Jean-Bertrand Aristide: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 1:
'''Jean-Bertrand Aristide''' (lahir [[15 Juli]] [[1953]]) adalah seorang politikus [[Haiti]] dan bekas [[pastor]] [[Katolik Roma]] yang menjadi [[Daftar Presiden Haiti|Presiden Haiti]] pada [[1991]] dan kemudian terpilih lagi dan menjabat sebagai Presiden sejak [[2001]] hingga disingkirkannya pada [[2004]]. Aristide adalah pemimpin Haiti yang terpilih secara demokratis dan populer di antara rakyat Haiti yang miskin.
Para kritik mengatakan bahwa ia memerintah sebagai seorang diktator dan korup sehingga digulingkan oleh sebuah kudeta militer (September 1991) dan tersingkir pada 2004 ketika sejumlah bekas tentara melakukan pemberontakan (Februari 2004). Penyingkirannya yang kedua menimbulkan kontroversi karena Aristide mengaku bahwa ia dipaksa meninggalkan negaranya di bawah tekanan Amerika Serikat dan diculik serta disingkirkan ke sebuah negara di Afrika. Sebaliknya, AS menolak pernyataan itu dan mengatakan bahwa Aristide meninggalkan negaranya dengan sukarela.
Baris 34:
Pada 2004, para wartawan yang mengkritik Aristide mengalami serangan-serangan dan ancaman. Suasana teror berlanjut dengan dibebaskannya para pelaku pembunuhan dua orang wartawan. Aristide memperluas kontrolnya terhadap televisi, namun radio tetap menjadi media berita yang paling populer.
<!--The situation deteriorated steadily throughout the year. Aristide clung to power by relying on gang-members known as ''chimères,'' organised into militia known as "popular organisations" with the task for sustaining a climate of terror in the ranks of the opposition and the press. His regime was further discredited by the appearance of "Special Brigades," a parallel police force which, like the "Tontons Macoutes" under the Duvaliers (1957–86) and the "Attachés" under General [[Raoul Cédras]] (1991–94), did the regime’s dirty work (torture and executions) and extorted money from the population.
Aristide cracked down in response to protests. Several dozen people were killed or wounded by ''chimères'' during demonstrations calling for his departure that steadily increased in size. The press was also the victim of violence. Reporters Without Borders registered some 30 cases of attacks or threats against journalists in 2003, and this was not exhaustive.
Baris 46:
Pagi-pagi buta [[29 Februari]] [[2004]], setelah dikecam keras oleh pemerintah [[Prancis]] dan [[Amerika Serikat]], Aristide terbang dalam sebuah pesawat yang dikirim oleh AS ke [[Republik Afrika Tengah]]. Keadaan di sekitar penerbangan ini diperdebatkan.
Menurut sebuah artikel dalamldalam ''[[Washington Times]],'' April, 2004
: Aristide, yang menuduh [[Amerika Serikat]] dan [[Prancis]] bersekongkol untuk memaksanya melepaskan kekuasaannya, mengajukan tuntutan hukum di [[Paris]] minggu lalu, sambil menuduh pejabat-pejabat Prancis yang tidak disebut namanya melakukan "ancaman pembunuhan, penculikan dan pengasingan" sehubungan dengan penerbangannya ke Afrika..
: Pemerintahan [[George W. Bush]] bersikeras bahwa Aristide secara pribadi telah meminta bantuan dan dengan sukarela menumpang sebuah pesawat AS. "Ia sendiri yang menyusun konsep dan menandatangani surat pengunduran dirinya dan kemudian dengan sukarela berangkat dengan istrinya dan tim pengamanannya sendiri," kata [Colin] Powell[].
