have to watch that fairly sharply. All of which makes Bran's chapters tricky to write.<ref name=scifi_magical_tale>{{cite journal |last=Robinson |first=Tasha |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 23, 2002 |title=Interview: George R.R. Martin continues to sing a magical tale of ice and fire |journal=[[Science Fiction Weekly]] |publisher=[[]] |issue=190 |volume=6, No. 50 |date=December 11, 2000 |accessdate=February 2, 2012}}</ref>}}