Kaguya-sama, Love is War: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 82:
== Plot ==
Ketua OSIS Miyuki Shirogane dan Wakil Ketua OSIS Kaguya Shinomiya kelihatannya seperti pasangan yang sempurna. Kaguya adalah putri dari keluarga konglomerat yang kaya, dan Miyuki adalah siswa top di sekolah dan namanya terkenal di seantero prefektur. Meskipun mereka saling menyukai, harga diri mereka terlalu tinggi untuk mengakui perasaan cinta mereka karena keduanya percaya bahwa siapa pun yang melakukannya terlebih dahulu, dianggap kalah. Alur cerita ini mengikuti sekian banyak strategi yang mereka lakukan demi membuat yang lain mengakui perasaannya.
== Karakter ==
=== Utama ===
<!-- list only main or major characters -->
;{{nihongo|Kaguya Shinomiya|四宮 かぐや|Shinomiya Kaguya}}
:{{voiced by|[[Aoi Koga]]<ref name="main-cast">{{cite web|last=Pineda|first=Rafael Antonio|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-10-26/kaguya-sama-love-is-war-anime-teaser-video-reveals-lead-cast/.138652|title=Kaguya-sama: Love is War Anime's Teaser Video Reveals Lead Cast|website=Anime News Network|date=26 Oktober 2018|access-date=26 Oktober 2018}}</ref>}}<!--
:The titular character of the series, Kaguya is the vice president of Shuchiin Academy's [[student council]]. She is known for her beauty, intelligence and wealth, her family owning one of the largest [[Zaibatsu|business conglomerates in Japan]].{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 1}} Due to being born into a high-class family, the manner Kaguya was raised caused her to be prideful, cold and calculating, but she is really an innocent, kind and fair-minded teenage girl at heart. To make Miyuki confess his love directly or indirectly, she usually plans ahead to tilt the circumstances in her favour. Apart from engaging in student council work, she is in the Archery club.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 28}}
;{{nihongo|Miyuki Shirogane|白銀 御行|Shirogane Miyuki}}
:{{voiced by|[[Makoto Furukawa]]<ref name="main-cast"/>}}<!--
: Miyuki is the student council president of Shuchiin Academy.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 1}} He is famed for being the top student of the school who has also placed second overall in national mock exams, attributed to his studying all the time, hence his messy hair, dark circles around his eyes, and glaring look.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 4}} Like Kaguya, he is inexperienced with romance and relationships. Miyuki struggles with physical sports involving skills and has a paralyzing fear of bugs, especially [[cockroach]]es.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 7, 15}} Because his father, formerly a factory owner, {{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 83}} is unemployed and his mother does not support them, he and his younger sister Kei often take part-time jobs. A running gag in the series is how he always imagines Kaguya looking down on him and saying {{nihongo|"How cute."|お可愛いこと|Okawaii koto}}.