Baris 57:
Wakil Presiden AS [[Dick Cheney]] dan Menteri Luar Negeri [[Colin Powell]] sama-sama melaporkan bahwa Aristide telah mengundurkan diri dengan sukarela [], [;c=Article&amp;cid=1078139090204&amp;call_pageid=968332188492&amp;col=968705899037]. [[Associated Press]] melaporkan bahwa Republik Afrika Tengah berusaha memaksa Aristide menghentikan tuduhan-tuduhannya lewat pers []. Aristide lebih jauh menuduh bahwa pernyataan pengunduran dirinya yang disebut-sebut itu telah diubah untuk menyingkirkan pernyataan bersyaratnya yang berbunyi, "'Kalau saya terpaksa pergi untuk menghindari pertumpahan darah."[]; hal ini dikuatkan oleh sebuah terjemahan oleh Reuters terhadp pernyataan asli Aristide, yang cocok kata demi kata kecuali untuk satu baris, di mana persyaratan itu telah dihapus. Pada [[14 Maret]] [[2004]], Aristide meninggalkan [[Republik Afrika Tengah]] dan berangkat ke [[Jamaika]], sehingga menimbulkan kecemasan pada pihak pemerintah Prancis dan Amerika, yang merasa bahwa kehadirannya di daerah itu akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan di Haiti. Duta besar Amerika untuk Haiti, James Foley, mengeluarkan peringatan kepada Aristide agar tetap berada sekurang-kurangnya 150 mil dari Haiti setiap saat. [[Condoleezza Rice]] dilaporkan pernah mengatakan bahwa ia tidak menginginkan kehadiran Aristide di belahan bumi barat [] .
<!--[[Lawrence Wilkerson]], formerbekas chiefkepala ofstaf staffdi tobawah [[Colin Powell]], alsojuga commentedmemberikan onkomentarnya tentang Aristide indalam ansebuah interviewwawancara withdengan [[Amy Goodman]]:
: AMY GOODMAN: Mengapa anda mengatakan bahwa Presiden Aristide terobsesi dengan kekuasaan? Dia adalah o rang yang terpilih sebagai presiden Haiti secara demokratis, jelas dengan persentase suara yang lebih tinggi daripada yang diperoleh Presiden Bush di negeri ini.
: AMY GOODMAN: Why say that the president, Aristide, had an obsession with power? This was a man who was the democratically elected president of Haiti, certainly got a higher percentage of the vote than President Bush got in this country.
: COLKOL. LAWRENCE WILKERSON: PleaseTolong, don'tjangan refermenganggap topersentase thesuara percentagesama ofdengan vote as equatable to democracydemokrasi, as equatablesama todengan thejenis-jenis kindsinstitusi ofyang institutionskita wemiliki haveyang reflectingmencerminkan democracydemokrasi indi AmericaAmerika[].
Setelah tiba di [[Jamaika]], Aristide memberikan sebuah wawancara lengkap, dan di dalamnya ia mengklaim hal-hal berikut (catatan: AS tidak mengonfirmasi ataupun menyangkal rincian-rincian ini, tetapi tetap menegaskan bahwa Aristide pergi dengan sukarela): Ia bertemu dengan dubes AS James Foley pada [[28 Februari]] [[2004]] — sehari sebelum para pemberontak direncanakan untuk menyerang ibukota. Foley setuju bahwa Aristide tampil di televisi nasional untuk meminta agar seluruh bangsa tetap tenang, seperti yang telah dilakukannya semalam sebelumnya. Ketika ia tiba di tempat tinggalnya, rumahnya dikepung oleh "ribuan" pasukan, kebanyakan Amerika, yang membuatnya merasa terintimidasi. Orang-orang Amerika mengatakan kepadanya bahwa mereka akan menyediakan pengamanan kepadanya sementara mereka mengantarkannya ke stasiun TV. Namun, sebaliknya, mereka langsung membawanya ke sebuah pesawat putih yang tidak bernama, dengan bendera Amerika di sisinya. Aristide kemudian dipaksa naik ke pesawat, diikuti oleh pasukan-pasukan AS yang bersenjata lengkap yang mengganti pakaian dengan pakaian sipil begitu mereka tiba di pesawat. Di atas pesawat, sudah ada istrinya dan 19 anggota dari [[Steele Foundation]], sebuah perusahaan militer swasta.
After arriving in [[Jamaica]], Aristide gave a full interview, in which he claimed the following specifics (note: The US has neither confirmed nor denied these details, but has insisted that Aristide left willingly): He had met with US ambassador James Foley on [[February 28]], [[2004]] — the day before the rebels were supposed to attack the capital. Foley agreed that Aristide should go on national television to appeal to the nation to remain calm, as he had done the night before. When he arrived at his residence, it was surrounded by "thousands" of troops, mostly Americans, which made him feel intimidated. The Americans told him they would provide him security as they escorted him to the media; however, instead, they took him straight to a white unmarked airplane with a US flag on the side. He was then obligated to board, followed by US troops in full gear who changed into civilian clothes once on board. On board were his wife and 19 members of [[Steele Foundation]], a private military company.