;{{nihongo|Chika Fujiwara|藤原 千花|Fujiwara Chika}}
:{{voiced by|[[Konomi Kohara]]<ref name="more-cast">{{cite web|last=Pineda|first=Rafael Antonio|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-11-22/kaguya-sama-love-is-war-anime-video-reveals-more-cast-ending-song/.139860|title=Kaguya-sama: Love is War Anime's Video Reveals More Cast, Ending Song|website=Anime News Network|date=22 November 2018|access-date=22 November 2018}}</ref>}}<!--
:Chika is the student council secretary of Shuchiin Academy. She is a very cheerful and friendly girl with fair skin, shoulder-length silver hair (light pink in the anime adaptation), busty chest (compared to Kaguya's), and blue eyes; she wears a black bow on her [[Bangs (hair)|bangs]]. She appears clueless to the romantic scheming between Kaguya and Miyuki, but has been friends with Kaguya since junior high.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 1, Ch. 7 profile, Ch. 20}} She comes from a notable political family: her great-grandfather was a prime minister, her uncle is a government official, and her mother is a diplomat.{{Ref|Ch. 7 profile}} She is the second of three sisters in her family.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 4}} Her father is fairly strict, screening her from reading racy material such as [[shojo manga]] or playing video games. She also has a dog named Pesu.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 8}}
: Chika's hobbies include German strategy board games, puzzles, and "[[subculture]]" (non-mainstream) activities.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 7 profile}} At school she is a member of the traditional games club, which plays [[tabletop games]],{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 28}} and she is also gifted in music, having won piano competitions when she was younger, and directing the class song.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 33}} There are several stories where Chika has intensively coached and trained Miyuki on skills that the latter lacks, such as playing volleyball, singing, overcoming fear of blood and guts, and traditional dancing. After each session, she vows not to teach him anymore, but succumbs to his pleas that call her a dependable friend or the only one who can help.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 23, 33, 49, 84}} Ai Hayasaka considers her a formidable rival due to her unpredictable behavior.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 29}} Academically she ranks in the middle of her class; her grades have dropped because of all the time she spends dealing with Miyuki and Kaguya.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 30}}
;{{nihongo|Yū Ishigami|石上 優|Ishigami Yū}}
:{{voiced by|[[Ryōta Suzuki]]<ref name="more-cast"/>}}<!--
:Yu is Shuchiin Academy's student council treasurer and an [[kouhai|underclassman]] to the other members.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 24}} He is a dark-haired boy with an [[Emo|emo-looking]] haircut with bangs covering one of his eyes. The second son of a small toy manufacturer, he only attended school because his father forced him to, and was a truant until Miyuki recruited him to be treasurer. He usually keeps to himself and wears headphones while playing video games out of his portable game console, however, he is a keen observer of people, noticing things that other do not wish to reveal, but occasionally getting in trouble for pointing out those things.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 28, profile}} He is afraid Kaguya might kill him because Kaguya tends to give him threatening glares and comments.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 3}} Chika will also occasionally beat him up for making inappropriate comments.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 3}}
: As the story goes on, Yu becomes more open with the council, particularly with Kaguya who begins to enjoy his presence as a junior, as he's shown to be very honest and sincere of others to the point where he will damage his own reputation in order to save others from being hurt. A background story reveals that in junior high, he tried to protect a classmate from her potentially abusive boyfriend, but got suspended and was then shunned by her and his classmates. When Yu randomly joins the cheer squad, Miyuki is able to figure out his back story and supports him. He overcomes the trauma of seeing the girl again.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 85-90}} He starts to like Tsubame, his senior and the vice-captain of the cheer squad. During the school festival, he casually gives Tsubame a heart-shaped gift, but is unaware that it symbolized that he was confessing to her.
;{{nihongo|Miko Iino|伊井野 ミコ|Iino Miko}}<!--
: Miko is a first-year student and a classmate of Yu. A member of the discipline committee, she first appears at the end of Miyuki's first student council term, where she runs as a competing candidate for the next student council president. She wishes to impose more orderly and proper behavior on the students, with rules such as: making guys have [[crew cuts]], having girls wear long skirts, and forbidding relationships. Despite being outspoken and strongly opinionated, she is very shy and fearful of public speaking. She is only able to speak her mind at the candidate speeches when Miyuki changes the situation into a one-on-one conversation and debate. Although she loses the election, she gets a sizable number of votes; her peers, who had made fun of her previous pathetic turnouts, begin to respect and admire her. She then joins the student council as an auditing officer.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 7}}
: Miko comes from a family of skilled attorneys. Academically she is at the top of her class. She admires Chika for her music skills as a pianist, but loathes Yu for being lazy and not taking schoolwork seriously. She occasionally thinks of Miyuki and Kaguya to be a massive playboy or sadistically evil respectively, as she has often caught them in inappropriate romantic situations.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 7}} She listens to messages that boost her self-esteem.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 95}}
=== Pendukung ===
; {{Nihongo|Nagisa Kashiwagi|柏木 渚|Kashiwagi Nagisa}}
:{{voiced by|[[Momo Asakura]]<ref name="cast3">{{cite web|last=Hodgkins|first=Crystalyn|url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-12-22/kaguya-sama-love-is-war-anime-reveals-2nd-promo-video-more-cast/.141221|title=Kaguya-sama: Love is War Anime Reveals 2nd Promo Video, More Cast|website=Anime News Network|date=23 Desember 2018|access-date=23 Desember 2018}}</ref>}}<!--
:Nagisa is a classmate who occasionally asks Kaguya about what to do in her relationships.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 16, 48}} She has short dark hair and wears a double-banded hairpin on one side. Early in the series, she is confessed to by a classmate, and ends up accepting.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 6}} The daughter in a wealthy shipbuilding family,<ref name="eng profile nagisa">{{cite web|url=http://kaguyasama-anime.com/character/#chara=kashiwagi|title=Nagisa Kashiwagi|website=Kaguya-sama: Love Is War Official USA Website|access-date=19 Februari 2019}}</ref> she academically ranks in the top ten of the class.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 30}} She later observes that perhaps Kaguya and Miyuki do like each other.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 52}} Nagisa exhibits many girlfriend behaviors such as talking a lot, being moody, or even jealousy to the point where she hires a private detective to spy on her boyfriend to see if he is having an affair, later making up with him by being very physically bold and passionate.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 76, 96}} She is one of the few people that Kaguya confides in when she faces romantic issues, and vice versa.
; {{Nihongo|Kashiwagi's boyfriend|男子生徒|Danshi seito|transl. "male student"}}<!-- name as listed in anime web site -->
:{{voiced by|[[Taku Yashiro]]<ref name="cast3"/>}}<!--
:Kashiwagi's boyfriend is a classmate who regularly asks Miyuki for love advice. When Miyuki recommends he boldly confess to Kashiwagi, he does so, and they become a couple. He is the son of a hospital director.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 6}} His name is later revealed to be Tsubasa, but is still referred by the council members as Kashiwagi's boyfriend.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 109, }}<ref name="eng profile boyfriend">{{cite web|url=http://kaguyasama-anime.com/character/#chara=boyfriend|title=Kashiwagi's Boyfriend|website=Kaguya-sama: Love Is War Official USA Website|access-date=19 Februari 2019}}</ref> His cluelessness about sharing details about his successful relationship annoys the council members.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 48}}
;{{nihongo|Ai Hayasaka|早坂 愛|Hayasaka Ai}}
:{{voiced by|[[Yumiri Hanamori]]<ref name="more-cast"/>}}<!--
:Ai is Kaguya's personal assistant and childhood friend; her father is Kaguya's godfather, and her mother was Kaguya's wet-nurse. The two girls were raised together until the age of two, when Kaguya was moved to the Shinomiya main house; on their reunion aged seven, their official master/servant relationship was established, although their true relationship is that of inseparable sisters.{{Ref|Chapter|Vol. 2, Ch. 29 profile}} Her family has been serving the Shinomiyas for generations; once prominent and rivaling the Shinomiyas, they were subsequently absorbed into the Shinomiya family in recognition of their fine bloodline.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 19}} She has short strawberry [[blond]] hair and is one-quarter Irish.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 29 profile}} At school, she acts like a [[gyaru|popular fashionable girl]] who wears her skirt short, a loose collar, fancy nails, and accessories, all of which push the dress code.