Laporan Aristide's accountsecara waslangsung directlydidukung backedoleh updua byorang two witnessessaksi: aseorang pilot anddan Aristideseorang aidepembantu Aristide, Franz Gabriel; anddan anseorang Americanpengawal securitykeamanan guardAmerika onyang thememberikan securityrincian detailkeamanan, whoyang toldmenceritakan thekepada ''Washington Post'' abouttentang thetipuan subterfugeyang todigunakan lureuntuk memancing agar Aristide awaypergi: "ThatIni wassemua justcuma bogustipuan. It'sIni cuma acerita storyyang theymereka fabricatedreka-reka"[].
OnPada [[May31 31Mei]], [[2004]], Aristide anddan hiskeluarganya familyterbang flew toke [[Johannesburg]], [[SouthAfria AfricaSelatan]], alongbersama-sama withdengan sejumlah [[Congress of theKongres UnitedAmerika StatesSerikat|USanggota CongressmenKongres]] from thedari [[CongressionalKaukus BlackKulit CaucusHitam Kongres]]. SouthAfrika AfricaSelatan characterizedmenggambarkan hismasa staytinggal asAristide di sana hanya "temporarysementara".
Setahun setelah ia meninggalkan Haiti, beberapa pejabat tinggi pemerintahannya ditangkap atau dinyatakan bersalah karena melakukan penjualan obat bius oleh pemerintah AS, termasuk direktur bandara dan kepala keamanan istana. Banyak yang menyatakan Aristide terlibat, namun tak satupun tuduhan yang telah diajukan terhadap diri bekas presiden ini.
One year after his departure from Haiti several high ranking members of his government have been arrested or convicted for drug trafficking by the U.S. Government, including the Airport Director and Head of Palace Security. Many have implicated Aristide, however no charges have been filed against the former President.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide's dramatic departure from Haiti is the second time the president has been forced into exile.
Mr Aristide, Haiti's first freely elected president in 200 years of independence, had defiantly insisted he would remain in office until his term officially expired in 2006.
But the sweeping rebellion which had largely encircled the capital - coming on top of years of complaints about his second election - proved too much, and he left the country on 29 February.
It is difficult to see how he can stage another comeback, with the United States and France turning against him.
Haitian president
Opposition groups demanded Jean-Bertrand Aristide step down
But the former Roman Catholic priest once enjoyed great popular support as a champion of the poor.
In 1990, he won the decisive victory which swept him to power as Haiti's first democratically elected president.
Months later he was overthrown in a bloody military coup. He sought exile in the US where he campaigned against Haiti's new military rulers.
His efforts paid off and he was reinstated in 1994 when the military rulers were forced to step down under international pressure and with the help of 20,000 troops, most of them American.
Forbidden to stand for a second consecutive term in 1995, Mr Aristide was replaced by Rene Preval following presidential elections. But he stood in and won the 2000 poll, which was boycotted by opposition groups.
His Lavalas Party took more than 80% of the local and parliamentary seats, but international observers criticised the poll.
Mr Aristide's second term soon became mired in political, social and economic crises. The opposition refused to recognise the outcome of the 2000 elections. A coup attempt in July 2001 was blamed on former members of the military.
Opposition groups claimed that an apparent coup attempt in December of that year had been staged by the government to justify repressive measures.
Anti-government protests, which had been frequent and ongoing since the 2000 poll, escalated in late 2003 and turned increasingly violent.
Fighter for the poor
Jean-Bertrand Aristide was born in 1953 and educated at a Roman Catholic school and seminary.
He was ordained in 1982 and became a strong supporter of liberation theology, which pressed the church to engage with social problems, including poverty and oppression. In 1986 he helped to establish a home for street children.
Anti-Aristide protester and burning barricade in Gonaives, 2003
Protests against Aristide increased in frequency and intensity in 2003
A stirring orator, he championed the poor, advocated democracy and campaigned against the dictatorship of Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier.
But his political stance and growing support angered Haiti's incumbent leaders, and he was the target of several assassination attempts in the 1980s.
His political activities were also unpopular with church officials. He was expelled from his religious order in 1988 and left the priesthood in 1994. He later married.
Mr Aristide promised to hold parliamentary elections in 2004 and to instigate a programme to help the poor.
But he singularly failed to address political divisions, and under his rule Haiti retained its status as the poorest nation in the Americas.
Mr Aristide stepped down a day after Washington questioned "his fitness to continue to govern" amid a crisis which, it said, was largely of his making.-->
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