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 25, 29}} She keeps her association with Kaguya a secret from Miyuki and Chika. When Miyuki visits, she dresses as a maid named {{Nihongo|Smithee A. Herthaka|スミシー・A・ハーサカ|Sumishī A hāsaka}},{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 35}},{{Ref|Episode|Ep. 9}} <!-- anime spelling, also need manga spelling --><!--who attends an all-girls school and who flirts with Miyuki.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 58}} When Chika visits, she dresses as a male butler. Ai is more socially aware than Kaguya, and can be calculative at times, but is also very sensitive as she too longs for a normal high school life and a boyfriend, which results in her teasing Kaguya frequently.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 42}} She eventually tells Miyuki who she really is and becomes his friend, while teasing Kaguya that friendship is the first step to a relationship.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 108}}
; {{Nihongo|Kei Shirogane|白銀 圭|Shirogane Kei}}
:{{voiced by|[[Sayumi Suzushiro]]<ref name="cast3"/>}}<!--
:Kei is Miyuki's little sister who is the student council treasurer in the junior high school. Kaguya admires her because she is much like her brother as she is fairly serious; that being with her is like being with Miyuki.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 39, 52}} She is also very budget conscious, taking on a part-time newspaper delivery job to help her family pay the bills. She is rebellious when it comes to interacting with her brother, finding him to be annoying and not fashionable, but still cares for him and ensures that he presents a good image when he is in front of her classmates. She is good friends with the Fujiwaras both her classmate Moeha, and Chika. Despite not interacting with Kaguya much, Kei tries to get to know Kaguya better and is happy when she makes little breakthroughs.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 52}}
; {{Nihongo|Moeha Fujiwara|藤原 萌葉|Fujiwara Moeha}}<!--
:Moeha is Chika's little sister who is in junior high.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 39, 52}} She is the student council vice-president at the junior high. She admires Miyuki as well and hopes to confess someday. She has a habit of voicing dark ideas, which unnerve Kaguya a great deal.
; {{Nihongo|Kobachi Osaragi|大仏 こばち|Osaragi Kobachi}}<!--
:Kobachi is Miko's classmate with the glasses and a member of the disciplinary committee.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 85}} She has been looking after Miko for over 10 years.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 103}} She later starts to date the Captain of the Cheer Club.
; {{Nihongo|Tsubame Koyasu|子安 つばめ|Koyasu Tsubame}}<!--
:Tsubame is a third-year student who is vice-captain of the cheer squad and a [[rhythmic gymnast]]. She is very popular. She encourages Yu in the cheering activities. Later on Yu inadvertently confesses to her, much to her and everyone else's shock. While she initially intends to reject him gently, Kaguya convinces her to think on it, and learn more about Yu before deciding. She decides to respond to his confession later, without realizing that he does not even know he has confessed; and eventually turns him down.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 156}} She is the daughter of a [[restaurateur]] and [[bartender]].{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 154}}
; {{Nihongo|Maki Shijo|四条 眞妃|Shijō Maki}}<!--
:Maki is a classmate and friend of Nagisa. She has short hair styled in short pigtails. She is friends with Nagisa and is secretly jealous of Nagisa's relationship with her boyfriend, as she too liked Kashiwagi's Boyfriend, but could not confess before. As a branch member of the Shinomiya clan, she is Kaguya's [[second cousin twice removed]] so she sometimes refers to Kaguya as "Auntie," much to Kaguya's despise. Their coldness towards each other is suggested to be due to tensions between the main family and branch families.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 98}} Miyuki and Yu observe she acts very ''[[tsundere]]'' (cold on the outside but wanting to be affectionate), and similar to Kaguya in personality.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 98}} She declares Yu and Miyuki as her friends, due to their support in helping her process her failed romance, much to Kaguya's horror (since it would mean that Miyuki has another female friend).
; {{Nihongo|Karen Kino|紀 かれん| Kino Karen}} and {{Nihongo|Erika Kose|巨瀬 エリカ|Kose Erika}}<!--
: Kaguya's schoolmates in the mass media club who are the subject of the spinoff series ''Kaguya-sama o Kataritai'' . They idolize the student council but have no real clue what they do. Karen has light brown straight hair and is the daughter of the CEO of a major publishing company.{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 12}} Erika has black hair styled in a ponytail and the daughter of a family that makes [[miso]].{{Ref|Chapter|Ch. 15}}
== Media ==